Open Data NTS 250K Grid - Digital Baseline Mapping at 1:250,000 (NTS)
Index Grid for NTS 1:250,000 scale mapsOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data WSA - Water Polygon Features (50,000)
One of the spatial views of the BC WATERSHED ATLAS 50K, which is the digital basemap representation of the aquatic Man-made waterbodies, Wetlands and Double-line Rivers based on the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Oil and Gas Road Right of Way Permits
Land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction road rights of way collected on or after October 30, 2006. This dataset is updated nightly.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage
The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets. Records from the following datasets have been included: The Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS); the Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Bedrock Geology
British Columbia Digital Geology is the data source used for the seamless province-wide, up-to-date, and detailed bedrock geology. The bedrock geology is standardized with consistent stratigraphic code and geometries, and integrates all details of compilations from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000. The...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Boundaries
Jurisdictional boundaries for the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR). This dataset represents the regional operational boundaries for the former Provincial Emergency Program (PEP).Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Forest Tenure Special Access Road Polygon
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Lines. These are the spatial representation of the polygonal geometry for FSR Dedications and FSR Gravel PitsOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data MASCOT Geodetic Control Monuments
Mascot geodetic control monuments for BC. Geodetic Control Monuments are a network of interconnected markers in the ground which have accurately determined coordinates, and/or elevations. They are fixed points on which to spatially reference surveys, mapping, aerial and satellite imaging, etcOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data BC Historical Fish Distribution - Points (50,000)
Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS) layer of Historic (pre 2001) Fish Distribution Points of BC Streams. Points represent site locations where a fish species is rearing, spawning or observed or where a point is located at the mouth of a stream it indicates the presence of a fish species...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Regional Geochemical Survey Data
2020 DATABASE (Excel): The joint federal-provincial Regional Geochemical Surveys (RGS) have been carried out in British Columbia since 1976 as part of the National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) program to aid exploration and development of mineral resources. The British Columbia Geological...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML