Open Information Visualizing domestic regional trade flows in Canada (beta version) - Infographic
This infographic presents a new interactive data visualization application on domestic regional trade flows in Canada for goods moved by truck and rail, 2004 to 2012. Through chord diagrams, users can look at the interconnectedness of different regions in Canada via their trade ties. They can...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Infographics
Every year, Statistics Canada collects data from hundreds of surveys. As the amount of data gathered increases, Statistics Canada has introduced infographics to help people, business owners, academics, and management at all levels, understand key information derived from the data. Infographics...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Information Producer Price Indexes at a Glance - Infographic
This infographic demonstrates how producer price indexes for goods and services are calculated and why they are important for the Canadian economy. This infographic highlights the Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI), the New Housing Price Index (NHPI), the Retail Services Price Index (RSPI) and...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Information TORONTO. Your city. Your facts. Take a look! - Infographic
The infographic, entitled TORONTO. Your city. Your facts. Take a look!, is designed to inform readers about Statistics Canada survey collection in the Toronto and surrounding areas by presenting a selection of household survey data for the Census Metropolitan Area of Toronto. The purpose of this...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- HTML