Employment and Social Development Canada: Open Government Implementation Plan


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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 will further the progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.

The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other open government activity. Accordingly, the Government of Canada has firmly established an "open by default" position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), which includes the Labour Program and Service Canada, is committed to meeting open government requirements outlined by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) in the Directive on Open Government and the commitments in Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16. This ESDC Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) provides details on the organization's main plans and priorities for open government.

Through open data and open information, ESDC seeks to:

  • improve public access to data and information to support informed decision-making and drive innovation through reuse;
  • increase Canadians' access to and use of digital information; and
  • support accountability by increasing the transparency of ESDC decisions and decision-making processes.

Open dialogue seeks to create an environment where governments engage citizens and stakeholders in meaningful dialogue to inform and shape policy, program and service delivery decisions. Through better engagement with citizens and the network of civil society organizations, ESDC will be better able to design and deliver programs and services that meet the needs of Canadians.

ESDC will solidify its commitment to transparency, accountability, and innovation by fulfilling the open government priorities outlined in this OGIP. In order to do so, ESDC will continue to make changes in the way the organization conducts business. Internally, the Department continues to build awareness of open government and its potential for stimulating innovation and encouraging effective collaboration. Externally, the Department continues to release anonymized and aggregate data on major programs and services to the Government of Canada's central Open Government portal.

Over the 2015-2020 period, ESDC will update this OGIP on an annual basis to incorporate changes to ongoing initiatives and to introduce new ones. Open government is an evolving initiative that will drive the Department to further embrace data and information sharing, in turn establishing an "open by default" culture for the organization.

2. Approvals

Original signed by

Charles Nixon
Information Management Senior Official
Innovation, Information and Technology Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada




Original signed by

Jacques Paquette
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister
Strategic and Service Policy Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada




Original signed by

James Gilbert
Assistant Deputy Minister
Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada




Original signed by

Cheryl Fisher
Corporate Secretary
Employment and Social Development Canada




Original signed by Benoît Robidoux for

Ian Shugart
Deputy Head
Employment and Social Development Canada




3. Purpose

This document describes ESDC's plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve full compliance by the implementation deadline.

The objective of the Directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality, and security (Directive on Open Government, Section 5.1).

The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada information and data:

  • to support accountability;
  • to facilitate value-added analysis;
  • to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
  • to support meaningful engagement with their government.

This document also describes ESDC's plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to one or more of the twelve commitments described in Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16.

4. Context

The mission of ESDC, including the Labour Program and Service Canada, is to build a stronger and more competitive Canada, to support Canadians in making choices that help them live productive and rewarding lives, and to improve Canadians' quality of life.

ESDC delivers a range of programs and services that affect Canadians throughout their lives. The Department provides seniors with basic income security, supports unemployed workers, helps students finance their post-secondary education and assists parents who are raising young children. The Labour Program is responsible for labour laws and policies in federally regulated workplaces. Service Canada helps citizens access ESDC's programs, as well as other Government of Canada programs and services.

4.1 ESDC's Organizational Context

To fulfill its mission, the Department is responsible for developing policies that ensure all can use their talents, skills and resources to participate in learning, work and their community; delivering programs that help Canadians move through life's transitions, from school to work, from one job to another, from unemployment to employment, from the workforce to retirement; providing income support to seniors, families with children and Employment Insurance beneficiaries; helping Canadians with distinct needs such as Aboriginal people, people with disabilities, homeless people, travellers and recent immigrants; overseeing federal labour responsibilities; and, delivering programs and services on behalf of other departments and agencies.

Included in these core roles are responsibilities for the design and delivery of some of the Government of Canada's most well-known programs and services, including Old Age Security, the Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, Canada Loans and Grants for Students and Apprentices Program, the Canada Education Savings Program, the National Child Benefit, the Universal Child Care Benefit, the Wage Earner Protection Program, and, passport services. These direct benefits to Canadians are part of Canada's social safety net and represent 95 percent of the Department's expenditures.

