Department of Justice Canada

Please note that the Open Information Portal contains a sample of government of Canada publications and information resources. For more resources, please visit Government of Canada Publications and Library and Archives Canada.

8 datasets found
  • Open Information

    Legal Aid in Canada 2022–2023

    In Canada, responsibility for criminal justice is shared between the federal government for criminal law making and criminal procedure and the provincial and territorial governments for the administration of the justice system, outside of criminal prosecutions in the territories which are a...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Open Government at Justice Canada: A Year in Review

    Justice Canada’s Open Government (OpenGov) Advisory Group is an internal advisory group that provides expert guidance and endorses the Department's open government initiatives. This internal advisory group reports annually to senior managers within the Department on their activities through a...
    Department of Justice Canada
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  • Open Information

    Victims of Crime Research Digest

    The Victims of Crime Research Digest will be an annual, joint publication featuring short articles dedicated to victims of crime research. Research is an important tool in helping to incorporate victims' voices on many issues in the criminal justice system and to affect change in legislation,...
    Department of Justice Canada
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  • Open Information

    Legal Aid in Canada 2021-22

    While policy development related to criminal legal aid is a shared federal/provincial/territorial responsibility, each province and territory is responsible for the delivery of legal aid services based on their own policies and procedures. This report provides national level statistics4 on...
    Department of Justice Canada
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  • Open Information

    2019 to 2020 Fees Report

    This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act and section 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that the Department of Justice had the authority to set in 2019–20. Government of Canada departments may set...
    Department of Justice Canada
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  • Open Information

    Canadian Victims Bill of Rights Complaint Mechanism

    The Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (CVBR) came into force on July 23, 2015. The CBVR created statutory rights at the federal level for victims of crime. The legislation establishes statutory rights for victims of information, protection, participation, and to seek restitution. It also requires...
    Department of Justice Canada
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  • Open Information

    State of the Criminal Justice System - Annual Reports

    The Department of Justice Canada created the first performance monitoring framework (“the Framework”) for Canada’s criminal justice system in 2019. The Framework identified broad expected outcomes, measured by key indicators. The State of the Criminal Justice System Report presents quantitative...
    Department of Justice Canada
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  • Open Information

    Departmental Results Reports, Departmental Performance Reports

    The Departmental Performance Reports and Departmental Results are similar, but different functions that serve to outline the strategic outcomes of the Department of Justice, but also the accomplishments that occurred over the fiscal year. The report describes to the purpose of the Department of...
    Department of Justice Canada
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