Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
Canada has a long-standing commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 will further the progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.
The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other open government activity. Accordingly, the Government of Canada has firmly established an “open by default” position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.
The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) works to create opportunities for economic growth in Atlantic Canada by helping businesses become more competitive, innovative and productive, by working with diverse communities to develop and diversify local economies, and by championing the strengths of Atlantic Canada.
ACOA has developed an Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) that outlines key activities to help it become “open by default,” which in turn will enable it to become more open, accessible, efficient and receptive to the needs of Canadians. Additionally, the requirements of the Directive on Open Government may be used as a framework for informing changes to help improve ACOA’s information management capacity in the following four functional areas: information management, archival services, data management and web content management. ACOA will publish an annual update that will outline the activities of this plan that were undertaken to meet the requirements of the Directive on Open Government.
ACOA’s OGIP is designed to support seven commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16:
- Implementation of the Directive on Open Government
- Open data in Canada
- Open science
- Open contracting
- Open information on budgets and expenditures
- Open information core commitment
- Consulting Canadians
2. Approvals
Marc Gagnon
Information Management Senior Official
Director General, Chief Information Officer Directorate
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Denise Frenette, CPA, CA
Vice-President, Finance and Corporate Services
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Paul J. LeBlanc
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
3. Purpose
This document describes ACOA’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government in order to achieve full compliance by the , implementation deadline.
The objective of the Directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality and security. (Directive on Open Government, Section 5.1)
The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada information and data:
- to support accountability;
- to facilitate value-added analysis;
- to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and
- that support meaningful engagement with their government.
This document also describes ACOA’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to seven of the commitments described in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16.
4. Context
4.1 Raison d’être and Responsibilities
Established in 1987 (Part I of the Government Organization Act, Atlantic Canada 1987, R.S.C., 1985, c.41 (4th Supp.), also known as the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act), ACOA is the federal department responsible for the Government of Canada’s economic development efforts in the provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
ACOA works to create opportunities for economic growth in Atlantic Canada by helping businesses become more competitive, innovative and productive, by working with diverse communities to develop and diversify local economies, and by championing the strengths of Atlantic Canada. Together with Atlantic Canadians, ACOA is building a stronger economy.
ACOA plays an important role in developing and supporting policies and programs that strengthen the region’s economy. Its responsibilities are stated in the Agency’s legislation, which mandates the organization “to increase opportunity for economic development in Atlantic Canada and, more particularly, to enhance the growth of earned incomes and employment opportunities in that region.” Although the Agency’s policies and program tools have evolved since its inception, the overall goal remains constant. ACOA is dedicated to helping the Atlantic region realize its full economic potential in terms of productivity, innovation, competitiveness and growth. This is achieved by addressing structural changes in the economy, helping communities and businesses to overcome challenges, and capitalizing on opportunities. ACOA is committed to helping the region build its capacity and make the transition to a stronger economy.
ACOA has over 600 employees who provide services through its head office in Moncton, NB, and throughout the four Atlantic provinces, with a regional office located in each of the four provincial capitals and 22 local field offices. Through its Ottawa office, ACOA ensures that Atlantic Canada’s interests are reflected in the policies and programs developed by other departments and agencies of the federal government.
ACOA’s technological environment includes a number of business applications, servers and telecommunications infrastructure that are used by Agency staff to manage data and information used in the delivery of its programs and services. ACOA’s telecommunications and server infrastructure is managed by Shared Services Canada with the aid and support of ACOA’s Information Technology (IT) staff.
4.2 Challenges and Mitigation Strategy
The following outlines the key challenges faced by ACOA in meeting the obligations stemming from Canada’s commitments under Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16:
a) Required change in culture to “open by default”
The Agency needs to create an environment conducive to the sharing of data and information with the public so that it becomes natural for staff to incorporate open government principles into their work activities in the delivery of programs and services.
b) Process standardization
There is a need to standardize processes and practices to efficiently develop information resources, systems and tools across ACOA’s regional offices to ensure that the Agency’s approach is consistent and regimented to improve quality, validity, usefulness and clarity of its information and data.
c) Allocation of the necessary human and financial resources
The Agency needs to invest the required human and financial resources to support and implement the Open Government Initiative principles and requirements within the allotted time frames. This includes ensuring access to and availability of the appropriate resources to support change management (i.e. training, consultation, etc.) as business practices are adapted within the organization and providing support on an ongoing basis.
ACOA intends to mitigate its risks primarily through the following measures:
- providing strong leadership through governance in order to provide necessary guidance and oversight to successfully carry out the activities set out by this plan;
- ensuring required training and ongoing support for staff so that they have the required competencies to support the elements of this plan;
- developing processes and tools to assist staff in efficiently supporting the elements of this plan;
- allocating necessary resources for the implementation of this plan and the ongoing maintenance to ensure that requirements continue to be met afterward; and
- consulting with the Treasury Board Secretariat and collaborating with other government departments to identify best practices and validate approaches.
5. Outcomes
In accordance with the Directive on Open Government, ACOA expects through the execution of this plan to contribute to the Government of Canada’s efforts to improve Canadians’ ability to find and use data and information. ACOA looks forward to strengthening the Atlantic Canadian economy through the release of research and the economic analysis of its programs and studies. In addition, ACOA will foster greater accountability by increasing the transparency of its operations in delivering its programs and services.
The Agency’s OGIP forms part of its commitment to sound information management, record keeping and broad access to data and information for Canadians. It is expected that the activities identified in this plan will indirectly improve stewardship of ACOA’s data and information through increased employee awareness of ownership, privacy, confidentiality and security.
The following figure shows the 12 commitments of Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 to advance open government principles under three streams: Open Data, Open Information and Open Dialogue.

Figure 1 - Text version
Circle 1 (in the middle): Open Government Directive
Circle 2 (around circle 1) divided in 3 sections: Open Info, Open Dialogue and Open Data.
Open Info:
- Open Science
- Mandatory Reporting on Extractives
- *Open Contracting (PWGSC co-leads with TBS)
- *Open Information on Budgets and Expenditures
- Digital Literacy
- *Open Information Core Commitment
Open Data:
- *Open Data Canada
- Canadian Open Data Exchange
- Open Data for Development
- * Open Data Core Commitment
Open Dialogue:
- Next-generation Consulting Canadians
It was determined through analysis that the following seven obligations of the 12 Government of Canada commitments are applicable to ACOA, all of which promote the core principles upon which open government is built, namely transparency, accountability and citizen engagement:
1. Implementation of the Directive on Open Government
The Government of Canada has issued a mandatory policy requiring federal government departments and agencies to maximize the release of data and information of business value subject to applicable restrictions related to privacy, confidentiality and security. Eligible data and information will be released in standardized, open formats, free of charge and without restrictions on reuse. The action plan for the implementation of the directive requirements is outlined in the planning table in section 7 of this document.
2. Open data in Canada
The Government of Canada will work with provinces, territories and municipalities to break down barriers to integrated, pan-Canadian open data services through the establishment of common principles, standards and licensing across all levels of government to facilitate the sharing of data.
3. Open science
The Government of Canada will maximize access to federally funded scientific research (e.g. studies and analyses) to encourage greater collaboration and engagement with the scientific community, the private sector and the public. For ACOA, this represents the publication of research funded by the Agency or carried out internally.
4. Open contracting
The Government of Canada will coordinate single-window access to a broad range of open contracting information across all federal departments. For ACOA, this represents disclosure of contracts awarded by the Agency.
5. Open information on budgets and expenditures
The Government of Canada will publish expanded information and data on federal spending to help Canadians understand, and hold government accountable for, the use of public monies. For ACOA, this represents disclosure of Agency’s budgets and expenditures such as financial statements, travel and hospitality expenses, grants and contributions, and other internal reports.
6. Open information core commitment
The Government of Canada will expand the proactive release of information on government activities, programs, policies and services, making information easier to find, access and use. For ACOA, this represents disclosure of reports and evaluations, among other things.
7. Consulting Canadians
The Government of Canada will provide direction and next-generation tools and resources to enable federal departments and agencies to consult more broadly with citizens and civil society in support of the development and delivery of government policies and programs. For ACOA, this represents consultation with beneficiaries or citizens on the development and delivery of the Agency’s programs and policies.
6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes
The following sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the Agency.
6.1 Roles and Responsibilities – Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official
The governance of the Agency’s Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official (IMSO) and the Deputy Head (DH) in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government.
ACOA’s President, as Deputy Head, is responsible for the following:
- approving the OGIP;
- committing to adhere to the Directive on Open Government and to meeting open government obligations; and
- taking any corrective action that may be required.