ESDC assists millions to the Canadians each year

  • 81.5 million visits to the Service Canada website
  • 1.9 million calls answered by 1 800-O-Canada agents
  • 8.1 million in-person visits to Service Canada Centres
  • 4.7 million passports issued
  • 2.78 million Employment Insurance claims, 1.3 million Canada Pension Plan and 2.6 million Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement applications processed
  • 356,916 students withdrew $2.74 billion from their RESPs to help fund their post-secondary education
  • 94% of labour disputes were settled as part of the collective bargaining process

Source: ESDC 2015-16 Report on Plans and Priorities

The Labour Program is responsible for overseeing federal labour regulatory responsibilities, including facilitating compliance with occupational health and safety, labour standards and employment equity legislation, as well as assisting trade unions and employers in the negotiation of collective agreements and their renewal in federally regulated workplaces. The Labour Program also represents Canada in international labour organizations and negotiates and implements labour provisions in the context of trade liberalization initiatives.

Through Service Canada, the Department helps Canadians access departmental programs as well as other Government of Canada programs and services at 615 points of service across the country (581 Service Canada points of service and 34 Passport offices). In addition to in-person services, the organization also serves the needs of Canadians online at servicecanada.gc.ca as well as Canada.ca, through My Service Canada Account and by telephone through 1 800 O-Canada and its network of call centres.

Overall, the organization includes four ministers, two junior ministers and an institutional head. There are over 21,000 employees across all provinces and territories in Canada (see Figure 1). The combination of an extensive mandate and a vast workforce gives ESDC the opportunity to support Canadians during times of change and help to facilitate transition between different life stages.

Figure 1: Distribution of ESDC, Service Canada and Labour Program Employees Across Canada
Figure 1: Distribution of ESDC, Service Canada and Labour Program Employees Across Canada - Text version
  • NS:462
  • NB:1047
  • PEI:109
  • NFLD:536
  • Quebec: 3106
  • Ontario: 4932
  • National Capital Region: 6852
  • Manitoba: 792
  • Saskatchewan : 436
  • Alberta: 1388
  • British Columbia: 2001
  • Yukon: 9
  • Northwest Territories: 23
  • Nunavut: 14

4.2 ESDC's Open Government Responsibilities

The Department has already achieved several milestones to fulfill commitments laid out in the Directive on Open Government and Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16. Under the Open Government Licence issued by TBS on , ESDC published 71 datasets on major programs and learning and labour market data to the Government of Canada's central Open Government portal. ESDC also supported the 2014 and 2015 Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE) appathons, which were events that promoted the use and reuse of Government of Canada data holdings via the creation of mobile and/or web applications.

The Department is participating in the Government of Canada Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) online services project, which aims to expedite ATIP requests. Through modernizing the administration of ATIP requests, this project serves to enhance the Government of Canada's capacity to publicly disseminate information, contributing to increased awareness among Canadians about government activities and operations.

Furthermore, ESDC has begun creating a department-wide data inventory that will help to maximize the value of data by making it easier to identify, track, search, report and share. The inventory will help identify data of business value for regular release to the Government of Canada Open Government portal, in compliance with applicable security and privacy requirements.

4.3 ESDC's Technological Environment

ESDC relies on technology to deliver programs and services to Canadians. To serve Canadians better, the Department is preparing to replace aging technology and modernize applications through various initiatives, including:

  • enhancing benefits delivery through the Employment Insurance Automation and Client Service Improvement Project;
  • modernizing system infrastructure for Grants and Contributions applications;
  • modifying a number of core and supporting Canada Pension Plan program delivery systems;
  • optimizing the administration of Canada's Old Age Security program through increased automation and the introduction of additional electronic services (Old Age Security Service Improvement Strategy); and,
  • re-platforming the applications that support Employment Insurance, the Social Insurance Registry and some Integrity systems.

Shared Services Canada is renewing the Government of Canada's information technology (IT) infrastructure to help modernize operations. The Department will work with Shared Services Canada on IT infrastructure improvements, such as the Email Transformation Initiative and moving workloads from legacy data centers to a new end-state data centre environment. Through implementation of innovative Shared Services Canada initiatives and uptake of new technologies, the Department will be positioned to keep pace with the evolving service needs of Canadians.

4.4 Challenges and Opportunities

Given the breadth of ESDC's mandate, implementing the OGIP requires governance and coordination functions between ESDC branches, the Labour Program and Service Canada. The Department has established an interim governance structure (see Section 6 of the OGIP) that will allow ESDC to develop, coordinate and implement open government activities across the organization. As the Department progresses on OGIP implementation, ESDC's governance structure and processes will mature accordingly.

