Open Data Innovations that were new to one of the business’s markets with environmental benefits, by industry and enterprise size, inactive
Percentage of enterprises that introduced product, process, organizational or marketing innovations that were new to one of their markets with environmental benefits related to increased environmental protection activities and to the end user or consumer, by North American Industry Classification...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Product or process innovations that were new to one of the business’s markets with environmental benefits, by industry and enterprise size, inactive
Percentage of enterprises that introduced product or process innovations that were new to one of their markets with environmental benefits from production through efficient use of resources, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size, based on a three-year...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Product or process innovations with environmental benefits, by industry and enterprise size, inactive
Percentage of enterprises that introduced product or process innovations with environmental benefits from production through efficient use of resources, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size, based on a three-year observation period. Benefits from...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Savings resulting from the introduction of business process innovations, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that had cost of production of goods or services savings, or expenditure on support business functions savings resulting from the introduction of business process innovations, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and enterprise size for Canada and...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Environmental benefits from product or process innovations that were new to one of the business's markets, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that introduced product, process, organizational or marketing innovations that were new to one of their markets with environmental benefits from production through efficient use of resources, or environmental benefits related to increased environmental protection...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Innovations with environmental benefits, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that introduced product or process innovations with environmental benefits from production through efficient use of resources, or environmental benefits related to increased environmental protection activities and to the end user or consumer, by North American Industry...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Drainage regions of Canada
This product provides the boundaries for the 25 drainage regions in Canada and the five ocean drainage areas. These drainage regions cover all of the area within the coastal boundaries of Canada. These files were produced by Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- SHP
Open Data Average annual runoff in Canada, 1971 to 2013
This product provides runoff data with each contour line corresponding to an average amount of annual runoff (in millimeters). Runoff data were derived from discharge values from hydrometric stations with natural flows. Not all years are included for every region of the country due to data...Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- SHP
Open Data Coastal population and dwellings by elevation and distance from coastline
Dwelling and population counts in elevation classes within 10Km, 5Km and 1Km of the coastline by ecozone, ecoprovince, ecoregion and ecodistrict for every fifth year starting with 2016.Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV
Open Data Ocean and coastal ecosystem extent account
Area of Canadian ocean water layers and selected coastal and ocean floor ecosystems, by marine bioregion.Organization:Statistics CanadaResource Formats:- CSV