Canadian Grain Commission: Open Government Implementation Plan


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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 will further progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.

The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other open government activity. Accordingly, the Government of Canada has firmly established an “open by default” position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.

The Canadian Grain Commission operates through the authority of the Canada Grain Act, and regulates licensed grain handlers according to the Canada Grain Regulations. The Canadian Grain Commission’s core activities are:

  • Providing grain quality assurance programs and overseeing quantity assurance at export
  • Conducting scientific research pertinent to grain quality and grain safety, and to support the grain grading system
  • Protecting the rights of Canadian grain producers when they deliver their grain to licensed grain handling companies and grain dealers.

From these activities the Canadian Grain Commission collects a wide range of data including: grain supply and disposition, grain quality (visual and biochemical), grain exports, and quality of Canadian grain harvests. We regularly disseminate numerous statistical reports on the quality of grain harvests and exports, including long-running publications that industry stakeholders have come to rely on. Grain statistical information is the most accessed resource on the Canadian Grain Commission’s web site. Publications released include weekly, monthly and annual reports with a history dating back to 1933. Proactive work by the Canadian Grain Commission to preserve one-of-a-kind historical publications by creating digitized copies would facilitate the preservation and dissemination of content with enduring value.

We are already developing alternative delivery of our publications in the form of machine-friendly datasets. We have given priority to long-running statistical publications that are of the highest visibility and impact to users in the industry and worldwide. The following will be released to the Open Data portal within the current fiscal year (2015-16), and refreshed annually:

  1. Grain Statistics Weekly
  2. Grain Deliveries at Prairie Points
  3. Canadian Grain Exports
  4. Exports of Canadian Grain and Wheat Flour

2. Approvals

Signed by Karl Daher

Karl Daher
Chief Information Officer
Information Management and Technology Services
Canadian Grain Commission

Signed on .



Signed by Gordon Miles

Gordon Miles
Information Management Senior Official
Chief Operating Officer
Canadian Grain Commission

Signed on .



Signed by Elwin Hermanson

Elwin Hermanson
Chief Commissioner
Canadian Grain Commission

Signed on .



3. Purpose

This document describes the Canadian Grain Commission’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve full compliance by the October 2019 implementation deadline.

The objective of the Directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality, and security (Directive on Open Government, Section 5.1).

The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada information and data to:

  • support accountability;
  • facilitate value-added analysis;
  • drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
  • support meaningful engagement with their government.

4. Context

Under the Canada Grain Act, the Canadian Grain Commission regulates the handling of 20 grains to ensure Canada’s grain is safe, reliable and marketable, and that Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. The Canadian Grain Commission is a third party agency in Canada’s grain sector and is the official certifier of Canadian grain shipments. Through our activities, the Canadian Grain Commission supports a competitive, efficient grain sector and upholds Canada’s international reputation for consistent and reliable grain quality and grain safety. To achieve our mandate, the Canadian Grain Commission:

  • Regulates grain handling in Canada through grain quality and quantity assurance programs,
  • Carries out scientific research to understand all aspects of grain quality and grain safety and to support the grain grading system, and
  • Implements a number of producer protection programs and safeguards to ensure producers are properly compensated for the quality and quantity of grain delivered to licensed grain elevators and grain dealers. This includes the licensing and security program, the producer car allocation program, and the producer support program.

The Canadian Grain Commission’s population of 434 full-time employees is located primarily at the Winnipeg headquarters, with 67 full-time employees in the Canadian Grain Commission’s Eastern region and 116 full-time employees in the Western region.

The Canadian Grain Commission has internal resources for the management of Communications, Information Management/Information Technology and Statistics and Business Information. We complement our services by leveraging common or shared information technology services provided by Shared Services Canada and other government departments. These resources are responsible for the maintenance and dissemination of data and information to our clients.