Fostering understanding of the value, use and sharing of data and information across the Department will allow for enhanced intradepartmental collaboration on the delivery of key programs and services. To achieve an internal culture shift towards an "open by default" environment, ESDC public servants will need to be informed of the opportunities and benefits presented by open government principles.

5. Outcomes

The following activities aim to improve ESDC's openness by increasing availability and access to ESDC data and information, while respecting privacy, security and confidentiality requirements. Meeting the following objectives will support government transparency, accountability and citizen engagement.

Objectives Activities Outcomes Expected Results
Implement the Directive on Open Government Release open data and open information in accessible and reusable formats. (As of , ESDC has published 71 datasets on the Government of Canada Open Government portal.) Increased availability of departmental data and information assets. Increased use of departmental data.
Establish and maintain an inventory of all ESDC data and an inventory of all ESDC information.

Improved management of anonymized and aggregate ESDC data.

Improved knowledge of and access to ESDC data and information for ESDC public servants to enrich policy research and inform policy development and service delivery.

Improved release strategy for open data and open information assets.

Enhanced access and increased use of ESDC data and information towards greater integration between program, policy and service delivery.

Support the Policy Framework for Information and Technology, the TBS Standard for Electronic Documents and Records Management Solutions (EDRMS), ESDC's Information Management (IM)/IT Plan and compliance with the TBS Directive on Recordkeeping Continue supporting IM/IT oriented policy suites such as the Policy Framework for Information and Technology, the TBS Standard for EDRMS, ESDC's IM/IT Plan and the TBS Directive on Recordkeeping. Establish and maintain a centralized information repository by onboarding branches and regions onto ESDC's EDRMS. Compliance with the TBS Directive on Recordkeeping by implementing ESDC's EDRMS across the Department resulting in enhanced access to departmental electronic information, managed with transparency and accountability throughout its life cycle. Increased internal use of information resources as strategic assets to support effective decision-making and facilitate ongoing operations and delivery of departmental programs and services.
Continue to work with business branches and regions to identify information resources of business value (IRBV) and of enduring value (IREV) to facilitate Library and Archives Canada's collection of information with minimal access restraints. ESDC information is managed in a way that provides evidence for business decisions, activities and transactions, for ministers, deputy heads, program managers, and Canadians, providing greater transparency and accountability of departmental programs and services. Once ESDC's EDRMS is fully implemented, IREVs will be transferred to Library and Archives Canada with minimized access restraints to enhance open access to information.
Support accountability by increasing the transparency of ESDC decisions and decision-making processes Proactively disclose financial and human resources-related information via a centralized database available to the public (e.g., contracts over $10,000; travel and hospitality expenses for ministers, parliamentary secretaries, and exempt staff; travel, hospitality and conference annual expenditures; reclassification of public service positions; and grant and contribution awards over $25,000). Increased availability of ESDC information related to financial and human resources expenditures. Reinforced citizen's trust in government through transparency and proactive disclosure of financial and human resources information.
Optimize the value, reusability of departmental data and information, while maintaining safeguards around privacy and security. Create, and manage the ESDC data and information inventories, taking into account stewardship, security designations, data/information structure, and data/information types to appropriately safeguard and catalogue the data and information. Promote participation across the ESDC portfolio in working groups and committees established to implement the Directive on Open Government. Increased understanding of the value and potential reusability of ESDC data and information, and the required privacy and security considerations before data and information can be released as open data. Data and information are published in compliance with security and privacy requirements. Data and information are re-used.
Continue to support the annual CODE appathon by releasing high-value data in support of hackathon themes, providing technical support on-site and answering participant questions. Better engagement with open data users across the country to promote the availability and reuse potential of ESDC open data. Increased access and use of departmental data in the creation of innovative tools and services for Canadians.

6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes

The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the institution.

6.1 Roles and Responsibilities – Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official

The governance of ESDC's OGIP is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official (IMSO) and Deputy Head in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government. These responsibilities include:

  • maximizing the release of Government of Canada open data and open information under an open and unrestrictive licence;
  • ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats;
  • establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and IRBV held by the Department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release;
  • developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP); and
  • maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value (IREV) prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada as part of planned disposition activities.