ACOA’s delegated IMSO is responsible for the following:
- overseeing ACOA’s implementation and monitoring of the Directive on Open Government;
- working with key stakeholders within the organization to ensure the effective implementation of the directive;
- advising the DH of any major issues affecting compliance and proposing solutions;
- seeing that necessary measures are applied to correct cases of non-compliance that may arise; and
- reporting significant performance and compliance issues to the Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB) of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholders
The Director General, Chief Information Officer Directorate (DG, CIOD), is responsible for:
- ensuring that any open data and information is released according to government legislation, policies and standards governing the publication of information, including but not limited to official languages, accessibility standards, web publishing standards, compliance with Open Data Portal and posting requirements;
- providing expert advice on the risks and impacts of releasing data and information and proposing strategies to mitigate those risks and impacts; and
- integrating the requirements of the Directive on Open Government into any new plans for procuring, developing or modernizing the Agency’s information systems.
The Senior Manager, Information Management is responsible for the following:
- ensuring horizontal representation in resolving issues related to open government;
- briefing the IMSO on operational issues and requirements regarding open government implementation;
- supporting the IMSO in providing briefing materials to internal governance committees and senior management;
- following up on the process work performed in all branches in order to enable the dissemination of open information and data;
- providing feedback to the IMSO on operational issues related to the implementation of the Open Government Initiative;
- raising awareness for the Open Government Initiative throughout ACOA;
- researching other work and best practices in other government departments and agencies;
- ensuring strategic alignment of the Agency teams for record keeping, information management and access to information and privacy activities throughout the agency; and
- reviewing, commenting on and testing internal tools and guidance related to the implementation of the Directive on Open Government.
The Director/Coordinator of Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) is responsible for:
- ensuring that summaries of completed access to information requests are posted on the Open Government Portal within 30 days at the end of the month during which the responses were issued as requested in the criteria outlined in the Directive on the Administration of the Access to Information Act;
- providing guidance to employees on the preparation of documents for release to the public;
- reviewing responses to parliamentary questions and evaluation reports prior to their publication; and
- receiving and addressing public inquiries for information and data.
The Information Management Functional Specialists are responsible for:
- providing advice and guidance to management and employees on information management; and
- preparing information holdings of enduring value for release to Library and Archives Canada, including removal of access restrictions prior to transfer.
The Corporate Registrar is responsible for:
- creating and maintaining the inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the institution.
The executives and managers at ACOA are responsible for:
- ensuring that their information, and that of their employees, is managed in accordance with the Policy on Information Management and the Directive on Recordkeeping, in order to establish a solid foundation for recommending open data and information for release;
- assessing risk and ability for identified Information Resources of Business Value to be posted on the Open Data Portal;
- approving information and data to be posted on the Open Data Portal in accordance with internal policies and procedures in a timely manner; and
- leading by example, changing culture from within, embracing change in accordance with policy, actively performing information management and information sharing, and proactively opening up information as much as possible.
All ACOA employees are responsible for:
- managing their data and information in accordance with the Policy on Information Management and related instruments;
- seeking support from the IMSO and the ATIP coordinator as required in order to ensure policy and legislative compliance; and
- making recommendations to managers and executives regarding the release of open data and information.
6.3 Communication, Awareness, and Engagement
The Information Management team at ACOA is collaborating with central agencies and other government departments to share best practices and lessons learned, which are then adapted into working tools. The team plays a key role in advocating for the Open Government Initiative throughout the Agency through briefings to senior management and informational presentations. To further enhance dialogue, information sharing and development of best practices, the Agency participates in a cross-departmental working group with other regional development agencies.
ACOA will launch the next phase of the Open Government Initiative with an article on the Agency’s intranet site, Rendezvous, in consultation with the ATIP and Communications groups. Internal communications with staff about Open Government will involve raising awareness about best practices for information management, record keeping and document security. By ensuring that a consistent approach in these key areas is applied across the Agency, the application of open government principles can be a cohesive and efficient process.
7. Planning Tables
The following table presents, for the seven Directive on Open Government requirements applicable to ACOA, the planning of ACOA’s key deliverables, their leads, timelines and resources as well as their status in respect of full compliance with the Directive by March 31, 2020.
