Open Data Oil and Gas Grid Units
This is the Grid Unit portion of the Oil and Gas Land Division System. This is a grid system consisting of three sections, Area, Section and Unit used to describe Yukon Oil and Gas Dispositions, Leases and Licences. Every Grid Section shall be divided into Units. Distributed from GeoYukon by the...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Placer Claims - 1M
Overview of the distribution of placer claims in Yukon. For display purposes only. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.caOrganization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Surficial Geology Points (1:50k)
This GIS dataset is a Yukon-wide compilation of surficial geology points derived from 75 published and unpublished 1:50,000 surficial geology maps produced by the GSC, YGS and various universities. Point features captured include: field station, fossil and sample locations; glacial landforms such...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data First Nation Settlement Lands - Surveyed
Surveyed Cadastral Framework for Yukon First Nations and Tetlit Gwich'in settlement lands including rural blocks (R-block) and Site specific (S-sites) lands of the First Nations that have ratified their agreements. Settlement land is land identified in a first nation's final agreement as...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Yukon Transportation Information
Created for distribution by the GeoYukon application as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available Transportation information in the Yukon Government. This data may be used directly by other applications to dynamically display Yukon data; however, it may be subject to change as data sets...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- ESRI REST
Open Data First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, Aeromagnetic Survey of the Nisling River Area, NTS 115 I/4 and 115 J/1, Yukon
This high sensitivity aeromagnetic survey was carried out by Goldak Airborne Surveys (Goldak) on behalf of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) between January 25th and March 26th, 2011. Aircraft equipment operated included three cesium vapour magnetometers, a GPS real-time and post-corrected...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data First Nation Heritage Routes
The following Heritage Routes, are recognized as having cultural and heritage significance to the First Nation People. This dataset has been corrected from the original to correct for Final Agreements and NTDB base data. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Waterbodies - 1M
The Waterbodies dataset is comprised of area features: lakes, intermittent waterbodies, islands, and rivers wide enough to be represented as an area feature (e.g. St. Lawrence River, Mackenzie River). In a few exceptional cases, islands had to be represented by "holes" in the polygons in the...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Railroads - 50k
1:50,000 NTDB Railroads Based on Edition 2.x.Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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Open Data Trapping Concessions - 250k
Registered Trapping Concessions (RTCs) are legal boundaries that define an area where the holder of the concession has the exclusive right to trap furbearing animals. Because trapping is done primarily along waterways, RTCs are often defined by watersheds, using height of land (ridges and...Organization:Government of YukonIssued by:Government of YukonResource Formats:- HTML
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