Open Data Species Distribution Modeling and Wildlife Habitat Ratings Project Boundaries
Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) and Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) project boundaries contains (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g. reports, WHR polygon datasets, plotfiles)....Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Soil Survey Project Boundaries
Soil Survey Project Boundaries (soil mapping study areas) contains the soil survey project area and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., soil survey reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, scanned...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative Boundary - Linework
The Georgia Basin Boundary dataset displays the extent of the Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative undertaken by the federal, provincial, and municipal governments. The objectives of the project are to support initiatives for clean air, clean water, habitat and species protection, and improved...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative Boundary - Polygon
The Georgia Basin Boundary dataset displays the extent of the Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative undertaken by the federal, provincial, and municipal governments. The objectives of the project are to support initiatives for clean air, clean water, habitat and species protection, and improved...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) Project Boundaries
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) project boundaries contains (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, field data, legends).TEM divides the...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table Spatial View
SEI_Polygons contains Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. SEI identifies and maps rare and fragile terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystems mapped may include (but...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Terrestrial Ecosystem Information (TEI) Data Distribution Packages
The TEI Data Distribution packages in this folder contain of the full Terrestrial Ecosystem Information (TEI) dataset split into Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) data and non-PEM data which includes Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM), Terrain Mapping (TER), Bioterrain Mapping (TBT) Terrain...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) Project Boundaries
Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) project boundaries (study areas) contains attributes describing each project (project level metadata), and includes links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g. reports, polygon datasets, plot files). SEI identifies and maps rare and...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Terrestrial Ecosystem Information Scanned Map Boundary
STE_SCANNED_MAP_BOUNDARY_SP includes an index of the mapsheet grid location of Soils, Terrain, Ecosystems and related scanned maps (including Agriculture Capability and Climate Capability maps). These maps are intended for on-screen viewing or printing. The majority of the maps have been geo-...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Fire Maintained Ecosystem Restoration for the Rocky Mountain Forest District
Fire maintained ecosystem restoration for the Rocky Mountain Forest District. The data was provided by MOFR/Interior Reforestation and compiled based on the various sources including VRI, BEC, TSR2 Algorithm 2003, etc.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML