Government of British Columbia

594 datasets found
  • Open Data

    TANTALIS - Crown Land Rights-of-way

    TA_CROWN_RIGHTS_OF_WAY_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Statutory Rights-of-way. Statutory rights-of-way are registerable in a Land Titles office, and are normally issued to authorize linear uses of Crown Land for transportation, communication, energy...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    FADM - Tree Farm License (TFL) Schedule A

    The spatial representation for a Tree Farm Licence Schedule A, which is private land or timber owned by the Tree Farm licence holder that is part of the Established Tree Farm Licence. These private lands can be inside or outside the main body of the Tree Farm Licence For further information on...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    MTA - Mineral Titles Client Tenure XREF

    A table that stores client numbers and their associated mineral, placer and coal title numbers. Used as a cross reference to the MTA - Mineral, Placer and Coal tenure SVW dataset.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Ecoprovinces - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia

    An ecoprovince is an area with consistent climatic or oceanography, relief and regional landforms. There one oceanic, two marine / terrestrial and seven terrestrial ecoprovinces occurring within British Columbia. Ecoprovinces are meant to be mapped at 1:2,000,000 for use in provincial state of...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Mule Deer Winter Range Habitat Management Zones - Cariboo Region

    Mule deer habitat management zones and associated timber harvest opportunities within mule deer winter range in the Cariboo Region.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Ta...

    TEM_ GT20K contains TEM polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes completed at a scale greater than 1:20 000 (i.e. 1:10 000 or 1:5 000). TEM divides the landscape into units according to a variety...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    Natural Resource (NR) Regions

    The spatial representation for a Natural Resource (NR) Region, that is an administrative area established by the Ministry, within NR Areas. These boundaries are designated by the Lieutenant Governor in council and published as regulations which establishes the Ministry's management areas. This...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    DEPRECATED - Communities Affected by Evacuation Orders and Alerts

    DEPRECATED: During a declared emergency event, this dataset will include the communities affected by Evacuation Order Orders and Alerts, which represents the populated communities and First Nations in the province, and their current evacuation status.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Land Designations that Contribute to Conservation in BC - Spatial Data

    NOTE: Not for operational use. This dataset is the result of an analysis (Aug 2018) of many input layers and as such the accuracy, currency, and completeness of the dataset cannot be relied upon for operational or management decision making. Land designations that contribute to conservation are...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource Formats:
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    • SHP
  • Open Data

    Food Banks

    Food Banks is a point dataset identifying food banks in British Columbia.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    FADM - Public Sustained Yield Units

    The spatial representation for a Public Sustained Yield Unit, which is an area of Crown land, usually a natural topographic unit determined by drainage areas, managed for sustained yield by the Crown through the Ministry of Forests. It includes all Crown lands within the currently established...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping - Sheep Mtn

    Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping for Sheep Mountain in the Rocky Mountain Forest District (ttem_sh)
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    TANTALIS - Crown Land Licenses

    TA_CROWN_LICENSES_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Land Act Licences. Land Act Licences (chapter 245) is not registerable, does not require a survey, possesses fewer rights than a lease and conveys non-exclusive use. The view was created to provide a...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Terrain Inventory Mapping (TIM) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table ...

    Terrain Inventory Mapping (TIM) contains polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. TIM is multi-purpose and divides the landscape into units according to surficial material, surface expression...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Steller Sealions - Coastal Resource Information Management Sy...

    Modeled data showing the likely distribution of steller sealions. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that was acquired in a systematic and synoptic manner from 1979 and was intermittently updated throughout the years. Resource information was collected in nine study areas using...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Freshwater Atlas Glaciers

    Glaciers and ice masses for the province, derived from aerial imagery flown in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Please refer to the Glaciers dataset for recent glacier extents in British Columbia, and Historical Glaciers for a comparable historic view.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Freshwater Atlas Linear Boundaries

    All bank edges (of rivers, lakes, and wetlands), delimiter edges, glacier edges, and administrative boundary edges. These are the linear features that makeup the polygonal waterbodies
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    WorkBC Centres

    This dataset is comprised of Employment Service office locations that offer assistance to job seekers in British Columbia.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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