Open Data Sub-Mannville Unconformity (GIS data, line features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 19 of the Atlas, Cretaceous...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Quaternary Geology of Southern Alberta - Linear landform features (GIS data, line features)
This GIS dataset comprises the linear landform features depicted on AGS Map 207, 'Quaternary Geology, Southern Alberta'. These features include eskers, meltwater channels, moraines as well as features either parrallel to or transverse to ice movement direction (small ridges, elongated hummocks...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Region
The Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Region dataset is comprised of all the polygons representing Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Regions in Alberta. Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, Government of Alberta, manages the Fish and Wildlife enforcement services to provide the public and other...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Index Map - Distribution of Uppermost Devonian and Carboniferous Lithofacies Assemblages in the WCSB (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 14 of the Atlas, Carboniferous...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Charlie Lake Isopach and Lithofacies (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 16 of the Atlas, Triassic Strata...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Geology of the Meikle River Area (NTS 84E/SE) (GIS data, permafrost polygon features)
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the Meikle River area (NTS 84E/SE) (discontinuous permafrost features). The data were created in geodatabase format and output for public distribution in shapefile format. These data comprise the permafrost polygon features of Alberta Geological...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Geology of the Ray Lake Area (NTS 84D/NW) (GIS data, line features)
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the Ray Lake Area (NTS 84D/NW) (GIS data, line features). The data were created in geodatabase format and output for public distribution in shapefile format. These data comprise the line features of Alberta Geological Survey Map 557, Surficial...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Geology of the Lubicon Lake Area, Alberta (NTS 84B/SW) (GIS data, polygon features)
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 84B Southwest (polygon features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00) and shapefile formats.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Geology of the Faust Area (NTS 83O/SW) (GIS data, point features)
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the Faust Area (NTS 83O/SW). The data were created in geodatabase format and output for public distribution in shapefile format. These data comprise the point features of Alberta Geological Survey Map 554, Surficial Geology of the Faust Area (NTS...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Quaternary geology and bedrock subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray area, Alberta - Surface structure, Empress Fm. Unit 1 sand and gravel -...
A digital grid of the top of the Empress Fm. Unit 1 sand and gravel, (the lowermost unit in the Empress Formation), where present, or the topography of the surrounding landscape, where Unit 1 is absent. The unit is originally modeled from borehole data and adjusted to the bedrock surface and...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ASCII Grid