Open Data Trains - Exo - Schedules and Planned Routes (GTFS)
Exo makes its data on schedules and planned routes available in the standardized General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Bus - Chambly-Richelieu-Carignan sector - Schedules and planned routes (GTFS)
Exo makes its data on schedules and planned routes available in the standardized General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Quebec Hydrographic Network Geobase (GRHQ)
The Geobase of the Quebec Hydrographic Network (GRHQ) is the common frame of reference for hydrography in Quebec. It is a detailed hydrographic network that can support numerous applications in land use planning, the environment and civil security. The GRHQ is produced in partnership with the...Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- CSV
- Other
Open Data Territorial limit of attributable forests
This division defines the forests attributable to the domain of the State, where it is allowed to manage Quebec forests in a sustainable and continuous manner. Beyond this limit, no forest management will be authorized by the Ministry, except for activities specific to local communities. This new...Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Bus - Terrebonne-Mascouche sector - Schedules and planned routes (GTFS)
Exo makes its data on schedules and planned routes available in the standardized General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Bus - Sainte-Julie sector - Schedules and planned routes (GTFS)
Exo makes its data on schedules and planned routes available in the standardized General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Territorial forest subdivisions (STF)
This product integrates all the boundaries of public forest territory: according to the Law on Sustainable Forest Land Management (LADTF), the public forest territory consists of management units (UA), local forests (FP), residual forest territories (TFR), residual forest territories (TFR),...Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- CSV
- GeoPackage
- Other
Open Data Bus - L'Assomption sector - Schedules and planned routes (GTFS)
Exo makes its data on schedules and planned routes available in the standardized General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- HTML
- Other
Open Data Layer of recreational territories in Quebec at a scale of 1/100,000
Data on recreational areas in Quebec are compiled from official technical plans and descriptions, and entered on topographic maps at a scale of 1/100,000. Data is generally updated once a year. Main components: * Community Wildlife Areas (CFAs); * Special Agreements with Aboriginal People; *...Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- ESRI REST
- Other
Open Data Forest pricing zone
Territorial division used by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) within which the market value of standing wood (VMBSP) calculated by the Wood Marketing Bureau (BMMB) is required for wood of a given species and quality, which must be uniform. This delimitation of forest pricing...Organization:Government and Municipalities of QuébecIssued by:Government and Municipalities of QuébecResource Formats:- CSV
- GeoPackage
- Other