Natural Resources Canada

4,809 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Dataset of Open Water Areas in River Ice for Provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, ...

    Locations of open water within river ice in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes were discerned manually using publicly accessible optical satellite images spanning from 2013 to 2020. This initial effort has led to a dataset pinpointing potential sites for river hydrokinetic energy...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Hydrokinetic Resource Assessment: Open Water Regions in Ice-Covered Rivers fo...

    This dataset uses RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite images to identify open water regions within ice-covered rivers during winter, with the aim to assess hydrokinetic resources near remote communities reliant on diesel fuel for electricity generation....
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • SHP
  • Open Data

    SCANFI: the Spatialized CAnadian National Forest Inventory data product

    This data publication contains a set of 30m resolution raster files representing 2020 Canadian wall-to-wall maps of broad land cover type, forest canopy height, degree of crown closure and aboveground tree biomass, along with species composition of several major tree species. The Spatialized...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada’s PALSAR-2 L-band dual-polarized radar backscatter summer composite, c...

    This data publication contains an optimized mosaic of PALSAR-2 L-band dual-polarized radar backscatter summer composite for the year 2020 across Canada (excluding the Arctic Archipelago). Its primary purpose is to offer the best possible L-band radar summer-like composite mosaic mostly tailored...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue - Vedder Fault - Magnitude 5.2

    Magnitude 5.2 earthquake scenario along the Vedder Fault which runs northeast along Vedder Mountain. This earthquake is located about 18 km east of Abbotsford City Hall. This fault is not known to be active, but this scenario represents a small but damaging event near Abbotsford town centre.
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • GPKG
  • Open Data

    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue - Southey Point - Magnitude 5.7

    Magnitude 5.7 earthquake scenario located directly southeast of Ladysmith Town Centre. This fault is not known to be active, but this scenario represents a small but damaging event near Ladysmith and Burleith Arm.
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue - Vedder Fault - Magnitude 4.9

    Magnitude 4.9 earthquake scenario along the Vedder Fault which runs northeast along Vedder Mountain. This earthquake is located about 18 km east of Abbotsford City Hall. This fault is not known to be active, but this scenario represents a small but damaging event near Abbotsford town centre.
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • GPKG
  • Open Data

    Overview of Cumulative Effects Research at Natural Resources Canada 2018-2023

    To support the implementation of the Impact Assessment Act, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) received funding over  five years (2018-23) for cumulative effects research to be conducted by three of NRCan’s science sectors – the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation within the Strategic...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Maps of solar resource potential in Canada

    This dataset includes daily averages of solar irradiance on tilted surfaces for all of Canada based on the period of 1998 - 2020. The solar irradiance data is available in the following layers at a resolution of about 0.1°x0.1° (~10 km grid spacing) for all of Canada (i.e., 41.6 to 83.1°N, and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Photovoltaic Potential and Solar Resource Maps of Canada

    This web mapping application gives estimates of the electricity that can be generated by grid-connected photovoltaic systems without batteries (in kWh/kWp) and of the mean daily global insolation (in MJ/m2 and in kWh/m2) for any location in Canada on a 60 arc seconds ~2 km grid. They are...
    Natural Resources Canada
    Resource Formats:
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    • HTML
  • Open Data

    Sites Baseline Trees Measured - Multi-Agency Ground Plot

    Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian jurisdictions (AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and YT), contributed forest ground plot datasets in their original...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Latest Site Disturbances - Multi-Agency Ground Plot

    Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian jurisdictions (AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and YT), contributed forest ground plot datasets in their original...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Latest Site Treatments - Multi-Agency Ground Plot

    Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian jurisdictions (AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and YT), contributed forest ground plot datasets in their original...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Tree Measurements & Sites Summary - Multi-Agency Ground Plot

    Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian jurisdictions (AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and YT), contributed forest ground plot datasets in their original...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • WMS
  • Open Data

    Sites Number of Measurements - Multi-Agency Ground Plot

    Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian jurisdictions (AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and YT), contributed forest ground plot datasets in their original...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Sites Leading Genus by Stem Count - Multi-Agency Ground Plot

    Multi-Agency Ground Plot (MAGPlot) database is a Canadian forest ground-plot data repository. Different agencies, including National Forest Inventory (NFI) and 12 Canadian jurisdictions (AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and YT), contributed forest ground plot datasets in their original...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Tree Type - Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventories

    The Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventories (CASFRI) is a Canadian forest resource inventory data repository. Forest resource inventory datasets in CASFRI are harmonized to a common data model so that data collected by different agencies following different standards can be used...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Dominant Genus - Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventories

    The Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventories (CASFRI) is a Canadian forest resource inventory data repository. Forest resource inventory datasets in CASFRI are harmonized to a common data model so that data collected by different agencies following different standards can be used...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada groundwater wells, integrated national, provincial and territorial dat...

    This layer comprises all the available water wells in GIN (Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador) and published through the open data platforms. This layer is a combination of all individual provincial and territorial...
    Natural Resources Canada
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