Environment and Climate Change Canada

7 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Roberts Bank Shorebird Surveys, British Columbia - Approx. Survey Area

    This polygon outlines the basic area included in the survey counts. This area is the best approximation of the mudflat that can be surveyed from shore and is exposed at tide tide height of 3.5 m, based on tidal predictions at Point Atkinson, British Columbia.
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Atlantic Colonies - Density Analysis

    Data Sources: Banque informatisée des oiseaux de mer au Québec (BIOMQ: ECCC-CWS Quebec Region) Atlantic Colonial Waterbird Database (ACWD: ECCC-CWS Atlantic Region).. Both the BIOMQ and ACWD contain records of individual colony counts, by species, for known colonies located in...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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  • Open Data

    Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals in fis...

    The bioaccumulation of a broad range of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals (PPCPs) was studied in Cootes Paradise Marsh (CPM), an urban wetland that receives tertiary treated municipal waste waters as well as urban storm runoff. PPCPs were measured in caged and wild goldfish, as...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Acrylonitrile - P2 Notice

    This notice applied to owners of facilities that manufactured synthetic rubber using acrylonitrile which resulted in releases of acrylonitrile to the environment. This notice was in effect from May 24, 2003, to May 31, 2007, for facilities involved in the manufacture of synthetic rubber. It is...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Assessing the effects of the antidepressant venlafaxine to Fathead minnows ex...

    Venlafaxine is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety drug that has been detected in municipal wastewater at low concentrations. To assess the potential of this compound to affect the survival, development and reproductive capacity of fish, we exposed Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) over a full...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Baseline water quality in the Petitot River Basin and surrounding Watersheds

    As part of a three year study funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Natural Resources Canada (ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative, project UOSGQ963; http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/funding/current-fundingprograms/eii/4985) data were gathered to assess and monitor water quality conditions...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canadian Breeding Bird Census Plots

    The Canadian Breeding Bird Census (BBC) Database contains data for 928 breeding bird plot censuses representing all known censuses of breeding birds carried out in Canada during the period 1929–1993. The 928 records in the database represent 640 unique census plots located in all provinces and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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