Open Data Ministry of Social Development Region Boundaries
This file contains the regional boundaries for the five Ministry regions. It is currently available as a .kmz (a compressed .kml file). The Ministry no longer uses a 'regional' model for service delivery. As such, this is just maintained for historical purposes.Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) Zones - Current Opportunities Polygon
Current Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) Zones polygons are hunting opportunities created via a lottery, and the details are found in the LEH Synopsis. Participation in the LEH draw is available to any resident of BC who legally possesses a BC Resident Hunter Number. The purpose of Limited Entry...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Bedrock Geology
British Columbia Digital Geology is the data source used for the seamless province-wide, up-to-date, and detailed bedrock geology. The bedrock geology is standardized with consistent stratigraphic code and geometries, and integrates all details of compilations from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000. The...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Trapline Cabins - Kootenay Region
Existing and Cancelled Trapline Cabin Sites within the Kootenay Region (qtrpcbr4).Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Operability - Revelstoke TSA
Operability for the Revelstoke TSA (topr_rv)Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Muskwa Kechika Access Routes (Line)
Muskwa-Kechika Access Management Area Access RoutesOrganization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Boundaries
Jurisdictional boundaries for the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR). This dataset represents the regional operational boundaries for the former Provincial Emergency Program (PEP).Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Seed Planning Zone Geometry
Seed Planning Zone (SPZ) geometry is comprised of geographic areas of the province that are characterized by common ecological and genetic attributes for a given forest tree species. SPZ's are used for seedlot registration, seed planning, seed transfer and seedlot selection for reforestation. The...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Community Watersheds - Current
Boundaries (polygons) of areas designated as community watershed by government - that are all or part of the drainage area that is upslope of the lowest point from which water is diverted for human consumption by a licensed waterworks, if satisfied that, to protect the water that is diverted for...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data VRI - 2023 - Forest Vegetation Composite Rank 1 Layer (R1)
Geospatial forest inventory dataset updated for depletions, such as harvesting, and projected annually for growth. Sample attributes in this dataset include: age, species, volume, height. The Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI) spatial datasets describe both where a vegetation resource (ie...Organization:Government of British ColumbiaIssued by:Government of British ColumbiaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB