Open Maps brings together the Government of Canada’s geospatial data, services, and applications for use by Canadians.
Geospatial data are those that can be linked to a location on a map, such as a street address, town, province or any other geographic feature such as a coastline, mountain, or river.
Through this site, Canadians can explore the wealth of geospatial data that has been collected by many sources including scientists, surveyors, satellites, and marine-based and land-based sensors. It has been processed, interpreted, and structured for use in a variety of applications.
Open Maps is the result of the Federal Geospatial Platform initiative, a multi-year collaborative effort of 21 departments and agencies that participate on the Government of Canada’s Federal Committee on Geomatics and Earth Observations. The Federal Geospatial Platform seeks to fundamentally change the way geospatial data are managed, shared, and used by the Government of Canada.
The geospatial data and services found in Open Maps are made available under the Open Government Licence, and can be used to support your research, application development, or other purposes as allowed under the licence.