Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada: Open Government Implementation Plan


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Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 will further the progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.

The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other open government activity. Accordingly, the Government of Canada has firmly established an "open by default" position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) is a department shaped by centuries of history, and unique demographic and geographic challenges. The department recognizes a culture shift is required internally to organize and review AANDC’s information in a new light with the ultimate goal of releasing information so that AANDC can be proactively transparent and open as a means of being accountable to Canadians. This culture shift will require the department not only to publish open data, but consume open data from other sources as well thereby becoming more efficient and effective in terms of data collection.

AANDC is one of 34 government departments responsible for meeting the Government of Canada’s obligations and commitments for First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the federal government’s constitutional responsibilities in the North. This shared responsibility means that the department will not be developing its plan alone but rather together in a community with shared responsibilities and objectives to release information where possible to Canadians.

As a federal government department, AANDC welcomes the opportunity to work not only within the federal sphere, but reaching out to engage other levels of government to ensure that the department wholly embraces the principles of Open Government.

This is the first iteration of the department’s Open Government Implementation Plan. The department will release an updated plan on an annual basis for the next five years until 2020.

2 Approvals

Tim Eryou
Chief Information Officer
(Information Management Senior Official)
Chief Financial Office / Information Management Branch
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada



Colleen Swords
Deputy Minister
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada



AANDC’s Open Government Implementation Plan has also been endorsed by:  

Operations Committee (OC) on  


Minutes found in CIDM #


3 Purpose

This document describes Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development’s (AANDC) plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve full compliance by the implementation deadline.

The objective of the Directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality, and security. (Directive on Open Government, Section 5.1)

The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada information and data:

  • to support accountability;
  • to facilitate value-added analysis;
  • to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
  • to support meaningful engagement with their government.

4 Context

4.1 Mandate, Vision and Mission

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) supports Aboriginal peoples (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) and Northerners in their efforts to:

  • Improve social well-being and economic prosperity;
  • Develop healthier, more sustainable communities;
  • Participate more fully in Canada’s political, social and economic development — to the benefit of all Canadians.

The department is responsible for two mandates, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, which together support Canada’s Aboriginal and northern peoples in the pursuit of healthy and sustainable communities, and broader economic and social development objectives. Efforts are guided by the department’s mission statement:

Working together to make Canada a better place for Aboriginal and northern peoples and communities.

The mandate for Aboriginal Affairs is derived from a number of sources, including the following:

A broad suite of legislation designed to provide First Nations with jurisdictional powers outside the Indian Act further defines AANDC’s mandate, including the following:

In addition, the Government of Canada has passed the First Nations Financial Transparency Act, designed to apply the same principles of transparency and accountability to First Nation governments that already exist for other governments in Canada. This Act helps make financial information more accessible to First Nation members, which leads to more effective, transparent and accountable governance as well as stronger, more self-sufficient and prosperous communities.

The department’s mandate is also shaped by specific statutes enabling modern treaties. These include the following:

Moreover, policy and program practices, as well as judicial decisions shape the department’s mandate.

AANDC negotiates comprehensive and specific claims, as well as self-government agreements, on behalf of the Government of Canada. The department is responsible for implementing its obligations under these agreements, as well as overseeing the implementation of obligations of other government departments flowing from these agreements. AANDC also provides support for services on reserves, such as education, housing, community infrastructure and social support to Status Indians on reserves; administers the land management component of the Indian Act; and executes other regulatory duties under the Indian Act.

The Minister acts as the Government of Canada’s primary interlocutor for Métis, Non-Status Indians and urban Aboriginal peoples. The department serves as a focal point for Inuit issues, and supports the inclusion of Inuit-specific concerns in federal program and policy development.

The Northern Development mandate derives from a number of sources, including the following:

Through its Northern Development mandate, AANDC is the lead federal department for two-fifths of Canada’s landmass, with a direct role in the political and economic development of the territories, and significant responsibilities for science, land, and environmental management. In the North, the territorial governments generally provide the majority of social programs and services to all Northerners, including Aboriginal peoples.

4.2 Information Management and Information Technology Environment

4.2.1 Technical Environment

AANDC’s Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) reflects the broad mandate of the department. AANDC’s portfolio of business applications mirrors its PAA, including 80 applications which provide direct support to programs and another 71 applications which provide indirect services to programs and internal services.

AANDC provides tightly integrated IM/IT services based on Government of Canada IM/IT policies and industry standards and best practices, including the Information Technology and Infrastructure Library (ITIL), a standardized Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) environment, Enterprise Architecture/ TOGAF, and a finely tuned governance framework to prioritize work according to department and Government of Canada priorities. A common managed desktop is deployed to staff throughout the department and supported through a national service desk which has the ability to remote connect for troubleshooting and support.

Since the 2011 Order-in-Council, Shared Services Canada (SSC) is responsible for the underlying physical IT infrastructure that supports the department’s applications and systems.

4.2.2 Information Environment

AANDC programs and services use information in every aspect of their work, from the information collected to determine program or service eligibility to stakeholder engagement discussions that are part of the policy development process. Accessing the right information and getting it to the right people in a timely manner is an ongoing challenge across government. What it means to meet this challenge evolves over time. As such compliance with information management legislation and policy, as well as support for open government and citizen engagement are recognized in AANDC’s Information Management Strategy as business drivers that will shape the future of information management in the department.

AANDC’s effort to achieve compliance with the Directive on Recordkeeping has contributed to strengthened information management practices and outputs that will support Open Government.

A key part of this effort resulted in the identification of information resources of business value (IRBVs) and enduring value (IREVs) across the department as well as the repositories where those information resources are held. The department’s IRBVs and IREVs are identified for each Strategic Outcome in the Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) down to the sub-program level and according to the activities and business process that produces them. AANDC has identified 153 electronic repositories and 50 paper repositories that hold the department’s IRBVs and IREVs.

AANDC has a comprehensive suite of internal information management policies that outline employees’ information management and recordkeeping responsibilities and provide advice on best practices. As a result of the recordkeeping compliance effort, each sector has a contextual report that identifies the sector’s information resources, explains their recordkeeping responsibilities and identifies risks associated to the recordkeeping controls for repositories and disposition of information.

AANDC currently has information management representation at sector governance committees and departmental senior committees. Information management is integrated into corporate, investment and multi-year planning at all levels of the department.

The department’s Data Management Working Group has identified in its Tactical Roadmap areas that require improvement to raise AANDC’s data management capacity to the level of its information management and recordkeeping capacity. Data management areas that require particular attention include:

  • Data stewardship roles and responsibilities
  • Metadata management
  • Data lifecycle management
  • Data change management

AANDC has developed limited data management capacity at a departmental level, or has developed repeatable tools and practices in the following data management areas:

  • Data governance committees and organization
  • Principles, policies and standards
  • Data definitions
  • Data models and taxonomies
  • Data architecture
  • Data integration and interoperability

4.3 Challenges and Responses

The following outlines three major challenges AANDC will face implementing the Directive on Open Government and its response as to how it will meet those challenges.

4.3.1 Internal cultural change needed to support the move to “open by default”;

Prior to the Directive on Open Government AANDC employees have focused on protecting private, protected and confidential information, while providing information to the public largely through ad hoc processes and engaging with the public through defined consultation and engagement activities. The open by default position established by the Directive on Open Government represents a change in the information management responsibilities employees are expected to meet and a new way of working in the department. It will be crucial to the success of the Directive on Open Government implementation for employees to continue to protect information and also understand and have the ability to meet their new responsibilities, and know how to make use of open government in their day-to-day work.

Response: AANDC will appoint a senior management open government champion who recognizes the value of Open Government. The department will also develop and implement an open government change management plan.

4.3.2 Information technology is in a state of transition;

The Government of Canada is moving in a new, more centralized direction in which Shared Services Canada will take over responsibility for hardware, software licensing and asset management of electronic devices. This means AANDC will need to contend with a reduced demand for information technology skills and an increased demand for skills required for Directive on Open Government implementation.

Response: In the current context of fiscal restraint, AANDC will identify the human resource requirements for Directive on Open Government implementation, plan for the transition and reallocate existing budgets to Open Government.

4.3.3 Improvements in data management capacity needed to meet requirements of Directive on Open Government

Successful implementation of the Directive on Open Government is predicated on sound information management and data management practices. Directive on Recordkeeping compliance and the GCDocs initiative will put the department in a good position to implement the open information component of the Directive on Open Government. The current state of data management and information architecture at AANDC will impede Directive on Open Government implementation if deficiencies are not addressed.

Response: AANDC will implement a data management program and align the development of data management program components with its Open Government Implementation Plan.

4.4 Critical Success Factors

In addition to AANDC’s response to the challenges identified above, the department recognizes 5 critical success factors that will enable Directive on Open Government implementation.

  • Sustained open government leadership and governance providing direction and support for delivery of AANDC’s OG obligations;
  • Integration of the Directive on Open Government requirements into how the department designs, delivers and supports its services to government departments, Aboriginal Peoples, Northerners and all Canadians. One way the department can do this is to incorporate Directive on Open Government requirements into the department’s Project Portfolio Management Framework;
  • Availability of financial and human resources to fund and support the work to be “open by default";
  • Support for training to change the department’s business processes and technology so that the department will have the skills needed to be “open by default”; and
  • Engagement with other levels of government including First Nation governments and organizations external to AANDC.

4.5 Benefits and Risks

While the primary purpose of the Directive on Open Government is to release eligible information for public use and benefit, there are also benefits expected for the department. By anticipating the benefits of open government implementation AANDC can position itself to make the most of them. The benefits of open government for the department are expected to include:

  • Greater availability of information for consumption by the department, promoting re-use, reduction of redundant data collection and encouraging innovative uses of data and information internally;
  • Improved data quality resulting from public feedback;
  • New insights related to the delivery of department and agency mandates due to external analysis of information;
  • Improved information management governance and standards, which are needed for the department to manage the release of eligible information; and
  • Data interoperability across government through the application of common data standards.

At the same time open government implementation poses risks that AANDC needs to be aware of in order manage effectively. As implementation progresses, clarity around the risks identified here and the identification of unanticipated risks is expected. Anticipated risks for AANDC include:

  • Increased risk of privacy breach resulting from the combination of datasets about individuals with insufficient disclosure risk controls applied – this of particular concern for AANDC given the large amount of personal information held by the department;
  • Conflicts between federal government and Aboriginal data governance expectations with negative impacts on the department’s relationship with Aboriginal peoples;
  • Decreased public trust in the department resulting from releasing information of little value, poor quality data and metadata, failure to release information in a timely manner, and failure to respond sufficiently to public feedback; and
  • Programs will no longer be the primary authority in interpreting departmental data and assessing its implications for policy development and program administration;

The department can mitigate these risks through meaningful engagement with Aboriginal peoples on open government and robust open government policies, standards and processes.

5 Outcomes

The following outlines the outcomes that will be achieved in the department once Open Government has been implemented.

5.1 Open by Default

AANDC’s primary goal under open government is to ensure all eligible data and information of business value are open by default. The Department recognizes that the information and data it holds are public assets and that releasing eligible information and data contributes to Canada’s public information infrastructure. The shift to an open by default organization represents a transformation in how the department manages its information and data, and how it engages with citizens. It will be essential going forward to integrate assessment and release processes into all departmental activities centered around the management of information and data.

5.2 Culture Change

The transformation to an open by default organization necessitates a change in the values, skills and work habits of AANDC employees. The Department seeks to create an organization where employees:

  • Value transparency and sharing information;
  • Possess skills to make use of open data and information; and
  • Use open data and information to work with citizens and fellow public servants in new ways.

5.3 Improved Data Management

As stated in the Directive on Open Government, “Strong information management practices are the cornerstone of the Government of Canada’s open government activities.” Information management practices in the Government of Canada have historically emphasized records management. With data coming into greater focus under open government, AANDC aims to improve its data management capacity in order to meet the objective of Directive on Open Government.

The purpose of improving data management is to ensure the department’s data assets of business value are known, given meaningful context through high quality metadata, assigned to departmental stewards and custodians who are responsible for applying policy and standards, and effectively managed throughout the resource’s lifecycle.

5.4 Enterprise Governance Over Information and Data

Employees across the organization are responsible as stewards and custodians of the department’s information and data resources of business value. AANDC will put into place governance processes that take an enterprise view of information and data in order to manage, protect and unlock of value of these resources.

5.5 Support for Related Initiatives

The implementation of open government indirectly supports related initiatives. These include:

  • Service delivery at AANDC and the implementation of the department’s Three Year Service Strategy.
  • Federal Geospatial Platform – Open geospatial datasets released by AANDC will be used  by the Federal Geospatial Platform.
  • Blueprint 2020 – The implementation of open government aligns with the principles of Blueprint 2020.

6 Governance Structures and Decision Processes

The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the institution.

6.1 Roles and Responsibilities – Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official

The governance of AANDC’s Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official (IMSO) and Deputy Head (DH) in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government.

Role / Body

Description / Function

Deputy Head

Departmental accountability (public accountability).


Externally facing Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) delegated authority for Open Government, accountable to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) for compliance with the Directive on Open Government. The IMSO / CIO is informed and supported by the subcommittee on Information Management of the Director General Infrastructure and Operations Committee (DGIOC),

6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Governing Committees

Whereas the department will as much as possible use existing governance structures, a couple of governing bodies are being established within AANDC to support the Deputy Head and the IMSO in effectively governing the department’s efforts in complying with the Directive on Open Government. The level of governance illustrated below is focused on monitoring and addressing issues and gaps as the department executes the action items outlined in this document.

Role / Body

Description / Function

Open Government Working Group

This body is primarily concerned with providing recommendations on how the department can meet the Open Government Directive as well as performing the legislative and judicial functions of data governance including:

  • Defines the recommended approach for Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP), including the endorsement of yearly open data release targets based on prioritization (value) and organizational capacity (ability to deliver); at CBSA the latter is performed as part of the Plan & Commit phase of the Open Data Delivery Framework.
  • Identifies the need for policy instruments (standards, guidelines, toolkits, reference architecture, etc.) to support the delivery of Open Government;
  • Provides enforcement of approved policy instruments;
  • Defines the approval process to ensure that data/information released under Open Government is fit for public consumption (due diligence of data risks in the areas of ownership, quality, privacy, security and legal);
  • Representation from all sectors and regions as Data Stewards (i.e. responsible for the data);
  • Establish sub-committee working groups based on the holistic approach for implementation of Open Government;
  • Chair is the Dept’l Open Government Coordinator who will also sit on the Service Excellence Working Group.

Information and Technology Stewardship Group (ITSG)

  • Existing governance board for IM/IT enabled projects;
  • Director level committee;
  • Chaired by the IMSO, AANDC’s Chief Information Officer;
  • Regional representation from Directors of Corporate Services;
  • Recommend actions such as moving to next committee for approvals, DGIOC.

Director General Implementation and Operations Committee (DGIOC)

  • Existing governance board for IM/IT enabled projects;
  • Director General level committee;
  • IMSO is a representative on the committee;
  • Regional representation by Regional Director Generals;
  • Recommend actions such as moving to next committee for approvals, OC.

Operations Committee (OC)

  • Existing governance board for IM/IT enabled projects;
  • Assistant Deputy Minister level committee;
  • Associate Deputy Minister chairs the committee;
  • IMSO is a representative on the committee;
  • Approves at a high level of actions of the department.

Steering Committee

  • Establish a Steering committee to oversee the Open Government Working Group and will present to the committees;
  • Co-chaired by IMSO and Open Government Senior Champion.

