Idea Dialogue - Action Plan 2.0 Discussions


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Suggested Ideas

The Government of Canada should develop a fund that will provide grants to enable groups to take existing and new data sources and make them available to the public in a way that is promotes broad citizen interaction with data.
72 vote(s)Add comment
Open government inherently contains the ideas of inclusiveness, transparency and accountability.
63 vote(s)Add comment
Government of Canada through its departments and agencies provides various types of funding, loans and grants to various organizations to facilitate economic growth and development.
76 vote(s)Add comment
Over the decades, the Government of Canada has published authoritative information on a wide variety of topics. These publications provide a substantial base for any study of public policy and give the context and background to current issues.
66 vote(s)1 comment(s)Add comment
The government of Canada (GOC) produces more software (aka. applications, code, computer programs, scripts…) then you might think. All the data recently published on had to come from somewhere!
319 vote(s)33 comment(s)Add comment
Central registry of all federal regulations, risk management and information gathering instruments and measures to increase stakeholder and general public awareness of requirements and restrictions that can be filtered on any number of associated fiel
102 vote(s)2 comment(s)Add comment
Je crois que j’aimerais que le gouvernement fédéral en fasse davantage en matière de gouvernement ouvert, sans qu’il s’agisse nécessairement de données ouvertes.
99 vote(s)Add comment
While I agree fully with Dr. Doughty and Mr. Justice Gomery regarding the absolute importance of the official record and the pressing need for legislation, I believe legislation alone is not enough to achieve integrity.
126 vote(s)2 comment(s)Add comment
The day to day records of government are the foundation of accountability, transparency and the rule of law.  Effective recordkeeping enables government to manage ongoing operations, deliver programs and services, and ensure accountability, stewa
109 vote(s)3 comment(s)Add comment
Enforcement officers, inspectors, investigators, and all those who support them work hard to keep Canadians safe and uphold regulatory standards. Sometimes the end result is a criminal court conviction which becomes public domain.
106 vote(s)Add comment
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