Open Data Atlas of Canada - Relief Map of Canada MCR0101E
The Atlas of Canada's Relief Map shows Canada's relief with a colour ramp of elevation ranges. Colour tints of depth ranges show ocean bathymetry. This map shows the relief of Canada using three different resolutions. Starting with low resolution, as you zoom in, it transitions to medium and then...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Atlas of Canada - Major Drainage Areas of Canada
Major Drainage Areas (MDA), as portrayed in this map, are part of the Standard Drainage Area Classification (SDAC) which was developed by Natural Resources Canada, in partnership with Statistics Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada. A drainage area, as opposed to a drainage basin or...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- JPG
Open Data CGDI Analysis Ready Data Service Kits
The "Starter Kits" of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) are curated bundles of geospatial data delivered as a service. These kits are the result of a user needs assessment commissioned by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), with a primary focus on addressing the specific...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoPackage
- Other
Open Data Canadian Digital Elevation Model, 1945-2011
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Elevation Model (CDEM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The CDEM...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- WMS
- GeoTIF
- ASCII Grid
Open Data Canadian Digital Surface Model, 2000
This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Surface Model (CDSM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The 0.75-second (~20 m)...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- WMS
- GeoTIF
- ASCII Grid
Open Data Maps of biogeochemistry and soil properties for use as indicators of site sensitivity to logging residue harvesting
This publication contains thirteen (13) maps of different biogeochemical and soil properties of forest ecosystems of Canada’s managed forest. A scientific article gives additional details on the methodology: Paré, D., Manka, F., Barrette, J., Augustin, F., Beguin, J. 2021. Indicators of site...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Digital Topographic Raster Maps, 1944-2012
This group of maps, which includes the CanMatrix and CanTopo collections, is now a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Natural Resources Canada's (NRCan) topographic raster maps provide a representation of the topographic phenomena of the...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- TIFF
- GeoTIF
- GeoPDF
Open Data Digital Elevation Model of Canada - Canada3D, 2001
This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. Canada3D is a digital elevation model (DEM) produced by the Canadian Forestry Service, Ontario region. The DEM consists of an ordered array of ground elevations providing coverage of the Canadian...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ASCII Grid
Open Data Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:15,000,000 2012-2017
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Users of Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:15,000,000 (release of May 2017) should plan to make the transition towards the new CanVec product. The Atlas of Canada National Scale...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:5,000,000 2013-2016
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Users of Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:5,000,000 (release of May 2017) should plan to make the transition towards the new CanVec product. The Atlas of Canada National Scale Data...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- SHP