Statistics Canada

130 datasets found
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    Parks and green spaces

    Percentage of households with parks and green spaces close to the home, and those that visited parks both close to home and farther away. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Statistics Canada
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    Air conditioners

    Percentage of households that used an air conditioner, and for those who did the type of air conditioner used. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Statistics Canada
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    Adoption of advanced green technologies, by industry and enterprise size

    Survey of advanced technology, adoption of advanced green technologies, by type of advanced technologies, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size for Canada and certain provinces, in 2014.
    Statistics Canada
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    Lawn care and landscaping equipment

    Lawn care and landscaping equipment used by Canadian households.
    Statistics Canada
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    Knowledge of radon and testing

    This table shows the knowledge of radon of Canadian households and whether the household had tested their dwelling for radon. The unit of measure is percent. The table is biennial. This table replaces terminated CANSIM table 153-0061.
    Statistics Canada
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    Main barrier businesses or organizations face in adopting more green practice...

    Main barrier businesses or organizations face in adopting more green practices in the next 12 months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and majority ownership, third quarter of 2021.
    Statistics Canada
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    Distribution of capital expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-...

    Distribution of capital expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) and pollution prevention, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and type of environmental medium at the Canada level every two years. The unit of measure is dollars x 1,000,000.
    Statistics Canada
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    Use of energy-saving lights, Canada and provinces

    This table shows the proportion of Canadian households that reported the use of various types of energy-saving lights. The unit of measure is percent. The table is biennial.
    Statistics Canada
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    Homegrown fruit, herbs, vegetables and flowers, by type of household

    Percentage of households that grew fruit, herbs, vegetables and flowers for personal use, and for those that did the location of the garden, by type of household. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Statistics Canada
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    Environmental engagement, by type of household

    Percentage of households that engaged in activities aimed at conservation or protection of the environment or wildlife, and of those that did the type of activity, by type of household. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Statistics Canada
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    Water use in Canada

    Water use by industries and households (cubic metres x 1,000).
    Statistics Canada
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    Radon awareness and testing, 2007

    Percentage of households that are aware of radon and radon testing. The data is from the Households and the environment survey.
    Statistics Canada
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