Reference |
Compliance Requirement |
Deliverables / Milestones |
Lead |
Activities |
Start Date |
End Date |
Resources |
Status |
DOG 6.1 |
Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat |
ACOA’s Data Release Plan |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Revise and update |
Senior Manager, Information Management / Manager, Application Development |
Ongoing |
ACOA’s Information Release Plan |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Draft |
Senior Manager, Information Management / IMSO |
Starting |
DOG 6.2 |
Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the TBS |
Listing of accessible and reusable formats (for data and information) to be used at ACOA |
Define |
Manager, Application Development |
In Progress |
Conversion process(es) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable |
Create web services, web sites and code. |
2011 |
2012 |
Application developers under Manager, Application Development |
Complete |
Conversion process(es) for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable |
Create web services, web sites and code. |
2011 |
2012 |
Application developers under Manager, Application Development |
Complete |
Release process to support the publication of ACOA’s data |
Create web services, web sites and code. |
2011 |
2012 |
Application developers under Manager, Application Development |
Complete |
Release process to support the publication of ACOA’s information |
Senior Manager Information Management |
Define process, train users, implement process and facilitate information publication |
Senior Manager, Information Management / ATIP Coordinator / Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar / Manager, Application Development |
Starting |
DOG 6.3 |
Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3) |
Methodology for establishing a data inventory |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Define methodology |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Starting |
Methodology for establishing an information inventory |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Define methodology |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Starting |
Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by ACOA) |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Create data inventory |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by ACOA) |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Create data inventory |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
Renewal process(es) to maintain the currency of ACOA’s data inventory |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Define process |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
Renewal process(es) to maintain the currency of ACOA’s information inventory |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Define process |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release |
Director ATIP / Corporate Registrar |
Populate and evaluate assets in inventory |
Director ATIP / Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release |
Director ATIP / Corporate Registrar |
Populate and evaluate assets in inventory |
Director ATIP / Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
DOG 6.4 |
Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) |
Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of ACOA’s OGIP |
Define governance structure |
Planned |
Complete plan |
IMSO / Senior Manager, Information Management |
In Progress |
Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of ACOA’s OGIP |
Sign off plan |
N/A |
Planned |
ACOA’s OGIP is staffed and funded |
Reprioritize and seek additional resources |
Ongoing |
Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of the ACOA’s OGIP |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress |
Q1 2016 |
Q3 2016 |
Project Manager and Information Management resources |
Ongoing |
ACOA’s first annual update to the OGIP |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Updating the OGIP |
Q1 2016 |
Q3 2016 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
ACOA’s second annual update to the OGIP |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Updating the OGIP |
Q1 2017 |
Q3 2017 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
ACOA’s third annual update to the OGIP |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Updating the OGIP |
Q1 2018 |
Q3 2018 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
ACOA’s fourth annual update to the OGIP |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Updating the OGIP |
Q1 2018 |
Q3 2018 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
DOG 6.5 |
Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada (LAC). |
Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from data and information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Establish the methodology to remove access restrictions of data and information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to the LAC |
Q1 2016 |
Q3 2017 |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from data and information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into ACOA’s disposition plans and procedures. |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Establish the methodology to remove access restrictions of data and information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to the LAC |
Q1 2016 |
Q3 2017 |
Head of Records Management, Corporate Registrar |
Planned |
DOG 6.6 |
Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services |
Governance structures are in place to ensure that the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are integrated into any new plans for procuring, developing or modernizing departmental information applications, systems or solutions |
Establish governance structures to ensure that the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are integrated into any new plans for procuring, developing or modernizing departmental information applications, systems or solutions |
Q1 2016 |
Q1 2017 |
Planned |
Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ACOA’s procurement process(es) for information applications, systems and solutions |
Establish procedures to ensure that the requirements of Directive on Open Government are integrated into ACOA’s procurement process(es) for information applications, systems and solutions |
Q1 2016 |
Q1 201 |
Planned |
Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ACOA’s development process(es) for information applications, systems and solutions |
Establish procedures to ensure that Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ACOA’s development process(es) for information applications, systems and solutions |
Q1 2016 |
Q1 2017 |
Planned |
Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ACOA’s modernizing process(es) for information applications, systems and solutions |
Establish procedures to ensure that Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ACOA’s modernizing process(es) for information applications, systems and solutions |
Q1 2016 |
Q1 2017 |
Planned |
DOG 7.1 |
Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy head, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department. |
Performance framework for the monitoring of ACOA’s progress against the activities and deliverables/milestones in the OGIP |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Establish performance framework for the monitoring of ACOA’s progress against the activities and deliverables/milestones in the OGIP |
Q2 2017 |
Q2 2019 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
Progress against the activities and deliverables/milestones in the OGIP is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Monitor and report progress against the activities and deliverables/milestones in the OGIP to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation |
Q2 2017 |
Q2 2019 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
Performance framework for the monitoring of ACOA’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the directive |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Monitor and report progress against the performance framework for the monitoring of ACOA’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the directive |
Q2 2017 |
Q2 2019 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |
Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head (DH) |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Establish procedures to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance or compliance issues are reported to the DH |
Q2 2017 |
Q2 2019 |
Senior Manager, Information Management |
Planned |