Proactive Publication Deputy Minister Welcome Package - 2023
The Welcome Package (available in accessible PDF form) provided to the Natural Resources Deputy Minister Michael Vandergrift in July 2023.Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats: -
Open Data Number of fires by cause class
Number of fires by cause classOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Area burned by month
Area burned by monthOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Area burned by fire size class
Area burned by fire size classOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Area of moderate to severe defoliation (including beetle-killed trees) by insects
Area of moderate to severe defoliation (including beetle-killed trees) by insectsOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Net merchantable volume of roundwood harvested by ownership, category and species group
Net merchantable volume of roundwood harvested by ownership, category and species groupOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Area of scarification by ownership
Area of scarification by ownershipOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Area of direct seeding by ownership and application method
Area of direct seeding by ownership and application methodOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Area treated with insecticides by insect pest, product and ownership
Area treated with insecticides by insect pest, product and ownershipOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Rate and amount of insecticides applied by insect pest and product
Rate and amount of insecticides applied by insect pest and productOrganization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- CSV