Open Data Aquifer Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion – Pumping and Coastal hazard
A newer dataset developed in 2021, called Aquifer Vulnerability to Sea Water Intrusion, has replaced this version. This dataset remains available for download for comparison purposes. This dataset was developed as part of the Risk Assessment Framework for Coastal Bedrock Aquifers project...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table - 20k Spatial View
STE_TEM_20K_POLYS_SVW contains Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes completed at a scale of 1 to 20 000. TEM divides the landscape into units according to...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data North Thompson Caribou Habitat Clearwater Forest District
North Thompson Caribou Habitat within the Clearwater Forest DistrictOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data NTS 250K Grid - Digital Baseline Mapping at 1:250,000 (NTS)
Index Grid for NTS 1:250,000 scale mapsOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data WSA - Water Polygon Features (50,000)
One of the spatial views of the BC WATERSHED ATLAS 50K, which is the digital basemap representation of the aquatic Man-made waterbodies, Wetlands and Double-line Rivers based on the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Oil and Gas Road Right of Way Permits
Land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction road rights of way collected on or after October 30, 2006. This dataset is updated nightly.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Pest Infestation Points
Forest disturbances mapped primarily by the annual provincial aerial overview survey are recorded as polygons or spots (point data). This data set represents the spot (point) data. Each spot is labelled by the year of survey, forest health factor (disturbance agent), severity class, area, numbers...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Fibre Recovery Zones
The Fibre Recovery Zones (FRZ) define areas where increased waste rates may apply to avoidable waste left on a cutting authority as detailed in the Provincial Logging Residue and Waste Measurement Procedure Manual. The boundaries have been approved by the Director of the Forest Tenures Branch,...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Aquatic Invasive Species of British Columbia
Site locations of aquatic invasive species occurrences throughout the province. The aquatic invasive species include species of amphibians, fishes, invertebrates, plants, alga and turtles. This spatial dataset was compiled from a number of data sources including The Invasive Plant Council of BC;...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage
The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets. Records from the following datasets have been included: The Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS); the Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML