Department of Justice Canada

62 datasets found
  • Open Information

    Open Government at Justice Canada: A Year in Review

    Justice Canada’s Open Government (OpenGov) Advisory Group is an internal advisory group that provides expert guidance and endorses the Department's open government initiatives. This internal advisory group reports annually to senior managers within the Department on their activities through a...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Characteristics of child support payers and recipients

    This report focuses on providing demographic and socio-economic characteristics of child support payers and recipients enrolled and not enrolled in a MEP, the compliance and arrears status of payers enrolled in a MEP, ethnic and racial identity, and housing and residential situation of payers and...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Child Support Practices in Canada: Results from the 2022 National Family Law ...

    Since 1998, the Department of Justice Canada has conducted biennial surveysFootnote1 of lawyers’ and judges’ experiences of family law in Canada.Footnote2 These surveys collect information on the characteristics of practitioners’ family law cases, and their experiences with various family law...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Understanding the Development and Impact of Child Advocacy Centres (CACs)

    Child Advocacy Centres (CACs) and Child and Youth Advocacy Centres (CYACs) arose out of a need to reduce stress placed on child/youth victims during sexual abuse investigations. Previously, a lack of coordination between social services and the criminal justice system meant victims were...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    A case study of the Edmonton Police Service’s response to senior abuse

    Seniors safety, including the elimination of neglect, abuse and violence against older persons (hereafter referred to as “senior abuse”), is a national and international priority. In order to develop evidence-based solutions, data on the nature and extend of senior abuse are required. As law...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Justice in Official Languages Newsletter No. 19, Summer 2023

    A wind of change is blowing on official languages in Canada. In the space of a few weeks this spring, the government unveiled a new Federal Action Plan with historic investments for the benefit of official language minority communities, and Parliament passed legislation representing the most...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Indigenous Justice Strategy

    In consultation and cooperation with Indigenous and provincial and territorial partners, Justice Canada is developing an Indigenous Justice Strategy to address systemic discrimination and the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the justice system. In the spirit of reconciliation, and out...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Experiences of Indigenous families in the family justice system: A literature...

    The United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) asserts Indigenous peoples’ “right to access to and prompt decision through just and fair procedures for the resolution of conflicts and disputes” with “due consideration to the customs, traditions, rules and legal...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Understanding family violence in diverse communities: What subject-matter exp...

    This report summarizes five thought papers written by subject-matter experts to assist family law legal advisers in identifying and responding to family violence in diverse communities. The thought papers focused on the following population groups: racialized groups; 2SLGBTQI+ individuals; Muslim...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Costs of crime in Canada, 2014

    Crime in Canada is a costly social phenomenon that affects everyone. The effects of crime are far-reaching and can include: -direct financial costs to the institutions that make up the criminal justice system; -ndirect costs to other social institutions and to the Canadian economy more broadly;...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Legal Aid Service Delivery in Rural and Remote Communities across Canada: Iss...

    This report presents research findings on the delivery of legal aid and associated legal services to persons living in rural and remote areas of all provinces and territories. It is based on a review of the literature and interviews with 17 key respondents (with one or more from each...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Voice of the Child Programs and Services in Canada by Province and Territory

    In Canada, there are many ways to include children’s voices in family law matters such as through non-court child inclusive methods (e.g., children talking with their parents, children sharing their views with professionals) and court-based child inclusive methods (e.g., child legal...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Trauma-informed police resources for human trafficking cases

    As part of the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking (2019-2024), this report provides an update on the most current strategies used by investigators in the field and is intended to improve the overall responses of law enforcement agencies to this national priority. This report also aims...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Litigation Year in Review 2016

    This Litigation Year in Review 2016 is intended to provide Canadians with some highlights of the progress we made this past year in several important areas of litigation. In reviewing and rethinking the Government’s litigation strategy over the course of 2016, I focused on three main themes:...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Research in Brief Assessments and Analyses of Canada's Bail System

    This Research in Brief is based on publicly available data from a number of Justice Canada, Canadian government (federal and provincial/territorial), academic and community organization studies and publications released from 2009 to 2018, as well as information from various media sources....
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Just Facts: Indigenous overrepresentation in the criminal justice system (2019)

    Indigenous people are overrepresented in Canada's criminal justice system as both victims and as people accused or convicted of crime. There are only a few national data sources that provide criminal justice statistics disaggregated by Indigenous identity. National data that does exist to...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Canada's Court System

    How Does Canada's Court System Work details the different levels of courts that exist within Canada's justice system, the means of organization of the courts and the roles each levels of the judiciary play. It speaks to the alternative methods for dispute resolution that exist including...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Canada's System of Justice

    This publication provides Canadians with a generalized view of how Canada's Justice System works. Specifically, it defines the differences between public and private law, how laws are kept up to date and the role that the Canadian Constitution in defining the fundamental rules and principles that...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Research at a Glance: Administration of Justice Offences

    Over half of Canadians indicated that administration of justice offences (AOJOs) would be better dealt with outside of the courts. Canadians also thought an accused person's circumstance should be taken into account in tailoring responses to AOJOs/ What we also found: Three quarters (75%) of...
    Department of Justice Canada
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    Research at a Glance: Community-Based Sentencing

    Canadians are generally supportive of community-based sentencing; many feel that these sentences could have a number of positive impacts from reducing crime and increasing safety to greater efficiency in the criminal justice system. What we also found: After reviewing statistics on...
    Department of Justice Canada
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