Natural Resources Canada

8,135 datasets found
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    Sunshine and Temperature

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows 9 maps. Four maps show the average possible hours of sunshine for Canada in the summer months. There is a map for June, July, and August, in addition to a map combining these months. In the northern portion of...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Geology East Sheet

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the geology of Eastern Canada. This map denotes the bedrock geology using letter codes and colours to indicate surface coverage. The legend includes the period and epoch the rock types were formed. Data is also...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Minerals West Sheet

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the mineralogy and locations of mineral deposits for Western Canada. A line drawn across the map divides the large northern portion that that has had little prospecting, except along the valleys of the principal...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Minerals East Sheet

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the mineralogy and locations of mineral deposits for Eastern Canada. A line drawn across the map divides the large northern portion that has had little prospecting and the Southern, partly prospected areas. Many...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada, is a map that shows the extent of forested regions, using various colouring, in Canada. These regions include the Southern forest, Northern forest, and the Cordilleran forest. The map presents general portions of forested areas...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Limits of Forest Trees

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada, is a map that shows the northern limits of approximately 40 different tree species in Canada, including an extension into the Northern U.S. Red, green and blue lines delineate the limits of the trees and forests. The map also...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Drainage Basins

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the delineation of drainage basin. The total area drained is indicated in square miles for each basin, and drainage basins of the principal river systems of Canada, along with their areas. This includes the great...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Lighthouses and Sailing Routes on Atlantic Coast

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the lighthouses and sailing routes on the Atlantic Coast. The map shows sailing routes and a table listing of the distance, in miles, from Halifax, Montreal and Quebec to major ports. Although, Newfoundland and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canals, Lighthouses and Sailing Routes on St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the canals, routes and types of Lighthouses along the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes, circa 1915. There is a table of sailing distances, in geographical miles, between the ports of the United States and Canada on the...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Lighthouses and Sailing Routes on Pacific Coast

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the lighthouses and sailing routes on the Pacific Coast. Each sailing route has the distance between major foreign ports and important Canadian ports on the Pacific Ocean. A table gives the distance, in miles, to...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Isotherms for Months of Year

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate comprised of 12 maps of isothermal lines. One map for each month of the year. These lines are drawn at intervals of 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The isolines were deduced from yearly observations collected by the Meteorological...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Isotherms for Summer and Year, Rainfall, Snowfall and Isobars

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate comprised of 11 maps. The two maps at the top of the plate show isothermal lines for summer and for the entire year, with temperature units measured in Fahrenheit. The annual isothermal lines follow an Easterly and Westerly...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Average Possible Hours of Sunshine in Summer Months, Temperature

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows 9 maps. Four maps show the average possible hours of sunshine for Canada in the summer months. There is a map for the entire summer and individual maps for each of the summer months (June, July, and August. The...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Geology West Sheet

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the geologic rock types of Western Canada. This map denotes the bedrock geology using letter codes and colour to indicate surface coverage and principal rock types. The legend includes the period and epoch rock...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canada's Land Cover

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada Poster Map Series, is a poster showing the different types of land cover across the Country. The map is primarily based on AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data, offering very precise detail. The land cover image contains 31 land cover classes....
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Discover Canada's Watersheds

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada Poster Map Series, is a map depicting the 5 main watersheds in Canada. Building Canadian Water Connections initiative and the Canadian Wildlife Federation have collaborated to produce this map that promotes the importance of watersheds through education....
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Contained within the Atlas of Canada Poster Map Series, is a poster which outlines the nature of wetlands, using photos and text to describe various types. A further set of photos and text describes the importance of wetlands, and the pressures on wetlands from human activities. The central map...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    2010 Olympic Sites

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada Poster Map Series, is a large-format Olympics Sites wall map (42 inches by 45 inches) featuring a 1:250 000 scale topographic base map extending from the southern tip of Vancouver Island north to Pemberton and east to Abbotsford, British Columbia. It contains...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Der boreale Nadelwald

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada Poster Map Series, is a German translation of a poster map, MCR 1402, entitled ""The Boreal Forest"". The original map was published in 1996, whereas the German version dates from 1997. The front side of both maps is dominated by a large map of Canada showing...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    North America (2004)

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada 8.5x11 series maps is a map which was prepared by three mapping agencies in cooperation with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). The CEC is located on Montreal and was created by Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American...
    Natural Resources Canada
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