Parks Canada

44 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Aquatic-Water Connectivity - Mount Revelstoke

    This is a multi-park measure, which includes an inventory and assessment of 1,754 culvert and 51 bridge locations along the major highways and roads in Banff, Kootenay, Yoho, Waterton Lakes, Mount Revelstoke, and Glacier national parks. In Mount Revelstoke National Park the capacity for fish in...
    Parks Canada
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    Stream Benthic Invertebrate Richness - Gwaii Haanas

    The richness of benthic macro-invertebrate species is used to monitor the overall health of stream ecosystems in Gwaii Haanas. Any shifts in community composition, initially detected as an increase or decrease in species richness, can be the result of nutrient levels, atmospheric pollutants, or...
    Parks Canada
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    Coastal Process - Erosion and Accretion - Gwaii Haanas

    Using permanent transects, geo indicators are tracked annually to monitor the effects of long term erosion and deposition processes and significant erosional events to ecologically sensitive sand dune ecosystems.
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    Invasive Plants - Gwaii Haanas

    Areas with high potential for exotic introductions are monitored annually for new growth and new plants are treated as necessary.
    Parks Canada
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    Marbled Murrelet - Gwaii Haanas

    In partnership with ECCC, Gwaii Haanas monitors five Marbled Murrelet colonies by using a radar station located offshore. As birds fly out to the ocean at dawn, and return at dusk, the radar data is used to estimate the number of birds per hectare of suitable nesting habitat. Sampling areas focus...
    Parks Canada
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    Black Oystercatcher - Gwaii Haanas

    Black Oystercatcher breeding success is estimated by visually surveying known breeding habitat in key areas of Gwaii Haanas. Surveys are conducted twice a year during breeding season. Black Oysercatchers are very vulnerable to disturbances, predation of eggs and young, predators, oil spills and...
    Parks Canada
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    Subalpine - Gwaii Haanas

    The subalpine zone of Haida Gwaii occurs between an elevation of 600 to 800m. Permanent plots are monitored every 5 years to detect any changes to the structure and composition of the vegetation community on Yatza Mountain. Metrics include: canopy closure, debris classes, tree species, organic...
    Parks Canada
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    Songbirds - Gwaii Haanas

    Gwaii Haanas evaluates changes to forest breeding songbird occupancy and diversity annually. Point counts are conducted using Acoustic Recording Units (ARUs) at permanent sampling sites.
    Parks Canada
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    Stream Benthic Invertebrates %EPT - Gwaii Haanas

    The EPT index measures the proportion of freshwater organisms belonging to the taxa Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera (or EPT for short). These species are considered to be highly sensitive to pollution and are a measure of good environmental conditions. Any significant declines to these...
    Parks Canada
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    Non-native mammals - Gwaii Haanas

    Non-native mammal species are monitored annually in areas critical for the protection important seabird islands. Remote cameras are deployed for 15-days to annually detect any changes to the mammal community at key sites. Non-native species pose the greatest ecological threat in Gwaii Haanas....
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Forest Understory Structure - Gwaii Haanas

    The forest understory vegetation community is a key ecosystem component of Haida Gwaii forests. Understory plants provide food for native fauna (bears, birds etc.), structure for nesting habitat (eg. songbirds, auklets), and medicines for Haida use (among others). In Gwaii Haanas, 3 sites are...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Western Toad - Gwaii Haanas

    Annual visual surveys are used to assess annual occupancy of breeding western toads at 10 known breeding ponds. Because of their reliance on wetland habitat for breeding, western toads are used as a measure of aquatic ecosystem health. The western toad is the only amphibian native to Haida...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Breeding seabirds - Gwaii Haanas

    Gwaii Haanas has partnered with ECCC to monitor a set of permanent plots mapping colony structure and burrow occupancy rate by excavating samples of burrows of Ancient Murrelet and Cassin’s Auklet. The data are used to determine if the breeding population areas are changing at specific key...
    Parks Canada
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    Water Quality - Gwaii Haanas

    Water Quality is measured annually in both streams and lakes in Gwaii Haanas. Many water quality parameters are collected and they can be grouped into three categories: (1) Physical (e.g. temperature, depth); (2) Chemical (e.g. pH, nutrients) and (3) Biological (chlorophyll a). Water quality is...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Forest Loss - Gwaii Haanas

    Forest loss is monitored annually in Gwaii Haanas with remote sensing, where forest loss is defined as a change from forest to non-forest state over a period of time. Forest loss in Gwaii Haanas is caused by 4 main mechanisms: mass wasting on steep slopes, extreme wind events, extreme rain events...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Yoho_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys

    Yoho National Park samples 28 randomly selected potential amphibian breeding sites (out of possible 66) to determine presence or absence of amphibian species. Each of the 28 sites is visited 3 times every 2 years and all detected species are recorded.
    Parks Canada
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    Whitebark Pine Stand Assesments - Glacier

    Whitebark pine is considered a “keystone species” in the mountain national parks, as it plays several important ecological roles where it exists in subalpine environments. Its survival has been threatened by the combined effects of fire suppression, climate change, mountain pine beetle outbreaks...
    Parks Canada
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    Whitebark Pine Seedling assessment - Glacier

    Whitebark pine is considered a “keystone species” mountain national parks, as it plays several important ecological roles where it exists in subalpine environments. Its survival has been threatened by the combined effects of fire suppression, climate change, mountain pine beetle outbreaks and a...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Prescribed Fire Targets - Glacier

    The following standard is used to evaluate Parks Canada Agency’s goal to manage wildland fire and conduct prescribed fire activities to restore and maintain the ecological integrity of park lands. A 20% natural fire cycle is the set percentage that allows fire to play a role as a natural...
    Parks Canada
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    Prescribed Fire Targets - Mount-Revelstoke

    The following standard is used to evaluate Parks Canada Agency’s goal to manage wildland fire and conduct prescribed fire activities to restore and maintain the ecological integrity of park lands. A 20% natural fire cycle is the set percentage that allows fire to play a role as a natural...
    Parks Canada
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