Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) mandate is to “Provide combat-effective, multi-purpose forces at home and abroad to protect Canada and Canadians”. Part of the DND/CAF success relies on consistent Information Management (IM) which in turn positions the Department to better share information both internally and externally. Canada’s commitment to open government (OG) is part of the federal government’s efforts to foster greater openness and accountability, to provide Canadians with more opportunities to learn about and participate in government, to drive innovation and economic opportunities for all Canadians and, at the same time, create a more cost effective, efficient and responsive government. Therefore, on , the Directive on OG was promulgated by Treasury Board (TB) on behalf of the Government of Canada (GC).
Our initial focus is to ensure that DND/CAF complies with the objectives of the GC Open Government Directive (October 2014). We will primarily achieve this by:
- Training Information Management Officers (IMOs) and staff in their IM roles and responsibilities as information stewards;
- Confirming that all DND/CAF information repositories are accounted for within information and data inventories;
- Releasing applicable datasets and information items to the OG website;
- Reviewing sensitive holdings for downgrading; and
- Providing the processes and measures to sustain DND/CAF OG practices.
Deputy Head and senior management commitments are indicated by their signature on this plan. Information under the stewardship of each operational or business area needs to be consistently managed and shared to meet the intent of the open government objectives. All staff, assisted by IM specialists, will participate in consistent organization and timely destruction of information to exercise transparent care and control of DND/CAF assets by 2020 and enable better sharing with each other and the Canadian Public.
We thank you in advance for your support and participation.
Len Bastien, Defence IMSO
1. Executive Summary
Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current OG and proactive disclosure activities, the GC has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on OG 2014-16 will further progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.
The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other OG activities. Accordingly, the GC has firmly established an "open by default" position, especially for data holdings, in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on OG.
The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Directive on OG focuses on operationalizing departmental management and control of their Information Resources of Business Value (IRBV), and better sharing of information holdings with the public. TBS has given Information Management Senior Officers (IMSOs) until to comply with the Directive on OG and their progress is measured by section 12 of the Management Accountability Framework (MAF). The MAF requirement for the first year is approval and publication of this plan, with resource commitment, and release of datasets to the GC OG site. In both cases, departments are evaluated on publishing their plan and datasets to the Internet.
OG consists of three streams:
- Open Information (unstructured)
- Open Data (structured)
- Open Dialogue
Over the past three years, the DND/CAF have been implementing the TB Directive on Recordkeeping which started the long term processes of consistent IM which in turn positions the DND/CAF to better share internally and externally.
As part of the Defence Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Programme (figure 1), ADM (IM) has committed to develop and support an IM capability that provides transparency and accountability to information based on business and operational processes to better facilitate decision making. The first step is to align sharing practices using existing repositories and systems, which can then be migrated to more robust IM environment. This DND/CAF OG Implementation Plan (D-OGIP) will align information sharing practices of the DND/CAF across organizations regardless of the repositories being used to maintain information. It will take into account existing practices and will ensure all Information Management Officers (IMOs) are aware of their OG obligations and have an adequate storage and retrieval capability for their IRBV. Finally, it indicates the resource types that will be required to maintain consistent sharing practices until the DND/CAF IM Roadmap can be fully implemented.
Implementation of this plan will continue the move towards a vision where information is accessible, sharable, and usable thereby enabling decision-making in support of DND/CAF operations while adhering to GC legislation on recordkeeping. Some of the IM issues that will be addressed during implementation include:
- organizing or deleting hundreds of thousands of information items to reduce clutter and for better visibility of important information facilitating quicker retrieval;
- shifting culture from chaos to order, from multiple information “incomings” to organized information repositories which aligns to the IM vision of the GC founded on open government and a digital workplace;
- ensuring appropriate sensitivity markings are applied for the period required to ensure information can be shared as widely as possible as soon possible; and
- increasing sharing of DND/CAF information within the Department, with other government departments, allies and the public.
