Open Data Canada-wide Landsat-based 30-m resolution product of disturbance detection prior to 1984
This data product aimed to extend the existing pre-1985 disturbance history record by mapping wildfire, harvest, and insect outbreaks in Canadian forests between 1965 and 1984. Our geospatial data processing methodology relied on multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) trained on spectral recovery...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data True Firs (Genus Abies) in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Broad-leaved species in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Merchantable forest volume in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Spruces (Genus Picea) in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Maples (Genus Acer) in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Birches (Genus Betula) in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Total forest volume in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Cedars (Genus Thuja) in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Needle-leaved species in Canada 2011
The raster maps depict a suite of forest attributes in 2001* and 2011 at 250 m by 250 m spatial resolution. The maps were produced using the k nearest neighbours method applied to MODIS imagery and trained from National Forest Inventory photo plot data. For detailed information about map...Organization:Natural Resources CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF