Open Data British Columbia near real-time groundwater level monitoring network
The water level data comes from the groundwater monitoring network of British Columbia (Canadian province). Each well in the observation network is equipped with a hydrostatic pressure transducer and a temperature sensor connected to a data logger. A second pressure transducer located above the...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- JSON
Open Data Daily snow cover fraction maps over Canada of the period of 2006-2010 from 1km resolution NOAA AVHRR imagery.
This dataset corresponds to daily snow cover percentage at 1km resolution grid over land areas of Canada from 2006-2010. The data are subsampled by 4km to reduce data volumes and considering the geolocation uncertainty of the input satellite imagery. The daily maps are generated by assimilation...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Multi-Spectral Clear-Sky Composites of MODIS/Terra Land Channels (B1 - B7) Over Canada at 250m Spatial Resolution, 2000-03-01 to 2013-01-10
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS ) is one of the most sophisticated sensors that is used in a wide range of applications related to land, ocean and atmosphere. It has 36 spectral channels with spatial resolution varying between 250 m and 1 km at nadir. MODIS channels 1...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data MODIS 10-daily composite surface albedo time series of Canada - Revision 0
The MODIS surface albedo dataset was produced by the Canada Center for Remote Sensing (CCRS), Natural Resources Canada. The dataset represents the solar shortwave broadband surface albedo and it is at a 10-day interval covering the entire Canadian landmass as well as northern USA, Alaska, and the...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data 2005 - 2010 20m Land Cover Of Canada South Of Treeline
The Government of Canada acquired a national image coverage from the Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT 4 - 5) satellites that includes four multispectral bands in the visible to shortwave infrared region at 20m spatial resolution. Five years from 2005 - 2010 were necessary to image all...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Multi-Spectral Clear-Sky Composites of AVHRR Channels (1 - 5) Over Canada at 1 km Spatial Resolution and 10-Day Intervals Since January, 1985
The Canadian long term satellite data record (LTDR) derived from 1-km resolution Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data was produced by the Canada Center for Remote Sensing (CCRS). Processing included: geolocation, calibration, and compositing using Earth Observation Data Manager...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Landsat Circa 2010 Top of Atmosphere Reflectance Mosaic of Canada
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) sensors were used to generate the circa 2010 Mosaic of Canada at 30 m spatial resolution. All scenes were processed to Standard Terrain Correction Level 1T by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Further processing performed...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:15,000,000 2012-2017
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Users of Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:15,000,000 (release of May 2017) should plan to make the transition towards the new CanVec product. The Atlas of Canada National Scale...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:5,000,000 2013-2016
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Users of Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:5,000,000 (release of May 2017) should plan to make the transition towards the new CanVec product. The Atlas of Canada National Scale Data...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- SHP
Open Data Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:1,000,000 2013-2017
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Users of Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:1,000,000 (release of May 2017) should plan to make the transition towards the new CanVec product. The Atlas of Canada National Scale Data...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- SHP