Data and information are internally generated, as well as collected from a variety of grain industry sources. These are collected and stored in a variety of formats that range from commercially-available products to applications developed by us in-house and used by the grain industry to support our mandate. Data and information are released on our web site, as well as directly to our clients in multiple formats. Data and information used in existing publications are provided to our Statistics and Business Information unit for analysis and verification before being published by our Communications unit. The Canadian grain industry uses these publications as our data is sound and trustworthy because of our a grain industry regulator. By moving to an Open Government platform, we expect to further facilitate access to information and enhance the reputation of Canadian grain as a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets.

The implementation of Open Government at the Canadian Grain Commission, however, is not without its challenges. The program and policy branches must validate existing and future data assets. Additionally, the Canadian Grain Commission is in the midst of the Government of Canada’s Web Renewal Initiative. We are actively converting content to use the Web Experience Toolkit 4.0 and moving it to We must maximize the release of Open Data and Open Information in accessible and reusable formats through existing and future Government of Canada web sites to contribute to government-wide Information Management/Information Technology initiatives while ensuring that departmental services are timely, robust and effective. As Open Government directives are implemented in all areas of the Canadian Grain Commission that generate information and data, program managers will need to consider how to incorporate this requirement into their activities. As a part of this consideration, resource requirements for some areas of responsibility will need to be assessed. We must also ensure that future design changes to programs or new programs support the “open by default” goal.

5. Outcomes

The Canadian Grain Commission has already begun sharing information through proactive disclosures (e.g. posting of completed access to information requests and expense-related reports). These initial efforts support accountability by increasing the transparency of the Canadian Grain Commission’s decisions and decision-making process.

Future releases to the Open Government Portal will include an Open Data format version of our statistics and reports that are currently published online (Appendix 1). Alternative delivery of statistics in granular dataset form will add to the body of Open Data contributed by other government departments, and provide users with a new resource for grain industry analysis, thereby optimizing the value and reusability of the Canadian Grain Commission’s data and information. Through its participation in open government activities, the Canadian Grain Commission would improve grain industry awareness of the services we provide, and the quality of products provided by the Canadian grain industry as a whole. It is anticipated that as users engage in using Open Data, their feedback – positive or negative - will need to be effectively addressed to maximize utility of content.

Implementation of the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan will maintain the organization’s compliance with enhanced security and management of information and data, as they benefit from thorough review and classification. The release of information and data will optimize the value and reusability of the Canadian Grain Commission’s assets and enhance the protection of the institution’s data and information through increased awareness of ownership, privacy, confidentiality, classification and security considerations.

Increased awareness of Open Government within the Canadian Grain Commission will indirectly facilitate the implementation of other Government of Canada priorities, such as Destination 2020 and the web site. Additionally, policy instruments such as Web Standards for the Government of Canada will be adhered to as information and data are moved to the Open Government Portal.

6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes

The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the institution.

6.1 Roles and Responsibilities – Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official

The governance of the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official and Deputy Head in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government.

Open Government responsibility by role is as follows:
Role Open Government Responsibility
Deputy Head – Chief Commissioner
  • Approval of the Open Government Implementation Plan
  • Monitoring and ensuring compliance with the directive
  • In instances of non-compliance, responsible for directing that corrective measures are planned
Information Management Senior Official – Chief Operating Officer
  • Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy head, are responsible for:
  • Overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the Directive on Open Government at the Canadian Grain Commission
  • Working with key stakeholders, including Department Security Officers, Communications, data owners, functional specialists, access to information and privacy coordinators for compliance to the directive;
  • Alerting the Deputy Head of any significant difficulties, gaps in performance or compliance issues and developing plans to address them;
  • Ensuring corrective actions are taken to address instances of non-compliance. These may include training, changes to processes and/or systems or as appropriate; and
  • Reporting any performance or compliance issues to the Chief Information Officer Branch of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

The day-to-day responsibilities of the Information Management Senior Official and the Deputy Head are being met by delegating activities related to the Open Government Implementation Plan to the Chief Information Officer and to the manager of Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Management and the manager of Statistics & Business Information. The Chief Information Officer will be a strategic and advisory member of the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Working Group and will report to the Information Management Senior Official on the activities of the group. The Information Management Senior Official has accountability and final authority for information management activities. The Open Government Working Group will report to the Executive Management Committee which is made up of the Chief Operating Officer and Canadian Grain Commission’s directors, on a quarterly or as needed basis. The Open Government Working Group will status report to the Chief Information Officer monthly.

The Open Government Implementation Plan serves as the organization’s roadmap with recommendations for identifying required roles and responsibilities and respective membership, operational processes that need to be established and documented, with eventual review and release of information materialsand datasetsto support this initiative. While in progress, the organization will learn and adjust to any observed or advised gaps in performance and any compliance issues. The requirements of the Directive on Open Government will fundamentally become incorporated into the operational standard in consideration of developing, procuring or modernizing information applications, systems or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services.

Open Government Working Group membership will begin with representation from all divisions and major areas of the Canadian Grain Commission. The working group will be responsible for:

  • Increasing awareness of the requirements of the Directive on Open Government
  • Canvassing program managers and functional specialists for information and data of business value
  • Compiling an inventory of information and data holdings
  • Determining dependencies, roles and responsibilities
  • Providing recommendations towards access, security and classification of holdings

The Open Government Working Group will determine the scope and boundaries of information and datasets to be released.

The initial release of information will be of available and published reports. The Open Government Working Group will put forward proposals for subsequent release of information. The Chief Information Officer and the Chief Operating Officer or the Information Management Senior Official must approve information releases. The Open Government Working Group will determine ongoing maintenance of information and assign it to appropriate subject matter experts within the Canadian Grain Commission.

The Open Government Working Group will review the Open Government Implementation Plan and give recommendations or adjustments to the Information Management Senior Official or the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Information Officer for consideration. This will be done at least twice a year to ensure that any gaps in performance and compliance are corrected and that the plan remains relevant and appropriate.

At the time of creation or collection of data, how and when that data will be available will be considered. A comprehensive review of the existing data will occur prior to release to ensure that all privacy, legal, licensing, confidentiality, or copyright restrictions are considered. The Open Government Working Group and assigned leads or responsible resources will follow the Government of Canada’s Open Data Portal Metadata Implementation guide as well as the Open Data release guide. The release guide provides a standardized release checklist to support departmental decision-making when evaluating legal and policy issues surrounding the release of data or other information resources.

6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholders

Core membership of the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Working Group includes the following:

  • Webmaster
    • Responsible for communication of Canadian Grain Commission activities relevant to public/stakeholder interests/awareness
    • Responsible for management of public enquiries related to data and information released with the Government of Canada web sites and services designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
    • Determining readiness of materials for release via Open Government (i.e. metadata, translations)
    • Responsible for the release of information reports and datasets held by the Canadian Grain Commission
  • Manager, Corporate Information Services
    • Provide input to the Open Government Implementation Plan Management of public enquiries related to data and information released via Government of Canada websites
    • External communications with stakeholders as data collected by the Canadian Grain Commission includes licensee statistical reports on grain supply and handlings
    • Establishing linkages with government departments (federal and provincial) under common portfolio – such as Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Statistics Canada
    • See 6.3, Communication, Awareness and Engagement
  • Manager, Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Management (CIMIT)
    • Provides central point of contact for activities pertaining to Open Government
    • Acts to mobilize the Canadian Grain Commission in meeting Open Government objectives and deliverables, coordinates and schedules, establishes and participates in working groups as required
    • Provides oversight to the working group on Open Government deliverables, key performance indicators, and compliance
    • Establishes, with appropriate resources, the repeatable process for data release and publication
    • Oversees the Canadian Grain Commission’s data and information assets and holdings registered with the Open Government Portal by ensuring that
      • Metadata is consistent and meaningfully defined
      • Links to data and information are current and valid; and
      • Required updates to data and information occur as per the established schedule
  • Manager, Statistics and Business Information
    • Responsible for management of public enquiries related to released datasets
    • Establish processes for standardizing datasets and formats
  • Head, Records Information Manager and Information Resource Center
    • Responsible for keeping the Open Government Implementation Plan updated and aligned with Treasury Board Secretariat requirements
    • Responsible for the identification of the Canadian Grain Commission’s inventories of data and information resources of business value held at or by the Canadian Grain Commission. The removal of access restrictions on institutional data and information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to the Library and Archives Canada will be led by the Records Information Manager.
  • Data Owners and Functional Specialists
    • Data owners and functional specialists may be responsible for management of public enquiries related to datasets released, along with the Communications lead
    • Data owners will be consulted regarding the content, classification and release of information and will be the initial step of approval in the release proposals
    • Identify and evaluate criteria to determine release priority and schedules
    • Recommend data and information for release

Anticipated internal support from the following as required:

  • Departmental Security Officer
    • With respect to the Canadian Grain Commission Departmental Security Plan, responsible to provide input to the security implications of the release proposals
  • Information Technology Security Coordinator
    • With respect to the Canadian Grain Commission Information Technology Security Plan, responsible to provide input to the Information Technology security implications of release proposals
  • Corporate Development Advisor, Planning, Projects and Reporting
    • Responsible for management of reporting requirements
    • Tracking schedules and establishing a means for assessing progress
  • Access to Information and Privacy coordinators
    • Provide input to the design and continuous improvement of the publish decision criteria to ensure that:
      • Canadian Grain Commission data or information assets are not subject to any exemptions or exclusions
      • Canadian Grain Commission data or information does not contain any personal information
  • Legal
    • Provide input to the design and continuous improvement of the publish decision criteria to ensure that legal, licensing, sensitive, or copyrighted information is not released by the Canadian Grain Commission
    • Provide input to the design and continuous improvement of the publish decision criteria to ensure awareness of the broader legal, and Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s evolving, authorities and requirements relevant to Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government

As the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government activities progress, it is expected that functional roles & responsibilities will be refined.

6.3 Communication, Awareness, and Engagement

The Canadian Grain Commission Open Government Working Group will leverage existing communications plans and strategies towards delivery of Open Government.

Internal communications within the organization towards effective delivery to the Open Government initiative will be required. As Open Data and Information releases progress, awareness of organizational protocols aligning security and access considerations will need on-going endorsement.

External communications with stakeholders will be required as data collected by the Canadian Grain Commission include industry data and information. There will be a need to build awareness of the Open Government mandate among the Canadian Grain Commission’s stakeholders, and provide assurance that privacy and business sensitivity of data are considered before releasing anything.

7. Deliverables / Milestones related to the Directive on Open Government Requirements

Directive on Open Government section Compliance Requirement Deliverables / Milestones Lead Activities Start Date End Date Resources (Human and Financial) Status
6.1 Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Canadian Grain Commission’s Data Release Plan Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Management Establish Open Data/Open Government to establish plan
  • prepare the Open Government Implementation Plan from template
  • initiate the Working group
  • review information holdings
  • establish release plan
  • IMSO approval
  • release schedule preparation
  • release and review of Data
3 Information Management/Information Technology, 2 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Legal, 1 Departmental Security Officer, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Access to information and privacy In progress
Canadian Grain Commission’sInformation Release Plan Statistics & Business Information Establish Open Data/Open Government to establish plan
  • prepare the Open Government Implementation Plan from template
  • initiate the Working group
  • review information holdings
  • establish release plan
  • Information Management Senior Official approval
  • release schedule preparation
  • release and review of Information
3Information Management/Information Technology, 2 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Legal, 1 Departmental Security Officer, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Access to information and privacy In progress
6.2 Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the Treasury Board Secretariat Listing of accessible and reusable formats to be used at Canadian Grain Commission Webmaster

Identification and sharing of allowable formats

Identification/ sharing on non-allowable formats

1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 3 Information Management/Information Technology In progress
Conversion protocol(s) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable Statistics & Business Information/Webmaster

Identification and sharing of allowable formats

Identification/ sharing on non-allowable formats

1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 3 Information Management/Information Technology In progress
Conversion protocol(s) for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable Statistics & Business Information/Webmaster

Identification and sharing of allowable formats

Identification/ sharing on non-allowable formats

1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 3 Information Management/Information Technology In progress
Release process to support the publication of Canadian Grain Commission’s data Webmaster Documentation of publication process
  • approval of plan/schedule by IMSO
1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Corporate Information Services, 3 Information Management/Information Technology In progress
Release process to support the publication of Canadian Grain Commission’sinformation Webmaster Documentation of publication process
  • release of information
  • review process
  • adjust as required
1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Corporate Information Services, 3 Information Management/Information Technology In progress
6.3 Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3) Methodology for establishing a data inventory Webmaster/Statistics & Business Information Develop a data inventory
  • leverage Record Keeping activities that identifies: repositories, information sources, owners, and retention/disposition
  • review with Open Data working group and stakeholders
  • adjust as required
1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 3 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Corporate Information Services, 4 Data owners and functional specialists Not started
Methodology for establishing an information inventory Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Develop a data inventory
  • leverage Record Keeping activities that identifies: repositories, information sources, owners, and retention/disposition
  • review with Open Data working group and stakeholders
  • adjust as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information In progress
Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by Canadian Grain Commission Webmaster/Statistics & Business Information Develop a data inventory
  • leverage Record Keeping activities that identifies: repositories, information sources, owners, and retention/disposition
  • review with Open Data working group and stakeholders
  • adjust as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information Not started
Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by Canadian Grain Commission Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Develop a data inventory
  • leverage Record Keeping activities that identifies: repositories, information sources, owners, and retention/disposition
  • review with Open Data working group and stakeholders
  • adjust as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Statistics and Business Information In progress
Renewal protocol(s) to maintain the currency of Canadian Grain Commission’s data inventory Open Government Working Group Establish data inventory protocols
  • review protocols
  • adjust to acceptable format
  • repeat as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information Not started
Renewal protocol(s) to maintain the currency of Canadian Grain Commission’s information inventory Open Government Working Group Establish data inventory protocols
  • review protocols
  • adjust to acceptable format
  • repeat as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information Not started
Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release Open Government Working Group Establish data inventory protocols
  • leverage Record Keeping activities that identifies: repositories, information sources, owners, and retention/disposition
  • review with Open Data working group and stakeholders
  • adjust as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information Not started
Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release Open Government Working Group Review of information assets
  • leverage Record Keeping activities that identifies: repositories, information sources, owners, and retention/disposition
  • review with Open Data working group and stakeholders
  • adjust as required
4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy Not started
6.4 Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (Open Government Implementation Plan) Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of activities within Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan Corporate Information Management/Information Technology and Statistics & Business Information

