Government of British Columbia

135 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Water Reservations - Points

    Province-wide spatial view showing the most downstream point of a stream or drainage system, established by Order-in-Council as a Water Reservation. This layer is updated daily.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) Project Boundaries

    Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) project boundaries (study areas) contains attributes describing each project (project level metadata), and includes links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g. reports, polygon datasets, plot files). SEI identifies and maps rare and...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Range Units

    A Range Unit is an administrative area established to assist in the management of the range program. Typically made up of one or more pastures. Generally, one or more Range Units make up a Stock Range
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Water Licensed Works - Lines

    Province-wide SDE layer showing linear works associated with a Water Licence
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Forest Tenure Free Use Permit

    This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Free Use Permits. These are permits issued by the Ministry that authorize the permittee to cut and use Crown timber without charge. The permit is confined to a small area and for short durations of time.
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Range Tenure Polygons

    This spatial layer displays Range Tenures (grazing and hay cutting licence and permits) administered by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. A Range Tenure is an area of Crown rangeland where a Range Act tenure applies. Tenure holders access a defined amount of forage...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Licensed Springs

    Province-wide SDE spatial layer displaying water points of diversion on licensed springs, joined with licence information. This layer is an instantiation of the spatial view WLS_POD_LICENCE_SOURCES_SVW
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Species and Ecosystems at Risk - Publicly Available Occurrences - CDC

    The B.C. Conservation Data Centre’s spatial view of publicly available, known locations of species and ecological communities at risk. This spatial view is split into the "Publicly Available Occurrences" layer and "(Extirpated and Historical) Publicly Available Occurrences" layer. The Extirpated...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Forest Tenure Timber Licence Elimination

    The spatial representation for the areas that have been eliminated from a timber licence
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Forest Tenure Timber Licence

    A spatial representation of the Map Blocks for Timber Licences
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Forest Tenure Map Notation Polygon

    This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Polygons. These are polygonal spatial representation for a notation on the Forest Atlas which records the area of interest of other government agencies and individuals
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Ecoregions - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia

    An ecoregion is an area with major physiographic and minor macroclimatic or oceanographic variation. There are 43 ecoregion in British Columbia of which 39 are terrestrial. Ecodivsions are meant to be mapped at 1:500,000 for regional strategic planning
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    BEC Map

    The current and most detailed version of the approved corporate provincial digital Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Zone/Subzone/Variant/Phase map (version 12, September 2, 2021). Use this version when performing GIS analysis regardless of scale. This mapping is deliberately extended...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) Project Boundaries

    Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) project boundaries contains (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, field data, legends).TEM divides the...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Visual Landscape Inventory - Screenings (Polygons)

    Vegetative or non-vegetative objects alongside major roads and highways preventing passers by from seeing the surrounding landscape
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    FADM - Provincial Forest Addition

    The spatial representation for a Forest Addition, which is any Forest land that is to be designated by the Lieutenant Governor, into an established forest, to be managed and used for the social and economic benefit of the Province
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    TANTALIS - Crown Tenures

    Current Land Act tenures and applications for such tenures: a subset of crown land dispositions that are issued for specific purposes and periods of time under an agreement between an individual or company and the provincial government for an interest in crown land. Conveyances of ownership are...
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Range Pastures

    A Range Pasture is a grazing area enclosed and separated from other areas by fencing or other barriers (e.g. Natural Range Barrier). May be the management unit of grazing land as reflected in a Range Use Plan. Range Pastures are administrative and not legal boundaries.
    Government of British Columbia
    Issued by:
    Government of British Columbia
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