2. Approvals
Original signed by,
Edison Stewart
ADM Public Affairs
Department of National Defence
Original signed by,
Dr. Marc Fortin
Chief Executive Officer and ADM Science and Technology
Department of National Defence
Original signed by,
Len Bastien
Information Management Senior Official
ADM Information Management Group
Department of National Defence
Original signed by,
Bill Jones
Senior Associate Deputy Minister
Department of National Defence
3. Purpose
This document describes the Department of National Defence’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned with the requirements of the Directive on OG, in order to achieve full compliance by the implementation deadline.
The objective of the Directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality, and security (Directive on OG, Section 5.1).
The expected results of the Directive on OG (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use GC information and data:
- to support accountability;
- to facilitate value-added analysis;
- to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
- to support meaningful engagement with their government.
This document will also describe, where applicable, the institution’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to one or more of the commitments described in Canada’s Action Plan on OG 2014-16.
4. Context
Mission and vision: Defence will be agile, flexible, affordable and resilient. We will raise, generate, employ, and sustain world-class forces that work cohesively to advance Canadian interests. Domestically and internationally we will be a leader and a trusted partner, renowned for our operational capability and our financial and management excellence.
The DND/CAF must ensure D-OGIP take into account the following:
- The CAF provides combat-effective, multi-purpose forces at home and abroad to protect Canada and Canadians;
- The DND/CAF has a combined population of 68,000 regular force members and 24,418 public service employees. In addition, the CAF has 27,000 reserve members and 13,000 cadets/rangers. Finally, contractors are also hired to provide services that are managed by the DND/CAF. The management of all these people to meet the DND/CAF mission require information which must be managed and assessed from an OG perspective;
- The DND/CAF also publicly shares information which may be require reformatting under OG, such as the Reports on Plans and Priorities 2014-15 found at;
- As part of the DND/CAF IM/IT Program (figure 1), the IMSO has committed to develop and support a knowledge and information management capability that is transparent and accountable for information generated by business and operational processes. The first step is to align IM practices using existing repositories and systems, which can then be migrated to more robust IM environment. This D-OGIP aligns information sharing practices of the DND/CAF across organizations regardless of the repositories being used to maintain information. It takes into account existing practices and ensures all IMOs are aware of their OG obligations and have an adequate storage and retrieval capability for their IRBV in support of informed decision making. Finally, it indicates resource commitment required to maintain consistent sharing practices while the DND/CAF IM Roadmap is implemented; and
- The DND/CAF has many organizations internally and externally that need to work together to realize the effective management and sharing of information, including OG (Figure 2). The goal is that these organizations ensure end user has the information required to meet their line of operations and/or have access to as much DND/CAF information as possible to further their understanding of the Department and its operations. In turn, under OG, the information will be shared as broadly as possible.

Figure 1 – Text version
Defence IM/IT Program
- Knowledge & Information Management
- Information Technology (IT), Operational Information Technology (Op IT)
- Operational technology (OT)
Defence IM/IT Program supports Defence Services Program:
- supporting functions
- CAF Operations

Figure 2 – Text version
- Circle 1: IM/IT Service Provider
- Circle 2: End-User
- Circle 3: IM/IT Policy Driver
Circle 1:
- 3rd Party Contracted Service Providers
- Other Government Departments (OGD) Agencies: Foreign Affairs and Royal Mounted Police (RCMP)
Circle 2:
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Infrastructure and Environment
- Public Affairs
- Audit
- Ombudsman
- Allies / other departments
- Public
Circle 3:
- Government of Canada
- Treasury Board
- Technological Environment
Circles 1 and 2:
- Major: Army, Air force, Navy, Military Personnel
- Minor: Operations. Science and technology, Administration, Legal, Policy, Strategy
Circles 1 and 3:
- Defence Organizations: United States Military, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Shared Services Canada
- Communication Security Establishment
Circles 2 and 3:
- Senior Management
- Program Development
Circles 1, 2 and 3:
- Major: Information Management
- Minor: Intelligence, Prgoram Development
5. Outcomes
This plan aims to establish consistent and effective practices across the DND/CAF to enable informed sharing of information both within the DND/CAF and with those external to the DND/CAF to meet GC OG expectations and other information sharing requirements. The outcomes of this plan include:
- broadened access to data and information, ensuring transparency and accountability;
- strengthened citizen engagement in the activities of government and in the democratic process;
- more eligible DND/CAF data and information of business value released in standardized, open formats, free of charge without restrictions on reuse;
- improved management and accessibility of DND/CAF records, facilitated by faster responses to requests for information and pro-active release to the Internet;
- protected information holdings under the stewardship of the DND/CAF in accordance with the Policy on Government Security and through the National Defence Security Orders and Directives;
- contributions to Departmental external commitments, related to OG, including:
- capability to respond to Destination 2020; through the use more open and networked approaches to develop innovative, effective solutions to complex problems and emerging issues. More virtual collaborative spaces to encourage constructive dialogue and frank and productive information sharing to meet the vision shown in figure 3;
Figure 3 Figure 3 – Text version
Blueprint 2020: Building tomorrow’s public service together
Canadian citizens (image of 3 people): Providing Canadian citizens with enhanced access to government information and services
Public servants (image of 2 people): Connecting GC employess to a vistual office enabling work from anywhere at anytime
Workplace Devices (image of computer): Hardware (image of computer and Ipad) and Software (image of computer)
- Virtual office – your computer device is your office
Contact centres (image of a person with headset): Chat (image of people on screen), Text (image of cell phone), voice (image of person) and Interactive voice response (image of phone)
- Engage citizens through multimedia and social media
Collaboration services (image of hand shake): Info sharing (image of 2 people sharing), Email (image of letter) and Directories (image of a person)
- Enhance sharing and reduce duplication
Communications services (image of computer): Wi-Fi (image of the waves of the Wi-Fi sign), Video (image of computer), Instant Messaging (image of instant message), IP Phone (image of phone)
- Connectivity for people to work from anywhere
- Work becomes more flexible
- High speed and capacity network enabling increased connectivity
- departmental practices related to the Web Standards for the GC that ensure the re-use of government Web content across websites, including Web applications, and platforms. The Standard on Web Interoperability was implemented to all areas across the DND/CAF ;
- defence feedback on the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications that direct any scientific grant recipient to ensure that any peer-reviewed journal publications arising from Agency-supported research are freely accessible within 12 months of publication;
- yearly release through the web the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces – Report on Plans and Priorities;
- defence contributions to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, on the Veteran’s Benefits Browser and any future innovations that have transactions with the DND/CAF;
- defence information that supports the Canadian Council on Geomatics, including agreed contributions to and support of the Federal Geospatial Platform; and
- on-going compliance to the Directive on Recordkeeping and related Canadian policies and standards;.
- capability to respond to Destination 2020; through the use more open and networked approaches to develop innovative, effective solutions to complex problems and emerging issues. More virtual collaborative spaces to encourage constructive dialogue and frank and productive information sharing to meet the vision shown in figure 3;
Released by the President of the Treasury Board in November 2014, Canada’s Action Plan on OG 2.0 builds upon past successes and includes detailed commitments, see Figure 3 below, that will take Canada’s leadership in OG to the next level over the next two years and beyond.

Figure 4 – Text version
Circle 1 (in the middle): Open Government Directive
Circle 2 (around circle 1) divided in 3 sections: Open Info, Open Dialogue and Open Data.
Open Info:
- DND contributions: Open Science
- Mandatory Reporting on Extractives
- Open Contracting (PWGSC co-leads with TBS)
- Open Information on Budgets and Expenditures
- Digital Literacy
- DND contributions: Open Information Core Commitment
Open Data:
- Open Data Canada
- Canadian Open Data Exchange
- Open Data for Development
- DND contributions: Open Data Core Commitment
Open Dialogue:
- Next-generation Consulting Canadians
Circle 3 (around circle 2): Availability of Information, New technologies, Citizen Participation and Professional Integrity.
The summary impacts on the DND/CAF of these contributions are:
- Approval and promulgation of the D-OGIP;
- Expand open data through the:
- release of 5 or more new datasets in Year 1 by ,
- release of 10 or more new datasets in Year 2 by , and
- development of a Defence data inventory methodology;
- Support Open science through defence contributions to the Open Science Implementation Plan; and
- Define open information through the development of a Defence information inventory methodology.
6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes
The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support OG and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the Department.
6.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Deputy Head and IMSO
The governance of the D-OGIP is informed by the responsibilities identified for the IMSO and Deputy Head (DH) in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on OG. The table below further breaks down responsibilities of the DH and IMSO.
Who | DND/CAF’s OG Obligations | Action Plan 2.0 | Directive Requirements | Open Information | Open Data | ||||||
6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | |||||
Maximize the release of open data and open information | Publish in an accessible and reusable formats | Develop and maintain inventories of information & data | Publish, implement and maintain an OGIP | Remove access restrictions on IREVs | Incorporate OG requirements into new plans | Monitoring and Reporting | |||||
Deputy Head | Approve D-OGIP | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Champion D-OGIP | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | |
Approve annual updates to D-OGIP | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | |
IMSO – | Plan and implement OG Governance and strategies | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Define and implement communication / change management / common principles, standards, planning guidelines for OG across the Department | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Release datasets and information to | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | |
Rollout of GCDOCS Department wide | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |
Deliver, execute and manage OGIP | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Plan and implement OG compliance and reporting | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Role | OG Responsibilities |
OG compliance Monitoring |
The IMSO is the functional authority for IM and as such has additional involvement in standardizing OG practices and training IMO staff. Therefore, the IMSO will provide the direction and the necessary IM specialists to coordinate, support and measure the implementation of this D-OGIP. Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via GC websites and services designated by the TBS; Overseeing the implementation and monitoring of IM directives in their Department, including OG. DND’s delegated authority for OG, accountable to TBS for meeting the OG Action Plan commitments and achieving compliance with the OG directive by . |
OG Coordination |
The IMSO will validate the plan with TBS and Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and approve any Departmental Memorandums of Understand (MOUs) or risk acceptance documentation needed to proceed with this plan. Ensuring that OG requirements are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing Departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services. The coordination function administers the D-OGIP including:
Standards management and communication |
The IMSO is the functional authority for IM and as such has additional involvement in standardizing OG practices and training IMO staff. Therefore, the IMSO will provide the direction and the necessary IM specialists to coordinate, support and measure the implementation of this D-OGIP. This role facilitates DND’s work towards compliance with the OG directive, through activities such as:
Inventory management |
Defining inventory methodologies for information and data inventories. Establishing the rules by which inventories will be created and managed. Consolidating the inventories of business stewards into comprehensive Departmental inventories of data (first priority) and information resources of business value held by the DND/CAF to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release. Coordinates contributions to DND’s data/inventory from Business Stewards and ensures required updates to data/information are executed as planned. This function also provides statistical tracking and reporting of published data/information. Where the IMSO is custodian for managed information, including data, current inventories will be provided to the business steward for validation for continued custodianship or disposition. |
OG Quality Assurance |
Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on Departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to LAC as part of planned disposition activities; Provides a quality assurance function ensuring data/information and metadata is meaningful and consistent, and resources and links to data/information are current/valid. Strives to ensure DND achieves a “3 star” rating for al published datasets achieving the highest rating for how well data is integrated into the web (data can be accessed online, uses uniform resource identifier (URI) to identify the resources in the data, and contains links to other sources.) |
Publishing and Portal Administration |
In consultation with Business Stewards, maximize the release of GC open data (structured data) and open information (unstructured documents and multi-media assets) under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by TBS. Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating the D-OGIP. Release updates to datasets as per the business steward’s release schedule. Responsible for DND’s catalog of data/information holdings registered with the OG portal ( |
6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholder
Role | OG Responsibilities |
Business Steward |
Assistant Deputy Ministers and Military Commanders are the business stewards for information under their care and control. They define the information required for their operations and how it is employed to ensure programme objectives are met. They ensure the quality, relevance, releasability and update frequency of their programme information. The steward is responsible for information including: having an inventory (based on IMSO rules) of their holdings against file plans; designating repositories for their staff to use; identifying requirements to optimize information development and use (such as applications); approving information release (including to OG); conducting sensitivity reviews; approving disposition; reporting IM status and issues to the IMSO and ensuring staff are aware of IM rules and do not maintain unnecessary information. Finally, triggered by an Access to Information request, the steward is responsible for providing supporting explanation(s) in response to public inquiries for their published programme information. |
Business Custodian |
Under the oversight of the business steward, a business custodian has care and control over a programme’s information holdings. Their responsibilities include: ensuring programme information is protected; application of appropriate access controls; maintaining information integrity over time; replicating information as required; monitoring information flows/activities; and identifying information due for disposition. Some or all of these responsibilities can be delegated to a service provider. |
Role | OG Responsibilities |
Lead for DND/CAF Open Science |
ADM(S&T) / Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) provides integrated S&T advice and technical solutions, performs strategic S&T capability planning, and partners with industry, academia, other government departments (OGDs) and the public safety and national security communities. Information under the stewardship of ADM(S&T) falls within the open science stream of OG and as such ADM(S&T) is contributing both a Level One and as the Departmental lead for open science. |
Role | OG Responsibilities |
Lead for DND/CAF Open Information and Open Dialogue |
ADM(PA) leads Defence strategic communications through innovation, teamwork and excellence. They ensure information released to the public, including Internet sites, are consistent with Departmental communications. Therefore ADM(PA) will continue to contribute to the migration to, validating and approving information for OG purposes, and open dialogue with Canadians. |
The table below further breaks down responsibilities of key stakeholders.
Who | DND/CAF’s OG Obligations | Action Plan 2.0 | Directive Requirements | Open Information | Open Data | |||||||
6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | ||||||
Maximize the release of open data and open information | Publish in an accessible and reusable formats | Develop and maintain inventories of information & data | Publish, implement and maintain an OGIP | Remove access restrictions on IREVs | Incorporate OG requirements into new plans | Monitoring and Reporting | ||||||
Business Organizations | ALL Business Stewards | Inventory datasets | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Prioritize, and provide eligible datasets to ADM(IM) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | ||
Inventory information | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | ||
Provide eligible information to ADM(PA) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | ||
Remove access restrictions for archived Documents “Making government documentary heritage available” | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | ||
ADM(S&T) | Encourage greater collaboration & engagement with scientific community, private, and public sectors | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Contribute to the development and publishing a government-wide Open Science Implementation Plan | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | ||
ADM(PA) | Continue to address Open Dialogue for the DND/CAF | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | |
Validate information for release and provide eligible information to the IMSO | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | ||
Continue migration to | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No |
6.3 Communication, Awareness, and Education
The following is the methodology to ensure OG actions are understood, embraced and implemented. The National Defence information model is federated. The IMSO releases direction and timelines which are then implemented by organizations across the Department. Communication, awareness and engagement will also be federated for OG.
- Core Messages and Training:
Senior management will use this plan for initial messaging. The IMSO will release messages to ensure the DND/CAF knows the new IM foundation is “Open by Default” and the OG priorities including an initial focus on datasets. OG messages will be incorporated into existing IM on-line training for the entire DND/CAF. Additional OG details (criteria to select information and data, processes to publish, etc.) will be shared with IMOs across the Department to allow them to implement and achieve OG milestones over the next five years. The IMSO will also release and monitor measurement criteria which will be visible nationally and reported to TBS at least twice a year.
