Open Data Hydrology: Low Flow Zones
Zones of homogeneous low flow characteristicsOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Coastal BC Bathymetry - Coastal Resource Information Management System (CRIMS)
Coastal British Columbia bathymetry. Depth P - Photic 0-20m S - Shallow 20-200m M - Midepth 200 - 500 D - Deep 500-1000m A - Abyssal > 1000m X - unknown Blanks are land CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that was acquired in a systematic and synoptic manner from 1979 and was...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Species Distribution Modeling and Wildlife Habitat Ratings Project Boundaries
Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) and Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) project boundaries contains (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g. reports, WHR polygon datasets, plotfiles)....Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Growth and Yield Plots - Active Status
This layer is the authoritative source for locating Active Status Growth and Yield plots also known as Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs). These plots are protected and require an additional minimum windfirm buffer of 50m radius in the interior and 100m radius on the coast. These are generally 16m...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data ParcelMap BC Parcel Polygons
ParcelMap BC is the current, complete and trusted mapped representation of titled and Crown land parcels across British Columbia, considered to be the point of truth for the graphical representation of property boundaries. It is not the authoritative source for the legal property boundary or...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Range Tenure Polygons
This spatial layer displays Range Tenures (grazing and hay cutting licence and permits) administered by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. A Range Tenure is an area of Crown rangeland where a Range Act tenure applies. Tenure holders access a defined amount of forage...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Mule Deer Winter Range Habitat Management Zones - Cariboo Region
Mule deer habitat management zones and associated timber harvest opportunities within mule deer winter range in the Cariboo Region.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data FADM - Tree Farm License (TFL) Schedule A
The spatial representation for a Tree Farm Licence Schedule A, which is private land or timber owned by the Tree Farm licence holder that is part of the Established Tree Farm Licence. These private lands can be inside or outside the main body of the Tree Farm Licence For further information on...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data RESULTS - Forest Cover Silviculture
RESULTS opening's forest cover poylgons with silviculture component provided. Current forest cover subimssion into RESULTS must contain attribute and map information. However, there are historical forest cover polygon infomration where maps are not available. Forest Cover is provided at three...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data TANTALIS - Wildlife Management Areas
TA_WILDLIFE_MGMT_AREAS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of the areas under the administration and control of the Conservation Lands Program of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development and designated as Wildlife Management Areas under the...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML