Communications Security Establishment Canada

Please note that the Open Information Portal contains a sample of government of Canada publications and information resources. For more resources, please visit Government of Canada Publications and Library and Archives Canada.

11 datasets found
  • Open Information

    Telework Security Issues (ITSAP.10.016)

    Telework is a flexible and convenient work arrangement that allows you to work outside of the traditional office environment. By remotely connecting to your organization’s network, you can continue to use applications and access information as though you were in the office.
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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    Mobile Devices and Business Travellers (ITSAP.00.087)

    As a business traveller, you should carefully consider the potential risks of using a mobile device during your travel. A compromised device has the potential to allow unauthorized access to your organization’s network, placing not only your own information at risk, but also that of the...
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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  • Open Information

    Resources - Get Cyber Safe 2021

    Get the latest videos, info-graphics and shareable content to help you stay cyber safe.
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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    Best Practices for Passphrases and Passwords (ITSAP.30.032)

    You have passwords for everything: your devices, your accounts (e.g. banking, social media, and email), and the websites you visit. By using passphrases or strong passwords you can protect your devices and information. Review the tips below to learn how you can create passphrases, strengthen your...
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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    Don't Take the Bait: Recognize and Avoid Phishing Attacks

    Phishing is an attack where a scammer calls you, texts or emails you, or uses social media to trick you into clicking a malicious link, downloading malware, or sharing sensitive information. Phishing attempts are often generic mass messages, but the message appears to be legitimate and from a...
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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    Parliamentarians: So You Think You’ve Been Hacked? What to do...

    A compromise of your social media or email account has serious implications. If you think your email or social media accounts have been breached, you should follow the steps below and contact your IT security officer. Depending on the nature of the suspected compromise, your IT security officer...
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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  • Open Information

    Password Managers-Security (ITSAP.30.025)

    "Trying to use different and complex passwords for every website, account, and application can be challenging. If you are experiencing password overload, you may become careless. Maybe you keep all your passwords written down or reuse the same, easy to remember password. You can use a password...
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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  • Open Information

    Spotting Malicious Email Messages (ITSAP.00.100)

    Organizations and their networks are frequently targeted by a wide variety of threat actors looking to steal information. Cyber intruders are technologically savvy, vulnerability conscious, and aggressively agile; a successful intrusion can quickly lead to the loss of data integrity and...
    Communications Security Establishment Canada
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