Open Data Imagery Base Land Cover
IBL - Imagery, basemaps, and land cover (imageryBaseMapsEarthCover) Basemaps. For example, resources describing land cover, topographic maps, and classified and unclassified imagesOrganization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data In Land Water
INW - Inland water resources (inlandWaters)Inland water features, drainage systems, and their characteristics. For example, resources describing rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water use plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, and hydrographic chartsOrganization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data NWT Aster DEM
The ASTER instrument that was launched onboard NASA’s Terra spacecraft in December 1999 has an along-track stereoscopic capability using two telescopes in its near infrared spectral band to acquire data from nadir and backward views. Over 1.2 million scenes (level-1A products) acquired between...Organization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Health
GNWT HSS Mercury Sampling Locations with associated data recordings for viewing on a public facing web page.Organization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data NWT Aster DEM Basemap
The ASTER instrument that was launched onboard NASA’s Terra spacecraft in December 1999 has an along-track stereoscopic capability using two telescopes in its near infrared spectral band to acquire data from nadir and backward views. Over 1.2 million scenes (level-1A products) acquired between...Organization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Search Service
Search Services: General place names, Populated Places and geonamesOrganization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Geoscientific
GEO - Geological and geophysical (geoscientificInformation)The earth sciences. For example, resources describing geophysical features and processes; minerals; the composition, structure, and origin of the earths rocks; earthquakes; volcanic activity; landslides; gravity information; soils;...Organization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Elevation
Elevation - Elevation derived product. For example such as Canvec Contours, NWT NTDB Contours, Spot Elevations and MVAP ContoursOrganization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Location References
LOC - Locations and geodetic networks (location)Positional information and services. For example, resources describing addresses, geodetic networks, postal zones and services, control points, and place names.Organization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data Planning Cadastre
PLC - Cadastral and land planning (planningCadastre)Land use. For example, resources describing zoning maps, cadastral surveys, and land ownership.Organization:Government of Northwest TerritoriesIssued by:Government of Northwest TerritoriesResource Formats:- ESRI REST