The development of ESDC's OGIP is a collaborative effort between key stakeholders within the Department who are responsible for data management, information management, communications, and programs and services. The Strategic and Service Policy Branch (SSPB) coordinated the development of the first OGIP, with an interim streamlined governance structure led by an Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Steering Committee (see Figure 2). The ADM Steering Committee monitors implementation of the OGIP and its deliverables across the Department. The Committee includes ESDC's Chief Information Officer (CIO) who is also the departmental IMSO. Final approval of ESDC's OGIP will come from the ADM Steering Committee and the Deputy Minister. The ADM Steering Committee will report on OGIP progress to the Corporate Management Committee (CMC)Footnote 1 twice a year and to Portfolio Management Board (PMB)Footnote 2 on an annual basis to confirm that ESDC meets the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) requirements and the Directive on Open Government requirements for open government.

By working with the members of the ADM Steering Committee, ESDC's IMSO will ensure that key stakeholders are involved in the implementation of the Directive on Open Government, identifying gaps in performance and compliance issues to the Deputy Minister and ensuring corrective action is taken when required, as well as reporting any performance or compliance issues to the CIO Branch of the TBS.

ESDC will integrate open government requirements in future plans for procuring, developing, and/or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services. Open government requirements will be integrated into existing IT and business governance structures and into the Department's Application Portfolio Management and IM/IT Strategic Plans.

ESDC's governance will mature over the five year implementation of this OGIP, to verify that the Department is meeting all requirements of the Directive on Open Government.

Figure 2: Interim ESDC Open Government Governance Structure
Figure 2: Interim ESDC Open Government Governance Structure - Text version

From the bottom to the top:


  • OG Working Groups: ConsultationsFootnote *, Info. Mgt.Footnote * and Data Mgmt.
  • Director General IM Working Group
  • Director General Data Committee


  • Director-level Open Government Working Group

OGIP Coordination (SSPB)


  • Information Management Senior Official
  • ADM Open Government Steering Committee
  • Corporate Management Committee
  • Portfolio Management Board


  • Deputy Head

6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholders

This section details ESDC's internal division of responsibilities for developing, implementing and overseeing the first departmental OGIP.

6.2.1 Table 1: Departmental Stakeholders

Role Responsibilities
Deputy Head

Departmental and public accountability.

Approves ESDC's OGIP prior to publishing to the TBS designated website.

Receives notification of upcoming data and information releases.


Delegated authority for open government, accountable for compliance with the Directive on Open Government.

Oversees the implementation and monitoring of the TBS Directive on Open Government for ESDC.

Reports any performance or compliance issues to the CIO Branch of the TBS.

Responsible for maximizing the release of open data and open information in accessible and reusable formats.

Provides final approval for data to be released to the Open Government portal.

Senior ADM of the SSPB

Approves data for release, following approval from data steward ADMs, privacy and security.

Coordinates the development and implementation of the first OGIP.

Represents ESDC on the TBS-led Open Government Steering Committee. The Committee is responsible for advancing the federal government's agenda for open government, including driving the development and implementation of Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 under the international Open Government Partnership.

Head of Communications

Represents ESDC on the interdepartmental Consultations Committee, chaired by TBS and the Privy Council Office, which steers the Government of Canada's response to open dialogue and coordinates all Government of Canada open dialogue activity.

Creates and maintains a Departmental Stakeholder Relations Plan, which outlines online consultation activities.

Supports TBS-led development of new platforms to support government-wide and departmental online consultation needs.

ADM Data and Information Stewards

Verifies that data and information to be published meets the standards for release under the Open Government Licence – Canada.

Provides initial approval for data and information release.

Corporate Secretary

Acts as the Departmental lead on the open information initiative for the OGIP.

Reviews and approves recommended data and information prior to release on the Government of Canada Open Government portal in compliance with relevant Government of Canada and ESDC ATIP policies and legislation.

Departmental Security Officer

Reviews recommended data and information prior to release on the Government of Canada Open Government portal to ensure compliance with relevant Government of Canada and ESDC security policies.

6.2.2 Table 2: Shared Responsibilities

Function Responsibilities Lead
Open Government Implementation Plan Coordination

Central point of contact, internal and external, for the completion of the first OGIP.

Coordination within the Department to complete the first OGIP.

Open Data

Provide advice and training to departmental personnel.

Analyze open government legislation, policies and standards for impact on open data and related activities.

Review all datasets to be released prior to IMSO approval, verifying that both the English and French versions (where applicable) of the data are consistent and error-free.

Open Information

Provide advice and deliver training and awareness sessions to departmental personnel.

Analyze open government legislation, policies and standards for impact on open information and related activities.