6.3 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholders

The following table outlines the key stakeholders

Role / Body

Description / Function

Departmental Open Government Coordinator

  • Serves as central point of contact on OG
  • Responsible for OG activity planning, scheduling, coordination, stakeholder onboarding, establishment of working groups
  • Tracks progress on OG deliverables and performance measures
  • Provides OG awareness, education, guidance, communication
  • Maintains inventories and prioritizes data and information for release annually
  • Coordinates release of data and information
  • Provides guidance to data stewards on release process
  • Manages the department’s catalogue of data and information and information holdings (i.e. metadata) published to open.canada.ca

Web Publisher  (INET Services)
IM functional specialists

  • Responsible for posting and maintaining data on department’s internet server and updating the dataset’s program page (if applicable) as required

IM functional specialists

  • Supports management of information and data throughout its lifecycle
  • Works with OG Coordinator to assemble maintain inventories, prioritization process and release schedule
  • Provides advice training and awareness sessions
  • Analyzes OG policies and standards for IM impact

ATIP, Security, Communications and Legal functional specialists

  • Assess data and information for release for compliance with legislation and policy
  • Liase with Government of Canada governance bodies to assess impact of potential risks

IT functional specialists

  • Reviews data for release to ensure it is consistent and error free
  • Provides recommendation (from IT perspective) to IMSO to approve datasets for release

Program areas

  • Senior management designated as data owners to represent the program at senior level governance committees
  • Data owners appoint  data stewards to work with the Open Data Coordinator

6.4 Communication, Awareness, and Engagement

The department is engaging in activities to help promote open government both internally and externally.

Communications activities at AANDC include:

  • the development of various presentation decks to inform data owners and other stakeholders as to their roles and responsibilities under the Directive on Open Government and opportunities to make use of open government; and
  • the publication of datasets on the open.canada.ca portal

The Open Government Coordinator is collaborating with the Communication Branch to develop a comprehensive Open Government Communications Plan, which will include the department’s internal open government change management plan and its external engagement and communication strategy. In addition, the department is a leading member of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s (TBS) Communications Sub-Working Group for the Open Government Implementation Working Group.

6.4.1 Strategic Value of Communications

The inventory, analysis, and release of eligible data and information of business value will require significant effort on behalf of AANDC stakeholders. Communications tools as a component of change management will support the cultural shift that needs to take place for the successful implementation of the Directive on Open Government.

6.4.2 Communications Approach

ADKAR is a change management model that provides a series of successive stages to implement change. It is goal-oriented and cumulative. For the purpose of implementing the Directive on Open Government it provides a useful framework organizing the department’s open government change management efforts.

6.4.3 Collaboration with Other groups

There are two other key groups within AANDC that the Open Government Coordinator will reach out to ensure activities are streamlined in the coming implementation years. These groups are as follows:

  • Service Excellence Working Group – The Service Excellence Working Group has been tasked with creating and implementing a Service Strategy that corresponds to the requirements outlined in the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Policy on Service. The department anticipates alignment between the high-value services provided by AANDC and high-value data and information held by AANDC.
  • Annual Report Initiative – The Annual Report Initiative is responsible for coordinating and linking the department’s program performance measurements to funding arrangements for the AANDC’s funding recipients. This initiative provides a value opportunity for engaging departmental data stewards and First Nations on data management and open government issues.

6.4.4 Collaboration with Other Departments

The department participates in multiple government-wide Open Government working groups including:

  •  Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s (TBS) Open Government Working Group;
  • TBS’ Open Government Technical Working Group;
  • TBS’ Open Government Directive Implementation Working Group; and
  • Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s (TBS) sub-working group on Communications for the Directive on Open Government (lead).

Departmental representatives provide valuable input into these working groups to support and advance the development of Open Government related policies, guidelines, and tools.

6.4.5 External Engagement

There are great opportunities for the department to engage in collaborative efforts to improve its services and policies in order to meet its mandate with Aboriginal peoples and Northerners.  While the form this engagement will take is currently unclear, early efforts have identified engagement opportunities with the following First Nation groups:

  • First Nations Information Governance Centre
  • British Columbia First Nations’ Data Governance Initiative
  • British Columbia First Nations Health Authority

The department endeavours to increase its focus engagement with Aboriginal people and Northerners on open government as implementation progresses.

