Natural Resources Canada

857 datasets found
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    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue - Denali Fault - Magnitude 7.4

    The Denali Fault spans over 200km of the Yukon Territory, and is a significant source of seismic hazard. This magnitude 7.4 earthquake scenario, centered near small communities along the Alaska Highway, visualizes the effects of a severe earthquake that could be produced by this fault.
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue - Georgia Strait - Magnitude 4.9

    In 1997, a magnitude 4.6 earthquake occurred 3 to 4 km beneath the Strait of Georgia, near Vancouver. This scenario visualizes the effects of that event if it occurred today with a magnitude of 4.9. A magnitude 7.0 Georgia Strait scenario is also provided, and represents a less likely but more...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue - Leech River Full Fault - Ma...

    Full rupture of the Leech River Fault, a fault that cuts southern Vancouver Island and extends beneath Greater Victoria. Based on current science, this magnitude 7.3 earthquake scenario represents the strongest ground shaking event that could strike the region, and is one of Greater Victoria’s...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canadian Digital Elevation Model, 1945-2011

    This collection is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Elevation Model (CDEM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The CDEM...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canadian Digital Surface Model, 2000

    This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Surface Model (CDSM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The 0.75-second (~20 m)...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Topographic Data of Canada - CanVec Series

    CanVec contains more than 60 topographic features classes organized into 8 themes: Transport Features, Administrative Features, Hydro Features, Land Features, Manmade Features, Elevation Features, Resource Management Features and Toponymic Features. This multiscale product originates from the...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Canadian Geographical Names - CGN

    The Canadian Geographical Names Data Base (CGNDB) is the authoritative national database of Canada's geographical names. The purpose of the CGNDB is to store place names and their attributes that have been approved by the Geographical Names Board of Canada (GNBC), the national coordinating body...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    National Hydro Network - NHN - GeoBase Series

    The National Hydro Network (NHN) focuses on providing a quality geometric description and a set of basic attributes describing Canada's inland surface waters. It provides geospatial digital data compliant with the NHN Standard such as lakes, reservoirs, watercourses (rivers and streams), canals,...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada Harmonized Agriculture Forest Land Cover 2015

    Canada Harmonized Agriculture Forest Land Cover 2015 The harmonized land cover (HLC) map is produced from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Canadian Forest Service (CFS) data. The HLC product is exhaustive of all area from the northern edge of Canada’s forested ecosystems to the...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of peatlands in Canada using National Forest Inventory forest st...

    Organic soils in the boreal forest commonly store as much carbon as the vegetation above ground. While recent efforts through the National Forest Inventory has yielded new spatial datasets of forest structure across the vast area of Canada’s boreal forest, organic soils are poorly mapped. In this...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada's National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue

    The National Earthquake Scenario Catalogue, presents the probable shaking, damage, loss and consequences from hypothetical earthquakes that could impact Canadians. It considers only damage to buildings, and their inhabitants, from earthquake shaking, and therefore does not include damage to...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Maps of biogeochemistry and soil properties for use as indicators of site sen...

    This publication contains thirteen (13) maps of different biogeochemical and soil properties of forest ecosystems of Canada’s managed forest. A scientific article gives additional details on the methodology: Paré, D., Manka, F., Barrette, J., Augustin, F., Beguin, J. 2021. Indicators of site...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Railways Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the rail companies that operated in Saskatchewan, areas of Manitoba and Alberta circa 1904. The railway lines are indicated in black, and the territory tributary to each line is shown in colours. An overprint note,...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Relief Map West Sheet

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada, is a map that shows the relief (in feet) for Western Canada. Depth of the elevation is proportional to the varying tints of brown. The highest elevations are shown in the darkest tints, and lower portions in lighter tints. Relatively...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Railways British Columbia and Yukon

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the rail companies that operated in for British Columbia and Yukon circa 1904. The railway lines are indicated in black, and the territory tributary to each line is shown in colours. An overprint note, in blue,...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Lighthouses and Sailing Routes, Atlantic Coast

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the lighthouses and sailing routes on the Atlantic Coast. The map shows sailing routes and a table listing the distance, in miles, from Halifax, Montreal and Quebec to major ports. Although Newfoundland and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Relief Map East Sheet

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the relief (in feet) for Eastern Canada. Depth of the elevation is proportional to the varying tints of brown. The highest elevations are shown in the darkest tints and lower portions in lighter tints. Relatively...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Routes of Explorers

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the routes followed by the principal explorers from 1497 up to 1905. Each route is marked as a red line on the map, giving the name of the explorer or company, and when that person travelled along the route. The...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Drainage Basins

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the delineation of drainage basins. The geographic extent of each drainage basin is delineated and the total area drained for each basin is provided in square miles. This includes the great oceanic drainage basin...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Geology West Sheet

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the geology and bedrock for Western Canada. The rock type era and period of formation are represented as letter codes and colour, in addition to indicating the surface coverage. The map emphasizes the extensive...
    Natural Resources Canada
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