Establish agreed to governance

Create Open Data/Open Government working group

  • document governance
  • approval by Information Management Senior Official
  • review and adjust as required, min annually.
3 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Chief Information Officer, 1Information Management Senior Official, 1 Corporate Information Services Not started
Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan (Open Government Implementation Plan) Corporate Information Management/Information Technology and Statistics & Business Information Complete the initial Open Government Implementation Plan
  • review among SMEs
  • revise based on feedback
  • review by Chantal Lareau
  • revise based on feedback
3 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Statistics and Business Information Complete
Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan Information Management Senior Official/Chief Operating Officer Sign off on completed and reviewed Open Government Implementation Plan
  • approval by Information Management Senior Official and Chief
1 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Chief Information Officer, 1 Information Management Senior Official, 1 Deputy Head Complete
Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan is staffed and funded Information Management Senior Official/Chief Operating Officer Identify gaps and needs in operational activities around Open Government and where additional material-and human resources may be required. TBD TBD All Canadian Grain Commission Divisions affected. TBD Not started
Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government Implementation Plan Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Managment Establish and socialize monitoring and reporting processes
  • Review and revise process per feedback of Open Data/Open Government working group and all stakeholders.
  • report to Information Management Senior Official and Executive Management Committee on progress
3 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 CDA, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Webmaster Not started
Canadian Grain Commission’s first annual update to the Open Government Implementation Plan
  • Corporate
  • Development Advisor
  • Collect metrics for performance measures,
  • perform updates to the content of the Open Government Implementation Plan (if required),
  • translate,
  • get approvals from Information Management Senior Official, Deputy Head and Chief Information Officer.
  • publish annual update to Portal
1 CDA, 3 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 5 Data owners and functional specialists Not started
Canadian Grain Commission’s second annual update to the Open Government Implementation Plan
  • Corporate
  • Development Advisor
 Collect metrics for performance measures,
  • perform updates to the content of the Open Government Implementation Plan (if required),
  • translate,
  • get approvals from Information Management Senior Official, Deputy Head and Chief Information Officer.
  • publish annual update to Portal
TBD Not started
Canadian Grain Commission’s third annual update to the Open Government Implementation Plan
  • Corporate
  • Development Advisor
Collect metrics for performance measures,
  • perform updates to the content of the Open Government Implementation Plan (if required),
  • translate,
  • get approvals from Information Management Senior Official, Deputy Head and Chief Information Officer.
  • publish annual update to Portal
TBD Not started
Canadian Grain Commission’s fourth annual update to the Open Government Implementation Plan
  • Corporate
  • Development Advisor
 Collect metrics for performance measures,
  • perform updates to the content of the Open Government Implementation Plan (if required),
  • translate,
  • get approvals from Information Management Senior Official, Deputy Head and Chief Information Officer.
  • publish annual update to Portal
TBD Not started
6.5 Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada. Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Establish classification and release process 2 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information Not started
Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into Canadian Grain Commission’s disposition plans and procedures. Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Establish classification and release process
  • obtain stakeholder, and information owner support for release of data
  • update release plans and socialize for awareness
  • implement the plan
  • review and revise as required
2 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Statistics and Business Information Not started
6.6 Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of open government requirements in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions Statistics and Business Information Create and share requirements to team and those responsible at Canadian Grain Commission
  • integrate Open Data/Open Government into all new and revised projects
  • coordinate release process with Corporate Information Services
  • phase-in change to minimize disruption to users
  • review and update
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
Open government requirements are integrated into Canadian Grain Commission’s procurement process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Information Technology Security Coordinator Create and share requirements to team and those responsible at Canadian Grain Commission
  • Include Open Data/Open Government working group team member to integrated planning group, for awareness to Procurement, Applications and Infrastructure groups
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
Open government requirements are integrated into Canadian Grain Commission’s development process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Information Technology Security Coordinator Create and share requirements to team and those responsible at Canadian Grain Commission
  • Include Open Data/Open Government working group team member to integrated planning group, for awareness to Procurement, Applications and Infrastructure groups
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
Open government requirements are integrated into Canadian Grain Commission’s modernizing process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Information Technology Security Coordinator Create and share requirements to team and those responsible at Canadian Grain Commission
  • Include Open Data/Open Government working group team member to integrated planning group, for awareness to Procurement, Applications and Infrastructure groups
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
7.1 Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department. A performance framework is established to monitor Canadian Grain Commission’s progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the Open Government Implementation Plan Corporate Information Management/Information Technology/Webmaster Establish monitoring framework and complete
  • review of reporting requirements
  • assign lead role for reporting
  • review current process and leverage
  • automate where available
  • produce reports
  • review and revise if/as required
1 Information Management Senior Official, 1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 1 Statistics and Business Information, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 legal, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
Progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the Open Government Implementation Plan is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Establish reporting framework and complete
  • review of reporting requirements
  • assign lead role for reporting
  • review current process and leverage
  • automate where available
  • produce reports
  • review and revise if/as required
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
A performance framework is established to monitor Canadian Grain Commission’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive Corporate Information Management/Information Technology/Statistics and Business Information Establish process for raising issues
  • review of reporting requirements
  • assign lead role for reporting
  • review current process and leverage
  • automate where available
  • produce reports
  • review and revise if/as required
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started
Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head (DH) Corporate Information Management/Information Technology Establish process for raising issues
  • update to Information Management Senior Official through monthly Executive Management Committee meeting and ad hoc
  • update to Deputy Head through existing monthly Commissioners report.
  • implement feedback from Information Management Senior Official and/or Commissioners
1 Chief Information Officer, 4 Information Management/Information Technology, 5 Data owners and functional specialists, 1 Webmaster, 1 Corporate Information Services, 1 Legal, 1 Access to information and privacy, 1 Departmental Security Officer Not started