- Local Messaging and Training:
The senior management team within each organization will determine the local implementation and therefore local communication based on their operational rhythm. Initial focus will be on items within the organization’s file plan that can be readily shared and developing local awareness on the process. The business steward will decide if on the job training is required and how to implement it. The business steward will communicate progress back to the IMSO via OG measurement criteria. Staff questions on OG will be fielded first by the business steward’s IMOs and in turn IMO questions will be fielded by the IMSO’s functional specialists.
7. Planning Details
7.1 Key Planning Constraints
The following constraints have been taken into consideration in the formulation of this D-OGIP:
- Capacity:
Operational and corporate commitments will limit the organization’s ability to align OG practices across the organization and shift staff recognition that information is a resource that must be managed and shared. Capacity and readiness of both the IMSO and the client organizations to accept OG practices as part of their business process will also impact the consistency of OG practices across the DND/CAF and capability to share information via the OG website;
- Regulatory/Security:
Much of the information under the stewardship of the DND/CAF is sensitive or is restricted based on information sharing agreements with allies and/or industry. Therefore, the quantity and timely release of Departmental may be affected especially when the information targeted for release is distributed across the Department with many parts of the organization needing to provide input to confirm there are no regulatory or security issues; and
- OG Expertise:
This plan relies on both data and information expertise existing both within organizations and the IMSO. Under the IMSO, this expertise is scattered and requires consolidation to efficiently support this plan and ongoing sustainment of the OG function. Also, business steward staff who have IM as a secondary duty may find they lack the expertise and time to implement this plan and sustain OG activities.
7.2 Key Planning Assumptions
Important planning assumptions have been made in the development of the DND/CAF OGIP. These include:
- TBS will release further direction to facilitate understanding of OG expectations. These include, but not limited to, direction on:
- criteria for high valued information release via OG,
- minimum refresh rates for dynamic data,
- minimum metadata for datasets,
- criteria/rules for removing items from the OG Internet site, and
- confirmation if information on OG Internet site changes status from an IRBV to a publication;
- TBS will provide generic training on the use of OG standards and processes;
- TBS will remove DND/CAF datasets and information items from the OG websites when no longer required from a GC perspective (DND/CAF will continue to manage the source IRBVs through their life-cycle within corporate repositories);
- TBS arrange for space on the OG Internet site for DND/CAF contributions;
- DND will receive GC direction on downgrading of sensitive information; and
- LAC will provide the GC methodology for remove access restrictions prior transfer to LAC.
7.3 Resource Estimates
The human resource estimates can be found on the next page. It is estimated that two Director Knowledge and Information Management staff under the IMSO will be required to manage and implement the D-OGIP. It also anticipated that IMOs identified during implementation of the Defence Recordkeeping plan within each business steward will be required to support the additional efforts required to meet Departmental OG obligations to TBS and the Canadian Public.
Figures provided in the table below are for the period Sept 2015 – March 2020. Additional detail is provided in section 7.4 on when resources are required within the five year scope of the OG plan.