Review all information to be released prior to IMSO approval, verifying that both the English and French versions (where applicable) of the information are consistent and error-free.

Provide recommendations to the IMSO for information release approval.

Information Management

Support the effective management of information throughout its life cycle.

Provide advice, training and awareness sessions to departmental personnel.

Information Technology

Review all information to be released prior to IMSO approval, verifying that both the English and French versions (where applicable) of the information are consistent and error-free.

Provide recommendations to the IMSO for data and information release approval.

Communications (Web) Publisher

Post and maintain the data and information on the Department's internal server.

Post and update the data or information's public homepage, by providing background information on the program that the dataset or information resource supports.


6.2.3 Table 3: Advising Committees and Working Groups

ESDC Committee Responsibilities
Interim ADM Steering Committee

Review and initially approve the first ESDC OGIP.

Advise CMC and seek approval from PMB for the first OGIP.

Monitor the implementation of the OGIP and identify any significant difficulties, gaps in performance or compliance issues, and develop proposals to address them.

Ensure that corrective actions are taken to address instances of non-compliance.

Inform CMC and PMB of OGIP implementation progress.

DG Data Committee

Review open government deliverables and activities and provide feedback as required.

Validate and advance recommendations on enterprise data initiatives, including recommendations from the open data working group.

Discuss and provide advice to senior management on enterprise data management issues and capacities

DG IM Working Group

Provide advice and recommendations to CMC on IM issues.

Discuss impact of new Government of Canada direction, policies and directives on IM, TBS MAF assessments as well as the use of third party service providers for management of departmental information resources.

Address the development, implementation and streamlining of key processes and systems to ensure IM risk in the Department is mitigated.

Oversee the integration of core IM elements into all business processes.

Defer all issues relating to privacy and protection of personal information, IT threat and risk or Databank review to the Privacy and IT Security Committee.

Interim Director Open Government Working Group

Oversee the drafting and completion of the first OGIP for the Department.

Open Data Working Group

Identify, assess, validate and recommend data for release. Membership is at the analyst or manager level and includes representation from business units, privacy, security, IM/IT, and communications.

Share best practices on open data to develop standards.

Provide input on ESDC open data engagement activities.

Open Information Working Group (not yet established)

Develop, implement and maintain the ESDC open information plan, focusing on integrating existing and ongoing IM activities.

Put in place a business consultation process and governance structure for open information.

Identify, assess, validate and recommend information for release with support from business lines and other key stakeholders within ESDC.

Consultations Working Group (not yet established)

Oversee open dialogue activities for the Department.

Additional responsibilities to be determined in future OGIP updates.

In order to better manage the execution of the OGIP, the Department will examine the ongoing governance structure for open government over the next year. This will be a key part of the Department's next steps in enabling the implementation of the OGIP across the entire ESDC portfolio.

6.3 Communication, Awareness, and Engagement

Initial efforts will be targeted towards increasing internal awareness, building understanding and beginning a process of culture change at ESDC. Designating an ESDC open government lead is a key component of this objective, along with increasing ongoing internal communications efforts.

PASRB will continue to connect and take direction from the open government communications lead (TBS) to ensure consistency in communications and brand recognition for Canadians. ESDC will continue to partner with TBS for annual Government of Canada-supported CODE appathons and other events to promote the public use of published datasets.

PASRB will continue to be an active member of the Open Government Communications Network, created to enable information sharing and collaboration for implementing open government commitments across the Government of Canada. Specifically, this would include ensuring effective flow of information related to policy work and communications supporting open government, enhancing information on the open government website and sharing information and communication plans.

7. Planning Table

Notes related to the planning table:

  • These estimates are subject to the ultimate plans developed.
  • An additional 0.5 to 1.0 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) per Branch may be required for implementation of initiatives over the next 2 years, depending on final scope of work.
  • Various levels of management will be engaged throughout the process for direction and decision-making.
  • The planning table references the requirements of the Directive on Open Government (DOG).
Reference Compliance Requirement Lead ID Deliverables / Milestones Activities Start Date End Date Resources (Human & Financial) Status
DOG 6.1 Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat SSPB 6.1.1 ESDC's Data Release Plan Develop and maintain data release criteria 2013-14 Q3 2013-14 Q4

0.5 FTE

Ongoing: 0.1 FTE

Develop and approve data release plan 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q1