7 Planning Table

7.1 Planning Table A: Directive on Open Government Requirements

Reference Compliance Requirement Deliverables / Milestones Lead Activities Start Date End Date Resources
(Human and Financial)
DOG 6.1

Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Appoint an open government champion and establish Open Government governance structure


Identify and delegate a Champion to OG



Champion (DG level)

Data/information steward representatives

OG support representatives

Not Started

Establish OG working group



Not Started

Develop and implement an Open Government change management plan


Develop a change management plan (including linkages with data management)



 Ntl. Coor. Policy & Best Prac (AS-06) and 1 AS-03 + 1 AS-02

Change management consultant

Not Started

Implement change management plan



Not Started

Develop and implement an external engagement and communication strategy


Develop external engagement and communication strategy



Communications Officer (IS-02)

Not Started

Implement external engagement and communication strategy



Not Started

Develop an annual Data Release Plan

Data Operations

Develop Year 2 data release plan.



A/Data Ops. Manager (EC-06) and 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02

Not Started

Update data release plan for Year 3.



Not Started

Update data release plan for Year 4.



Not Started

Update data release plan for Year 5.



Not Started

Develop an annual Information Release Plan


Identify Information to be release



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

Annual update of the release plan



Not Started

Develop an enterprise data model


Document level one of the enterprise data model (subjects areas)



OCIO Senior Project Manager   (CS-04)

Data modelling consultant

Not Started

Document levels two (data concepts) and three (conceptual entities) of the enterprise data model



Not Started

Conduct an evaluation of regional data collection


Analyze data inventory



OCIO Senior Project Manager   (CS-04)

Audit and Evaluation personnel (TBD)

Not Started

Seek Audit and Evaluation support for evaluation of regional data collection



Not Started

Develop an action plan for conducting regional data collection evaluation



Not Started

Conduct audit of regional data collection



Not Started

Develop and implement action plan based on recommendations from audit



Not Started

Identify and allocate human resources for Open Government


Assess human resources requirements (e.g. project manager, change management expert)



CIO (EX-03)

2 EX-02 + 4 CS-05 IMB Directors

Not Started

Identify and delegate/hire positions to support Open Government



Not Started

Identify IMB services for reallocation to Open Government



Not Started

Identify services for further digitization and/or reduction after right-sizing implementation



Not Started

Reallocate resources to support operations of Open Government



Not Started

DOG 6.2

Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the TBS

Release process to support the publication of AANDC’s data

Data Operations

Identify activities to be conducted within process



A/Data Ops. Manager (EC-06) and 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02

OG working group (TBD)

ADDDA Director (CS-05)
and 1 CS-04+ 1 CS-03 + TBD

In Progress

Identify areas responsible for contributing to process



In Progress

Establish roles and responsibilities



Not Started

Develop standards and guidelines to support process, including a listing of accessible and reusable data formats, conversion processes for data identified for release whose native format is not open, and a data dictionary standard



Not Started

Determine requirements for  supporting technical infrastructure (e.g. hosting dataset files, metadata management, architecture)



Not Started

Implement supporting technical infrastructure



Not Started

Develop performance measures and tracking mechanisms



Not Started

Integrate data release process into existing governance structures



Not Started

Develop training and awareness materials



Not Started

Launch process



Not Started

Release process to support the publication of AANDC’s information


Analysis of mechanisms to publish IRBV from GCdocs and SCMS to web



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

Develop information release process



Implement information release process



Not Started

Listing of accessible and reusable formats (for information) to be used at AANDC

Application Standards and Architecture

Listing of accessible and reusable formats (for information)



Application Development Manager (CS-04)
and 2 CS-03 + TBD

Not Started

Conversion process(es) for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

Application Standards and Architecture

Establish Conversion process(es) for information identified for release



Not Started

DOG 6.3

Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3)

Methodology for establishing a Data Inventory

Data Operations  and OCIO

Establish a standardized process for Data Inventory



A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02

Not Started

Establishing Data Inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by AANDC)

Data Operations  and OCIO

Adopt inventory template developed by OGI Working Group



A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02

Not Started

Evaluate assets included in the Data Inventory to determine their eligibility and priority for release

Data Operations  and OCIO

Develop a methodology to prioritize data for release



A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02

Service Excellence Working Group (Tara Burnell Coord.)