Annex 1: Executive Summary of Canadian Grain Commission’s Action Plan

Year 1:

  1. Creation of an Open Government working group to address:
    1. Open Information – such as financial information (expense reports), access to information requests, published reports
    2. Open Data – encompassing data-bases and statistical reports

      Membership would include representation from all divisions

  2. Develop inventories of information and dataholdings – Executive Division to prioritize
    1. Conduct environmental scan of Canadian Grain Commission program activities to identify information and datagenerated, received, and maintained
    2. Work with owners to develop metadata to accompany all holdings – this activity may span more than 1 year
  3. Operational Planning
    1. Establish governance structure
      1. Determine and communicate roles and responsibilities, resource requirements, timeframes and schedules, approvals and dependencies. Document simplified process flows, create template for meta-data standardization and consolidation. Result: publish plan

Year 2:

  1. Conduct internal review of holdings to assess their classification, security & sensitivity
    1. Identify linkages between program activities and holdings
    2. Prioritize items for release
    3. Identify content (at the most granular level) for release, including formats and layouts
  2. Operational Planning
    1. Review governance structure
      1. Assess the effectiveness of the developed plan. Seek opportunities to leverage activities by planning for the inclusion of data at source to be open by default. Review membership of the Open Government Working Group and adjust as required.
    2. Control and monitoring activities
      1. Determine success factors, reporting requirements
      2. Maintain alignment of our plan with developments in Treasury Board Secretariat requirements.
      3. Establish relevant linkages – such as to RIM, PASS, DPR
      4. Establish cycles for update of content on Open Government portal and Treasury Board Secretariat reporting requirements

Year 3: Operationalization of our Open Government Plan

  1. Establish cycle for frequency of release of each holding & implementation requirements
  2. Engage with stakeholders/public – communicate the Canadian Grain Commission’s achievements towards Open Government
  3. Monitor user-feedback
    1. Canvas data-generators/providers and social-media for user-feedback
    2. User-engagement towards optimization of releases for content & ease of consumption

Year 4: Expansion and Optimization of the Canadian Grain Commission’s Open Government activities

  1. Continue to expand on release of holdings
  2. Continue to optimize release of content by
    1. Establishing linkages with government departments – such as CFIA, AAFC, TC and StatCan
    2. Develop collaborative strategy towards optimization for Open Government Canada
      1. Linkage of information and datasets to increase consistency of information and sources

Year 5: Establish foundational activities for on-going deliverables to Open Government

  1. Demonstrate that we have identified Information Resources of Business Value as stated in the Record Keeping requirement 6.1.1
  2. Completed an inventory of repositories with accompanying documentation
  3. Consistent application of classification of information and data as stated in the RK requirement 6.1.3
  4. Established process for keeping inventory of all information and data holdings current.
  5. Ability to coordinate changes in Open Government activities as required by Treasury Board Secretariat
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