0.5 FTE

Ongoing: 0.1 FTE

Not started
Review and update ESDC's data release plan 2016-17 Q2 2019-20 Q4

0.5 FTE

Ongoing: 0.1 FTE

Not started
CS 6.1.2 ESDC's Information Release Plan Develop and maintain information release criteria 2016-17 Q2 2018-19 Q4 3 FTE Not started
Develop and approve information release plan 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3 0.5 FTE Not started
Review and update ESDC's information release plan 2017-18 Q4 2019-20 Q4 TBD Not started
DOG 6.2 Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the TBS SSPB 6.2.1 Listing of accessible and reusable formats for data to be used at ESDC Identify all accessible and reusable formats to be used at ESDC 2013-14 Q3 2016-17 Q4 0.25 FTE In progress
Establish accessible and reusable format standard to be used at ESDC 2016-17 Q1 2016-17 Q3 0.25 FTE Not started
CS with IITB support 6.2.2 Listing of accessible and reusable formats for information to be used at ESDC Support Library and Archives Canada in the development of accessible and reusable formats 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3 0.5 FTE Not started
Identify accessible standards and reusable formats adopted as the standard by ESDC 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3 4 FTE Not started
SSPB 6.2.3 Conversion process(es) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable Establish and approve conversion process(es) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable 2013-14 Q3 2019-20 Q4 0.5 FTE In progress
Develop and implement conversion process(es) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable monitoring process 2013-14 Q3 2019-20 Q4 0.5 FTE In progress
CS with IITB support 6.2.4 Conversion process(es) for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable Support programs and business lines in the conversion of information based on internal processes identified by IITB 2016-17 Q4 2019-20 Q4 2 FTE Not started
Identify conversion process(es) to be adopted by ESDC 2016-17 Q3 2019-20 Q4 2 FTE Not started
SSPB 6.2.5 Release process to support the publication of ESDC's data Update existing release process 2016-17 Q1 2016-17 Q4 0.25 FTE Not started
Implement updated data release 2017-18 Q1 2017-18 Q3 0.1 FTE Not started
CS 6.2.6 Release process to support the publication of ESDC's information Develop a process to support the publication of ESDC information 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3 2 FTE Not started
DOG 6.3 Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release SSPB 6.3.1 Methodology for establishing a data inventory Develop a methodology for establishing a data inventory 2014-15 Q4 2015-16 Q2 0.5 FTE Complete
CS with IITB support 6.3.2 Methodology for establishing an information inventory Develop methodology for establishing information inventories within ESDC 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q4 3.5 FTE Not started
SSPB 6.3.3 Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by ESDC) Develop ESDC's data inventory 2015-16 Q2 2016-17 Q3 3 FTE In progress
Maintain ESDC's data inventory 2016-17 Q4 2019-20 Q4 Ongoing 0.25 FTE Not started
CS with IITB support 6.3.4 Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by ESDC) Work with business branches and regions to establish a physical records inventory for ESDC 2017-18 Q2 2018-19 Q2 TBD Not started
Work with business branches and regions to update existing electronic information resource inventory 2017-18 Q2 2018-19 Q2 TBD Not started
SSPB 6.3.5 Renewal process(s) to maintain the currency of ESDC's data inventory Develop and establish renewal process(es) to maintain the currency of ESDC's data inventory 2016-17 Q4 2017-18 Q4 0.25 FTE Not started
CS with IITB support 6.3.6 Renewal process(s) to maintain the currency of ESDC's information inventory Develop/implement renewal process(es) to maintain the currency of ESDC's information inventory 2017-18 Q2 2019-20 Q4 TBD Not started
Open data working group 6.3.7 Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release Assess and maintain data eligibility and priority for release criteria 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q4

