Thank you for sharing your ideas, experiences, insights, and stories on what open government means to you, what is or isn’t working well so far, and where you think open government needs to go.
Your input and ideas submitted below helped us form the draft commitments for Canada’s 2018-20 National Action Plan on Open Government.
For questions, ideas or opinions about Open Government, please contact us.
Suggested Ideas
Where politicians and the media communicate the loudest, it would be beneficial to the public to be able to hear arguments for governing processes from public servants themselves (anon. optional).
Appropriate time and resources to make the lives of the Canadian Veterans who served there country to make Canada a safe and secure place to live.
The vast northern part of Canada is sparsely populated. Without those hardy souls who live there we cannot lay claim that the territory is part of Canada.
when a skilled immigrant come to Canada, the very powerful mental stress he/she need to encounter with, how to do micromanagement of to get-ride-of from his/her mental stress and how to best fit hi/her in Canada
I am not Canadian or the political personality of any country.I am just a common people.But these ordinary people choosing an extraordinary government.And this extraordinary government taking a brave step about open government.So let's greet this step.
Free Day Care for Children 12mo - 4 years old, which would help parents raise good, responsible and strong children who are the future of the nation.