Open Data Enhanced interpretation of stream sediment geochemical data for NTS 105C
New geochemical data from re-analysis of archived stream sediment samples have been assessed using weighted sums modeling and catchment basin analysis as described in the methodology report that accompanies this map (YGS Open File 2015-10). Both commodity and pathfinder element abundances are...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Surficial Geology Points (1:100-125k)
This GIS dataset is a Yukon-wide compilation of surficial geology points derived from 72 published and unpublished 1:100,000 and 1:125,000 scale surficial geology maps produced by the GSC and Yukon Government. Point features captured include: field station, fossil and sample locations; glacial...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Agriculture land applications
Land under administration and control of Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR), Agriculture Branch. Includes active applications for agricultural land including: (1) Agreement for Sale: A contract between two or more parties to sell and purchase land. The contract...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Glacial limits - 1M
Yukon Territory has been glaciated by Cordilleran and montane glaciers at various times throughout the Pleistocene, as well as by continental ice, the Laurentine Ice Sheet in the Late Pleistocene. Throughout the Late Cenozoic, each successive glaciation appears to have been less extensive than...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Fire Regions
Fire regions are the largest management unit where wildland fire resources are allocated and deployed. They can be further subdivided into fire districts. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Placer Grouping - 50k
Grouping can include up to a maximum of 750 placer claims. All placer claims must be contiguous, i.e. they must be adjoining. Any solitary placer claims that do not share at least one boundary with the placer claims to be grouped cannot be included in the grouping. Distributed from GeoYukon by...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Development Areas
The OIC's shown are current for each Development Area Boundary. Each has it's original Order in Council (OIC) as well as the most current OIC if there was a change in boundary. Zoning is contained within all Development Area Boundaries.Each Development Area Boundary maintains parcels with unique...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Forest Openings
This coverage identifies logged areas (cutblocks, or openings). These areas are mapped by differentially corrected GPS. Attributes include type of harvest, species cut, and retention type.Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Air photo locations 1961 to 1970
Location of centre points of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flightline index maps Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Community Boundaries
This file is made up of several types of boundaries being Municipal, Development Area Regulations, Land Claims Final Agreement, Self Government Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, Local Area Plans, and Community Plans. Some areas have more than one boundary for different purposes. The...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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