0.25 FTE

Ongoing: 0.25 FTE

Not started
CS with IITB support 6.3.8 Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release Assess and maintain information eligibility and priority for release criteria 2016-17 Q4 2017-18 Q4 2.5 FTE Not started
DOG 6.4 Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) Interim Director Open Government Working Group 6.4.1 Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of ESDC's OGIP Establish interim ESDC OGIP governance 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Q1 0.5 FTE Complete
Establish mature governance structure 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q2 0.1 FTE Not started
6.4.2 ESDC's Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) Develop first ESDC OGIP 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Q3 2.5 FTE Complete
SSPB 6.4.3 Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of ESDC's OGIP Obtain signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of ESDC's OGIP 2015-16 Q3 2015-16 Q3 N/A Complete
Interim ADM Steering Committee 6.4.4 ESDC's OGIP is staffed and funded Define Human Resources requirements and seek resources for ESDC's OGIP 2015-16 Q3 2016-17 Q2 0.2 FTE In progress
Define Operations and Maintenance (O&M) requirements and associated costs 2015-16 Q3 2016-17 Q2 0.2 FTE In progress
6.4.5 Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of ESDC's OGIP Develop a monitoring and reporting process 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q1 0.25 FTE Not started
Implement process 2016-17 Q2 2016-17 Q4 0.25 FTE Not started
Interim ADM Steering Committee 6.4.6 ESDC's first annual update to the OGIP First annual update of the OGIP 2016-17 Q2 2016-17 Q3 1 FTE Not started
6.4.7 ESDC's second annual update to the OGIP Second annual update of the OGIP 2017-18 Q2 2017-18 Q3 1 FTE Not started
6.4.8 ESDC's third annual update to the OGIP Third annual update to the OGIP 2018-19 Q2 2018-19 Q3 1 FTE Not started
6.4.9 ESDC's fourth annual update to the OGIP Fourth annual update to the OGIP 2019-20 Q2 2019-20 Q4 1 FTE Not started
DOG 6.5 Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada CS with IITB support 6.5.1 Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from data and information resources of enduring value (IREVs) prior to their transfer to Library and Archives Canada. Review and validate new and existing retention schedules in support of ESDC's new disposition authority 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3 5.5 FTE Not started
Develop ESDC methodology based on LAC guidance 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3 5.5 FTE Not started
6.5.2 Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from data IREVs prior to their transfer to Library and Archives Canada is integrated into ESDC's disposition plans and procedures. Assess departmental IREVs for inclusion in new ESDC disposition authority 2017-18 Q2 2018-19 Q3 TBD Not started
Develop and implement ESDC methodology based on Library and Archives Canada guidance 2017-18 Q2 2018-19 Q3 TBD Not started
Support the programs in integrating open information methodology into disposition plans, processes, and procedures (EDRMS, disposition tracking tool, etc.) 2017-18 Q2 2018-19 Q3 TBD Not started
DOG 6.6 Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services IITB 6.6.1 Governance structures are in place to ensure that the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are integrated into any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions Integrate open government into the Department's governance structures 2014-15 Q3 2017-18 Q3

0.5 FTE

Subject to Review

In progress
6.6.2 Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ESDC's procurement process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Integrate ESDC open government requirements into existing IT procurement processes, including integration into the Department's Application Portfolio Management 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3

0.5 FTE

Subject to Review

Not started
6.6.3 Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ESDC's development process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Integrate ESDC open government requirements into IT and solution development processes 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3

0.5 FTE

Subject to Review

Not started
6.6.4 Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into ESDC's modernizing process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Integrate ESDC open government requirements into the department's Application Portfolio Management and IM/IT strategic plans 2016-17 Q3 2017-18 Q3

0.5 FTE

Subject to Review

Not started
DOG 7.1 Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department. Interim ADM Steering Committee 7.1.1 Performance framework for the monitoring of ESDC's progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP Define and establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q1 0.25 FTE Not Started
7.1.2 Progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation Monitor and report on KPIs 2016-17 Q2 2019-20 Q4

0.15 FTE

Ongoing 0.15 FTE

Not Started
7.1.3 Performance framework for the monitoring of ESDC's ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive Establish performance framework 2015-16 Q4 2016-17 Q1 0.25 FTE Not started
7.1.4 Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head Establish process 2016-17 Q2 2019-20 Q4

0.15 FTE

Ongoing 0.15 FTE

Not started

Glossary of Acronyms

Assistant Deputy Minister
Access to Information and Privacy
Chief Information Officer
Corporate Management Committee
Canadian Open Data Experience
Chief Operating Officer
Corporate Secretariat
Directive on Open Government
Electronic Documents and Records Management Solutions
Employment and Social Development Canada
Full-time Equivalent
Innovation, Information and Technology Branch
Information Management
Information Management Senior Official
Information Resources of Business Value
Information Resources of Enduring Value
Information Technology
Key Performance Indicators
Management Accountability Framework
Operations and Maintenance
Open Government Implementation Plan
Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Branch
Portfolio Management Board
Strategic and Service Policy Branch
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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