Not Started

Apply methodology



Not Started

Renewal process(es) to maintain the currency of AANDC’ s Data Inventory

Data Operations  and OCIO

Renewal of standard process to maintain the currency of the current data and to follow up with the new data implementation



A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02

Service Excellence Working Group (Tara Burnell Coord.)

Not Started

Identify technical requirements to support the creation of Data Inventory management solution


Design and build a corporate system that will retrieve and organize the data inventory template information



ADDDA Director (CS-05)
and 1 CS-04+ 1 CS-03 + TBD

Not Started

Methodology for establishing an Information Inventory


Establish a standardized process for Information Inventory



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

Establishing Information Inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by AANDC)


Create and adopt an Information inventory template



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

Evaluate assets included in the information Inventory to determine their eligibility and priority for release


Develop a methodology to prioritize Information for release



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Service Excellence Working Group (Tara Burnell Coord.)

Not Started

Apply methodology



Not Started

Renewal process(es) to maintain the currency of AANDC’s Information Inventory


Renewal of standard process to maintain the currency of the current Information and to follow up with the new Information implementation



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

Identify technical requirements to support the creation of Information Inventory management solution


Design and build a corporate system that will retrieve and organize the information inventory template information



ADDDA Director (CS-05)
and 1 CS-04+ 1 CS-03 + TBD

Not Started

DOG 6.4

Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP)

Establish governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of AANDC ’s OGIP


Establish governance structures



CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Staff and fund AANDC’s OGIP


Identify resources to support OG



CIO (EX-03)

2 EX-02 + 4 CS-05 IMB Directors

Not Started

Build position to support OG



Not Started

Staff Position to support OG



Not Started

Develop AANDC’s Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP)


Develop Open Government Implementation Plan



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

In Progress

Complete and submit Purpose section



In Progress

Complete and submit Context section



In Progress

Complete and submit Outcomes section



In Progress

Complete and submit Governance structure and Decision Processes section



In Progress

Complete and submit Planning Table



In Progress

Complete and submit to Treasury Board the Data Information Inventory table



In Progress

Complete and submit to Treasury Board the Removing Access Restrictions table



In Progress

Obtains approval (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s OGIP


Consultation with Governance body



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

In Progress

Obtain signatures (IMSO and Deputy Head) in section 2 (Approvals) of AANDC’s OGIP



Not Started

Publish AANDC’s Year 1OGIP


Follow the posting process to be establish by Treasury Board Secretariat



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04

Not Started

Develop monitoring and reporting processes  for assessing progress and  maintaining the currency of the AANDC’s OGIP


Develop monitoring and reporting processes  for assessing progress and  maintaining the currency of the AANDC’s OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Develop AANDC’s second annual update to the OGIP


Develop AANDC’s second annual update to the OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s second annual update to the OGIP.


Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s second annual update to the OGIP.



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Publish AANDC’s Year 2 OGIP


Publish AANDC’s Year 2 OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Develop AANDC’s third annual update to the OGIP


Develop AANDC’s third annual update to the OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s third annual update to the OGIP.


Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s third annual update to the OGIP.



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Publish AANDC’s Year 3 OGIP


Publish AANDC’s Year 3 OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Develop AANDC’s fourth annual update to the OGIP


Develop AANDC’s fourth annual update to the OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s third annual update to the OGIP.


Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s third annual update to the OGIP.



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Publish AANDC’s OGIP


Publish AANDC’s OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Develop AANDC’s fifth annual (and final) update to the OGIP


Develop AANDC’s fifth annual (and final) update to the OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s fifth annual update to the OGIP.


