Statistics Canada

1,101 datasets found
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    Factors contributing to lower than desired level of inventories currently hel...

    Factors contributing to lower than desired level of inventories currently held by business or organization, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Business' or organization's current approach to holding inventory compared to...

    Business' or organization's current approach to holding inventory compared to pre-pandemic approach, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Business' or organization's current level of total sales revenue and inventor...

    Business' or organization's current level of total sales revenue and inventory levels compared to pre-pandemic levels, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan debt forgiveness and refinancin...

    Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan debt forgiveness and refinancing, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Status of Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans received by business...

    Status of Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans received by businesses or organizations, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Average yearly revenue growth expected by businesses or organizations over th...

    Average yearly revenue growth expected by businesses or organizations over the next three years, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Business or organization plans to expand, restructure, acquire, invest, trans...

    Business or organization plans to expand, restructure, acquire, invest, transfer, sell or close over the next 12 months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Business or organization expectations of change in supply chain challenges ov...

    Business or organization expectations of change in supply chain challenges over the next three months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Business or organization change in supply chain challenges over the last thre...

    Business or organization change in supply chain challenges over the last three months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Business or organization expectations of how long supply chain obstacles will...

    Business or organization expectations of how long various obstacles will last, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Most challenging obstacle expected by the business or organization over the n...

    Most challenging obstacle expected by the business or organization over the next three months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2024.
    Statistics Canada
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    Government of Canada debt securities: Gross new issues, retirements and net n...

    Monthly gross new issues, retirements and net new issues of debt securities, including direct and guaranteed bonds, Treasury Bills, and Canada Bills, by geography for the Government of Canada. Also included historical data by security type (common stocks, preferred stocks, trust units, bonds,...
    Statistics Canada
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    Experimental estimates for business openings and closures for Canada, provinc...

    This table presents experimental counts of businesses that open, close, or continue their operations each month for various levels of geographic and industry detail across Canada going back to January 2015. The data are available as series that are adjusted for seasonality. The level of...
    Statistics Canada
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    Experimental estimates for business openings and closures by employment size ...

    This table presents experimental counts of businesses that open, close, or continue their operations each month for various levels of geographic and industry detail across Canada going back to January 2015. The data are available as series that are adjusted for seasonality. The level of...
    Statistics Canada
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    Real-time Local Business Condition Index (RTLBCI)

    The RT-LBCI is released as an experimental statistic. It is intended to provide a real-time signal on business activities following the disruptions brought about by the pandemic and through the recovery phase.
    Statistics Canada
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