Environment and Climate Change Canada

677 datasets found
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    North American Breeding Bird Survey: Population trend and annual indices for ...

    Population trend estimates based on data collected through the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), for approximately 300 Canadian bird species. The trend results are Canadian trends and thus use data from Canadian BBS routes only. Results are updated annually; these estimates use BBS data...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    North Saskatchewan River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data

    Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for three sites in the North Saskatchewan River basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other physical-chemical variables are included in this dataset. Monitoring is conducted by Environment and Climate Change...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Freshwater Inventory and Surveillance of Mercury: Water Quality Data

    Annual freshwater quality monitoring data for 20 lakes across Canada. Parameters include total mercury, methylmercury, pH, alkalinity, specific conductance, colour, chlorophyll, nutrients, ions, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon, and total metals. In most years surface samples were collected...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Peace - Athabasca River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data

    Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for over five sites in the Peace - Athabasca River Basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other physical-chemical variables are included in this dataset. Monitoring is conducted by Environment and Climate Change...
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    Environment Canada Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Database

    Evaluation and characterization of physical properties, chemical composition and behavior of petroleum products is crucial to predict environmental behaviour in the event of spills. This information can inform the prediction and modeling of fate and behavior of the oils in different environmental...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Environment and Climate Change Canada List of 2015 Peer-reviewed Scientific a...

    Citation information for scientific and technical articles published in 2015 co-authored by Environment Canada researchers. The structure of this publication list utilizes the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Z39.29-2005 (R2010)...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Borden Forest Ozone and Sulphur Dioxide Dry Deposition Study

    These data are associated with the following two publications: Zhiyong Wu, Staebler R., Vet R., and Zhang L. (2016), Dry deposition of O3 and SO2 estimated from gradient measurements above a temperate mixed forest. Environmental Pollution, 210, 202-210, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.11.052 and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Alert, Nunavut - Ground Level Ozone Study

    Ground level ozone (GLO3) was measured at the Alert, Nunavut research station (82º28’N, 62º30’W) from 31 December 1991 to 31 December 2003. These measurements were conducted to: 1. determine a long term trend in background ozone, and 2. to understand the annual appearance of surface level ozone...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Pan Am 2015 Study

    Systematic air quality measurements were made in the study region of Toronto during the 2015 Pan-Am games (July 14th – July 29th). These measurements were done using the mobile lab CRUISER (Canadian Regional and Urban Investigation System for Environmental Research) to identify emission sources...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lower Mackenzie River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data - Canada'...

    Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for over 19 sites in the Lower Mackenzie River Basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other physical-chemical variables are included in this dataset. Monitoring is conducted by Environment and Climate Change Canada...
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    Freshwater Quality Surveillance Data – Pacific Basin

    Contaminants surveillance data in freshwater at sites in the Pacific Basin are included in this dataset. Measurements may include physical-chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, alkalinity, and major ions; nutrients, metals, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Significant New Activity Publications under the Canadian Environmental Protec...

    This dataset includes all significant new activity (SNAc) orders and notices published under the authority of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). The SNAc provisions of CEPA may be applied to a substance or living organism when Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health...
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    Bioavailability of pharmaceuticals in Northern Pike in the St. Lawrence River

    Aquatic systems near major urban centers are constantly contaminated with effluent from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Pharmaceuticals are part of the contamination and several classes of drugs have been detected in surface waters in the last decade. To better understand the impact of those...
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    Novel brominated flame retardants and dechloranes in three fish species from ...

    Restrictions in the utilization of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) mixtures have led to the increased usage of alternative flame retardant additives in a wide range of commercial applications. The present study examined the occurrence of established and emerging flame retardants (EFRs) in...
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    Acute and chronic toxicity of neonicotinoid and butenolide insecticides to th...

    Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticides in the world. They are preferentially toxic to insects while displaying a low toxicity toward vertebrates, and this selective toxicity has resulted in the rapid and ubiquitous use of these compounds. However, neonicotinoids have been detected...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Fish health metrics for Niagara River AOC Brown bullhead and Yellow perch

    This dataset contains the fish health metrics (length, weight, gonad size, etc.) for Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) and Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) collected from three site locations (Queenston, Point Abino, and Black Creek) within the Niagara River Area of Concern for 2004 and 2008....
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in ringed seals (Phoca hispida) across t...

    Ringed seals (Phoca hispida) have been used as bioindicator species of environmental contamination in Canada since the 1970s. In the present study, seals were harvested during subsistence hunts in four regions of the Canadian Arctic: Beaufort Sea, Arctic Archipelago, Hudson Bay, and coastal...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Sensitivity of freshwater mussel species to various pesticides detected in On...

    Freshwater mussels contribute important ecological functions to aquatic systems. The water filtered by mussel assemblages can improve water quality, and the mixing of sediments by burrowing mussels can improve oxygen content and release nutrients. However, nearly 70 percent of North American...
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    Parasite community in Athabasca River trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus)

    The study examines the parasite communities in Athabasca River Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) at five sites along the main stem of the Athabasca River to explore whether any observed changes in parasite abundance or community structure might correlate with small-scale variations in water...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    North American Breeding Bird Survey Maps for Canada

    This collection houses PDFs of active BBS route maps, which are grouped by province or territory. These maps allow BBS volunteers in Canada to easily locate the start of their route, and to navigate the official route. The BBS is jointly coordinated by Environment Canada's Canadian Wildlife...
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