Open Data Canadian Digital Elevation Model, 1945-2011
This collection is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Elevation Model (CDEM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The CDEM...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- WMS
- GeoTIF
- ASCII Grid
Open Data Canadian Digital Surface Model, 2000
This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Surface Model (CDSM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The 0.75-second (~20 m)...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- WMS
- GeoTIF
- ASCII Grid
Open Data Elevation in Canada - CanVec Series - Elevation Features
The elevation features of the CanVec series include the elevation contours and elevation points. These entities are used to describe the relief of the Canadian Landmass. The CanVec multiscale series is available as prepackaged downloadable files and by user-defined extent via a Geospatial data...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Administrative Boundaries in Canada - CanVec Series - Administrative Features
The administrative features of the CanVec series include geopolitical regions (international, territorial and provincial) and populated place names. A wide selection of attributes describe the data. The CanVec multiscale series is available as prepackaged downloadable files and by user-defined...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- WMS
Open Data The World
This cartographic digital product is derived from the Atlas of Canada's wall map "The World" (MCR 0046) and "Le monde" (MCR 0046F) published in 2021. The World is a general reference political map focused on the names and international boundaries of sovereign and non-sovereign countries. The...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- MXD