Stimulate innovation through Canada’s Open Data Exchange (ODX): Commitment 15


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The Government of Canada will partner with the private sector to better understand how companies are using open data, and raise awareness of the possibilities that exist for Canadian entrepreneurs to take advantage of the value of open data.

Lead department:

Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario in collaboration with Canada’s Open Data Exchange (ODX)

Email address for enquiries: and

Other involved actors:

Communitech, Canadian Digital Media Network, OpenText, D2L, University of Waterloo

Overall status:

All deliverables on schedule.

Planned result

More Canadians will be using open data to launch new products and companies.

Key indicator
Indicator Target Latest actual data (and data collection date)
Number of new commercial open data  projects 13 by June 2018 23 in progress or completed as of April 2018
Number of Canadian open data companies being mapped under the Open Data 150 (OD150) project 150 by July 2017 158 as of April 2018.

Status of Open Government Plan milestones (complete, substantial, limited, not started)


  • 15.1 Complete a comprehensive mapping of 150 Canadian companies that are using open data to launch new products and services, create commercial and non-profit ventures, optimize their business processes, conduct research, and/or make data-driven decisions.
  • 15.2 Launch an online platform at to showcase Canada’s Open Data 150.
  • 15.3 Establish a national network of open data users within industry to collaborate on the development of standards and practices in support of data commercialization.


  • 15.4 Collaborate with private industry on three demonstration projects to illustrate the commercialization potential of open data in priority sectors.
    • Two of the demonstration projects are complete, a third will be complete by the end of June, and two additional demonstration projects are underway
  • 15.5 Incubate 15 new data-driven companies by June 2018.

Other completed milestones:

  • Companies interested in using open data for commercial purposes are invited to contact Canada's Open Data Exchange.
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