Environment and Climate Change Canada

72 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Lake Huron Nearshore Waters Assessment

    Water quality and ecosystem health data used to conduct a cumulative effects assessment of Lake Huron and St. Marys River nearshore waters in support of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement are included in this dataset. Data related to nearshore stressors is integrated into an overall...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Precipitation: Turkey Lakes Watershed Study

    Weekly precipitation quantity has been measured at both at the primary meteorological site as well as at five other sites within the watershed. Daily precipitation quantity has been measured at the primary meteorological site until 2017. Weekly chemistry analysis of H+, major ions, nutrients and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Daily Discharge: Turkey Lakes Watershed Study

    Continuous, year-round measurement of stream stage that is later converted to flow using a stage-discharge relationship occurs on at/near the lake outflows and 2 other stations along the principal watershed tributary, Norberg Creek. Measurements ended in 2016. Supplemental Information The Climate...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Groundwater Study: Turkey Lakes Watershed Study

    Groundwater wells were installed in the Turkey Lakes Watershed basin in the early 1980’s. These test wells were installed in eight sub-basins of the watershed and range in depth from 0.5 to 9.7 metres. They are located on a variety of terrain throughout. The water chemistry has been sampled at...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lake of the Woods Water Quality Initiative: Phosphorus

    One component of this initiative aims to improve current understanding of nutrient dynamics and cyanobacterial and harmful bloom (cHAB) occurrences on Lake of the Woods. Research will focus on investigating the sources of nutrients and additional mechanisms influencing cHAB development and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Nutrients in Great Lakes Priority Tributaries Data

    Water quality monitoring data collected in priority tributaries to provide nutrient concentration data to estimate nutrient loads to the waters of the Great Lakes. Data is collected to advance the science to understand and address the complex problem of recurrent toxic and nuisance algae in the...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Fish Health Metrics for Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern Brown bullhead

    This dataset contains the fish health metrics (length, weight, gonad size, etc.) for Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) collected from three site locations (Randal Reef, Carol's Point and Jordan Harbour) within the Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern. Supplemental Information: Funding for this...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) sampled in water and snow ...

    The delivery of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from snowpacks into Lake Hazen, located on Ellesmere Island (Nunavut, Canada) indicates that annual atmospheric deposition is a major source of PFAS that undergo complex cycling in the High Arctic. Perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCA) in...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Assessing the toxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) to Hyalella azteca an...

    These data contain the results of chronic toxicity tests with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) to Hyalella azteca and Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) to set a PFOA freshwater target concentration for cleanup of industrial sites. Citation: Bartlett AJ, De Silva AO, Schissler DM, Hedges AM, Brown...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Hamilton Harbour Vertical Profiling Data

    Hamilton Harbour is a 2200 ha embayment located at the west end of Lake Ontario It was designated as one of 43 Areas of Concern in 1987 under the GLWQA where 11 beneficial uses of the harbour were deemed impaired. One of the primary recommendations of the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Great Lakes Areas of Concern Monitoring and Surveillance Data

    Water quality and ecosystem health surveillance and monitoring data collected to complete assessments of beneficial use impairments of Areas of Concern (AOCs) and to track the effectiveness of remedial measures and confirm restoration of beneficial uses are included in this dataset. AOCs are...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Great Lakes Connecting Channels Monitoring and Surveillance Data

    Water quality and suspended sediment monitoring and surveillance data collected from the connecting channels of the Great Lakes to determine baseline water quality status, long term trends and spatial distributions, the effectiveness of management actions, determine compliance with sediment...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Great Lakes Sediment Monitoring and Surveillance Data

    Sediment quality data from the Great Lakes collected to determine baseline status, long term trends and spatial distributions, the effectiveness of management actions, determine compliance with sediment quality objectives and identify emerging issues are included in this dataset.
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    Great Lakes Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Data

    Water quality and ecosystem health data collected in the Great Lakes and priority tributaries to determine baseline water quality status, long term trends and spatial distributions, the effectiveness of management actions, determine compliance with water quality objectives and identify emerging...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Nearshore Nuisance Benthic Algae Data (2012- )

    Water quality and ecosystem health data are collected in the nearshore zone of the Great Lakes to address the problem of nuisance benthic algae. Monitoring data include physical and chemical water quality data as well as biological data, primarily from Cladophora and dreissenid mussels on the...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Great Lakes Nearshore Waters Assessment

    Water quality and ecosystem health data used to conduct a cumulative effects assessment of Canadian Great Lakes nearshore waters in support of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement are included in this dataset. The data was collected by various government and non-government agencies and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Great Lakes Basin Integrated Nutrient Dataset (2000-2019)

    The Great Lakes Basin Integrated Nutrient Dataset compiles and standardizes phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended solids data collected between the 2000-2019 water years from multiple Canadian and American sources around the Great Lakes. Ultimately, the goal is to enable regional nutrient data...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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  • Open Data

    Water quality in Canadian rivers indicators

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada’s performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The data collection contains datasets that track water quality within Canada. The Water quality in Canadian rivers indicators...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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  • Open Data

    Zebra mussel densities, shell free dry mass and sample site information in L...

    At offshore sites, triplicate Ponar grabs (0.052 m-2) of sediment were collected from the M/V Namao. At nearshore sites, sediment samples were collected from a smaller workboat using a Petite Ponar grab (0.023 m-2) at the 3 m depth contour. Total sampling effort varied across the three years...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lake Superior Nearshore Waters Assessment

    Water quality and ecosystem health data used to conduct a cumulative effects assessment of Lake Superior nearshore waters in support of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement are included in this dataset. Data related to nearshore stressors is integrated into an overall assessment in a...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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