Obtain approvals (IMSO and Deputy Head) of AANDC’s fifth annual update to the OGIP.



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

Publish AANDC’s Year 5 OGIP


Publish AANDC’s Year 5 OGIP



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + 1 EC-04 + 1 EC-02 + students

Not Started

DOG 6.5

Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library & Archives Canada.

Develop methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC


Analyze Libraries and Archives Canada guidance on removal of access restrictions



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

Action plan from LAC guidance analysis



Not Started

Develop monitoring mechanisms and track performance measures.



Not Started

Apply methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into AANDC’s disposition plans and procedures.


Apply methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into AANDC’s disposition plans and procedures.



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

Not Started

DOG 6.6

Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services

Put in place governance structures to ensure that the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are integrated into any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions


Put in place governance structures



CIO (EX-03) + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04

Not Started

Integrate Directive on Open Government requirements into AANDC’s procurement process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Open Government



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + TBD

OG working group (TBD)

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Open Government underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Data Management requirements into AANDC’s procurement process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Data Management



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + TBD

Data Management Working Group

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Data Management underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate recordkeeping requirements into AANDC’s procurement process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Recordkeeping



EIRM (AS-08) and
1 AS-03+ 2 AS-02 + TBD

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Recordkeeping underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Directive on Open Government requirements into AANDC’s development process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Open Government



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + TBD

OG working group (TBD)

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Open Government underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Data Management requirements  into AANDC’s development process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Data Management



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + TBD

Data Management Working Group

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Data Management underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Recordkeeping requirements into AANDC’s development process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Recordkeeping



EIRM (AS-08) + TBD

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Recordkeeping underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Directive on Open Government requirements into AANDC’s modernizing process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Open Government



Alison Rygh, TBD

OG working group (TBD)

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Open Government underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Data Management requirements  into AANDC’s modernizing process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Data Management



OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04 + A/Data Ops. Manager EC-06 + TBD

Data Management Working Group

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Data Management underlay and communicate



Not Started

Integrate Recordkeeping requirements into AANDC’s modernizing process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions


Develop Project Portfolio Management Framework underlay for Recordkeeping



EIRM (AS-08) + TBD

CIO (EX-03)

Not Started

Approve Recordkeeping underlay and communicate



Not Started

DOG 7.1

Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department

Develop performance framework for the monitoring of AANDCs progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP


Develop performance framework for the monitoring of AANDCs progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP



CIO (EX-03) + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04

Not Started

Report progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation


Year 2, Q3 progress report on OGIP 1



CIO (EX-03) + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04

Not Started

Year 2, Q4 progress report on OGIP 1



Not Started

Year 3, Q1 progress report on OGIP 2



Not Started

Year 3, Q2 progress report on OGIP 2



Not Started

Year 3, Q3 progress report on OGIP 2



Not Started

Year 3, Q4 progress report on OGIP 2



Not Started

Year 4, Q1 progress report on OGIP 3



Not Started

Year 4, Q2 progress report on OGIP 3



Not Started

Year 4, Q3 progress report on OGIP 3



Not Started

Year 4, Q4 progress report on OGIP 3



Not Started

Year 5, Q1 progress report on OGIP 4



Not Started

Year 5, Q2 progress report on OGIP 4



Not Started

Year 5, Q3 progress report on OGIP 4



Not Started

Year 5, Q4 progress report on OGIP 4



Not Started

Year 5, Final progress report on OGIP



Not Started

Ongoing progress report on OGIP 5 until complete



Not Started

Develop performance framework for the monitoring of AADNC’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive


Develop performance framework for the monitoring of AADNC’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive



CIO (EX-03) + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04

Not Started

Develop process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head (DH)


Develop process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head (DH)



CIO (EX-03) + OCIO Senior Project Manager CS-04

Not Started

7.2 Planning Table B: Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 Commitments and Directive on Open Government Roles and Responsibilities

As per Canada’s Action Plan 2.0, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada do not have any requirements under Canada’s commitments in regards to Planning Table B.

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