Leads | DND’s OG Obligations Open Government Action Plan 2.0 Requirements |
Business Steward | OPI | End Date | Resources Human and Financial | Status |
Organizational Leaders | Establish dataset inventory | All Business Stewards | Chief of Staff (COS) | On-going | Recommend – 0.1 Person Year (PY) per business steward | Planned |
Prioritize, and provide eligible datasets to the IMSO | COS | On-going | Recommend - 0.1 PY per business steward | In Progress | ||
Establish information inventory | COS | On-going | Recommend - 1 PY per business steward | Planned | ||
Provide eligible information to ADM(PA) | COS | On-going | Recommend - 0.3 PY per business steward | In Progress | ||
Remove access restrictions for archived documents (Making government documentary heritage available) | COS | On-going | Recommend - 0.5 PY per business steward | Planned | ||
Migrate to | ADM(PA) | Director General Marketing (DGM) | On-going | 0.33 PY | In Progress | |
Validate information for release and provide eligible information to the IMSO | DGM | On-going | 0.33 PY | Planned | ||
Establish and sustain Open Dialogue | DGM | On-going | 0.33 PY | In Progress | ||
Encourage greater collaboration & engagement with scientific community, private, and public sectors | ADM(S&T) | COS | On-going | 0.5 PY | In Progress | |
Contribute to the development and promulgation of a government-wide Open Science Implementation Plan | COS | On-going | Part of GC working group and projects 1 PY dedicated | In Progress | ||
Information Management Senior Officer (IMSO) | Plan and implement OG Governance and strategies | IMSO | Director General Enterprise Applications Support (DGEAS) | Y5 | 0.25 PY | In Progress |
Define and implement communication / change management / common principles, standards, planning guidelines for OG across the Department | DGEAS | Y5 | 1 PYs | Planned | ||
Release datasets and information to | DGEAS | On-going | 0.5 PY | Planned | ||
Rollout of GCDOCS Department wide | Director General IM Project Delivery | TBD | Vote 5 – To Be Determined | Planned | ||
Deliver, execute and manage OGIP | DGEAS | Y5 | 0.25 PY | Planned | ||
Plan and implement OG compliance and reporting | DGEAS | Y5 | 0.5 PY | Planned |
7.4 Planning Table Deliverables / Milestones
DND has incorporated the following deliverables / milestones in the D-OGIP. Note OG Year = 1 Nov to 31 Oct. The majority of the PYs identified in this Annex already exist; it is a matter of identifying and tasking those who will be supporting the D-OGIP over the next four years.
Reference | Compliance Requirement | Deliverables / Milestones | Lead | Activities | Start Date | End Date | Level of Effort | Status |
DOG 6.1 | Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | DND/CAF’s Data Release Plan | IMSO |
Not Started | ||
DND/CAF’s Information Release Plan |
DOG 6.2 | Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the TBS | Listing of accessible and reusable formats to be used at DND/CAF | IMSO |
Not Started | ||
Conversion protocol(s) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable |
Conversion protocol(s) for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable |
Release process to support the publication of DND/CAFs data |
Release process to support the publication of DND/CAF’s information |
DOG 6.3 | Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3) | Methodology for establishing a data inventory | ALL |
Not Started | ||
Methodology for establishing an information inventory |
Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by DND/CAF) |
Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by DND/CAF) |
Renewal protocol(s) to maintain the currency of DND/CAF’s data inventory |
Renewal protocol(s) to maintain the currency of DND/CAF’s information inventory |
Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release |
Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release |
DOG 6.4 | Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) | Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of activities within DND/CAF’s OGIP | IMSO |
In Progress | ||
DND/CAF’s Open Government Implementation Plan (D-OGIP) |
Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of D-OGIP |
D-OGIP is staffed and funded |
Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of the D- OGIP |
DND/CAF’s first annual update to the D-OGIP |
DND/CAF’s second annual update to the D-OGIP |
DND/CAF’s third annual update to the D-OGIP |
DND/CAF’s fourth annual update to the D-OGIP |
DOG 6.5 | Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada. | Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC. | IMSO |
Not Started | ||
Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into DND/CAF’s disposition plans and procedures |
DOG 6.6 | Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services | Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of open government requirements in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions | IMSO |
Not Started | ||
Open government requirements are integrated into DND/CAF’s procurement process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions |
Open government requirements are integrated into DND/CAF’s development process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions |
Open government requirements are integrated into DND/CAF’s modernizing process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions |
DOG 7.1 | Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department. | A performance framework is established to monitor DND/CAF’s progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the D-OGIP | IMSO |
Not Started | ||
Progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation |
A performance framework is established to monitor DND/CAF’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive |
Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head |