Environment Canada: Open Government Implementation Plan


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Environment Canada's Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP)

Prepared by the Information Management Directorate (IMD), Corporate Services Branch (CSB), Environment Canada (EC)

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of the Environment, 2015

This document is available in alternate formats on request.

Please direct enquiries about this document to the following:
Information Management Directorate
Corporate Services Branch
Environment Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd,
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 will further progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.

Environment Canada is the lead federal department for a wide range of environmental issues affecting Canadians. The department's programs focus on a clean environment by minimizing threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution; a safe environment by equipping Canadians to make informed decisions on weather, water and climate conditions; and a sustainable environment by conserving and restoring Canada's natural environment. In delivering on its mandate, Environment Canada produces a wide variety of data and information collected across its Science, Regulatory, Monitoring and Weather mandates.

In support of the wide variety of data and information produced in support of Environment Canada's mandate, the department several years ago established an Enterprise Data Management Program and a Recordkeeping Program to deliver on improvements to the management of our data and information holdings. These programs have successfully delivered on such departmental tools as the EC Data Catalogue and a cross-departmental file plan.

EC's programs and services have a responsibility as stewards of departmental information to adopt open government practices as part of their operational processes, including the openness and transparency goals that are integrated into the department's Science Strategy. Environment Canada is a leader in the establishment of the Open Data Portal within the Government of Canada, and has implemented a data catalogue for the maintenance of the department's structured data resources. It is also an active participant in the development of the Federal Geospatial Platform project, co-leading the initiative with Natural Resources Canada.

The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all open government activity. Accordingly, the Government of Canada has firmly established an "open by default" position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.

To meet the challenge of the Directive, EC is committed to achieving significant progress on key outcomes:

  • All of Environment Canada's data is inventoried by 2020 in the department's Data Catalogue, and all high-value datasets and information that meet TBS defined criteria are publically released.
  • Open Information goals (e.g. access and timeliness) will be expedited through the incorporation of Open Government principles and practices into the department's management of records.
  • The department will maximize involvement in cross-government projects and tools that enhance the creation and release of data and information

Environment Canada has embraced the spirit of Open Government, and this plan specifically outlines how it will meet the requirements of the Directive on Open Government. The department has supporting programs, tools and services for data and records management, awareness and training, as well as a team dedicated specifically to organizing and planning around the directive. Programs and senior management are engaged, and have been involved in the publishing of both data and information in support of Open Data for the past few years. The department's intention is to continue this momentum and incorporate Open Government goals, outcomes, and principles into all aspects of its mandate and program activities.

2. Approvals

George Enei
Information Management Senior Official
Corporate Services Branch
Environment Canada


Michael Martin
Deputy Minister
Environment Canada


3. Purpose

This document describes Environment Canada's plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve full compliance by the implementation deadline.

The objective of the Directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality, and security (Directive on Open Government, Section 5.1).

The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada information and data:

  • to support accountability;
  • to facilitate value-added analysis;
  • to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
  • to support meaningful engagement with their government.

This document also describes Environment Canada's involvement in activities and deliverables aligned to the commitments described in Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16.

4. Context

Environment Canada is the lead federal department for a wide range of environmental issues affecting Canadians. The department also plays a stewardship role in achieving and maintaining a clean, safe and sustainable environment. Environment Canada addresses issues through monitoring, research, policy development, service delivery to Canadians, regulations, enforcement of environmental laws, advancement of clean technologies and strategic partnerships. The department's programs focus on a clean environment by minimizing threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution; a safe environment by equipping Canadians to make informed decisions on weather, water and climate conditions; and a sustainable environment by conserving and restoring Canada's natural environment. The department's program focus reflects the increasingly evident interdependence between environmental sustainability and economic well-being.

In delivering on its mandate, Environment Canada produces a wide variety of data and information collected and created across its Science, Regulatory, Monitoring and Weather mandates. The result is a variety of heterogeneous datasets and large volumes of data and information maintained across many departmental data holdings. To support the departmental Information Management Strategy and improve the overall management of the department's data and information holdings, EC established an Enterprise Data Management Program and a Recordkeeping (RK) Program. These programs provide tools, guidance and services to the department, positioning the department well for delivery on Open Government goals. EC's programs and services, in their role as information stewards, are adopting open government practices as part of their operational processes.

Environment Canada is committed to meeting the Government of Canada's Open Data objectives. The department supports the federal government's Open Data objectives in a variety of ways, including as a key contributor to the Federal Geospatial Platform. The Platform is a multi-department collaboration for the development of standards, practices and a set of online tools where relevant geospatial information can be found easily and viewed on maps. It will play a key role in bringing together the government's economic, social and environmental data to better support location-based decision making on a range of complex issues, such as responsible resource development, environmental management, regulatory reviews, and safety and security.

Environment Canada has been a leader in the establishment of the Open Data Portal within the Government of Canada and has implemented a Data Catalogue for the maintenance of the department's structured data resources.

From a science perspective, implementation of the Open Government Implementation plan is an opportunity to support the department's long-term Science Strategy (PDF,759 KB): "Transparency, collaboration and excellence are hallmarks of good science. Opening Environment Canada's science to partners and Canadians will improve the uptake, reuse and impact of the Department's science activities, and will allow for greater dialogue across disciplines and sectors".

Environment Canada is home to approximately 6400 staff, of which about 63% work in locations outside the National Capital Region. As a result, the use of online information repositories is a well-established practice. Although the department benefits from a robust collaboration and document development infrastructure (ECollab which is based on Microsoft's SharePoint), nevertheless, it continues to work to improve recordkeeping capabilities required to efficiently support Open Information. The Recordkeeping program has been focussed on implementing the Environment Canada Functional File Plan, establishing our Records Retention and Disposition Schedules, supporting a departmental records repository, and building the foundational pieces for the implementation of a departmental Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS).

5. Outcomes

From a departmental perspective, Environment Canada has the following three strategic program outcomes:

  1. Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations
  2. Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions
  3. Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized

Environment Canada's desired outcome from the Directive on Open Government (DOG) is improved public access to the department's Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs), thereby providing Canadians with more high value data and information while at the same time improving internal science and decision making. The department will realize its Open Government desired state by striving to attain the following outcomes.

  • All of Environment Canada's data is inventoried by 2020 in the department's Data Catalogue, and all high-value datasets and information that meet TBS defined criteria are publically released.
    • EC will begin by managing its data inventory on its Data Catalogue, thereby ensuring single point of registration, management and publishing, with the expected result being improved public access and improved internal discovery supporting science and fact-based decision making.
    • The Federal Geospatial Platform is standardizing on EC's Data Catalogue, which will help further drive innovation within the product and allow for easier publication of geospatially based Open Data.
    • Through its leadership of the Open Science commitment of Canada's Action Plan on Open Government, Environment Canada is ensuring that the Open Science Implementation Plan is consistent and aligned with the Directive on Open Government and that uptake of "open by default" principles and activities within the department are encouraged and supported.
    • Key Measure: Percentage of known eligible datasets in the EC Data Catalogue that have been published to the Open Government portal.
  • Open Information goals (e.g. access and timeliness) will be expedited through the incorporation of Open Government principles and practices into the department's management of records.
    • EC will have a single, comprehensive Information Inventory and Release Plan based on requirements from the Directive on Open Government and the Directive on Recordkeeping. It is expected that the combining of existing inventories will support a more integrated and efficient overall picture and allow for improved release of information IRBVs through the Open Government portal.
    • The department has created its first cross-departmental functional file plan, and recently received its full Disposition Authority from Library and Archives Canada. This will support improved Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) and Open Information by improving the management of Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs).
    • The department is engaging in an active Communications, Awareness and Training campaign, and has been taking advantage of the Email Transformation Initiative (ETI) mailbox cleanup campaign to socialize good IM practices.
    • Key Measure: Percentage of known eligible IRBVs in the EC Information Inventory that have been published to the Open Government portal.
  • The department will maximize involvement in cross-government projects and tools that enhance the creation and release of data and information
    • The Federal Geospatial Platform is a component of the Action Plan on Open Government's Open Data Core Commitment, and Environment Canada is a leader and key contributor in the initiative. The platform is standardizing on EC's Data Catalogue and EC's geospatial viewer, driving improvement in both products.
    • Environment Canada is a partner in the Federal Science e-Library project which is focused on improving internal access to published scientific material from across the federal government, as well as publishing the EC catalogue publically.
    • Environment Canada is engaged as a Theme Lead in the GC Web Renewal project, where they endeavor to provide stronger linkages between the government's Web content and Open Government releases.
    • The department is a GC lead in the Open Science commitment, which aims to enhance the public release of high value scientific data and information.
    • Environment Canada is an active participant in the following Government of Canada Priorities: the Beyond the Border Action Plan, the Regulatory Cooperation Council and the Responsible Resource Development Initiative. Common to these initiatives is a requirement to conduct consultations with other government departments and key stakeholders, and to ensure the publication of data and information required in support of these programs.
    • Key Measure: Number of cross-government systems being supported in the department compared to overall total departmental effort allocated to systems development and support.
  • A culture of "Open by default" and information management principles will be incorporated into Environment Canada's program delivery
    • The department is using its Information Management Steering Committee (IMSC) to help structure and plan its information holdings and link them to the IT infrastructure, thereby ensuring that openness is a key consideration in all new IT systems and renewals.
    • Environment Canada's Open Government initiative is working closely with the department's Blueprint 2020 initiative, as they share a common goal to improve internal functions to better serve Canadians. By improving the 'openness' of data and information through Open Government, it also improves the department's internal access and collaboration.
    • The department will renew its existing Information Management Strategy with a view to including open government as a key goal.
    • Key Measure: Number of reviewed and updated departmental processes adjusted to reflect "open by default" principle.
  • Accessible and reusable formats will become the default for Open Data and Open Information
    • The department is establishing standards around scientific monitoring and observation data based on internationally accepted data standards, in order to improve compatibility and accessibility, and is incorporating reusable formats into the publishing process.
    • EC intends to create default templates for the departmental word processing software that will decrease variability in formatting and improve overall structure and transferability.
    • Key Measure: Percentage of published datasets and documents that are created with accessible templates.

6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes

The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the institution.

6.1 Roles and Responsibilities – Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official

The governance of Environment Canada's Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official (IMSO) and Deputy Head (DH) in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government.

Responsible Open Government Responsibilities
Deputy Minister
  • Approval of the EC OGIP;
  • Engagement and commitment to Open Government obligations;
  • Taking corrective measures for non-compliance with the requirements of this directive.
Information Management Senior Official
  • Oversees compliance with the Directive on Open Government as per section 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements);
  • Oversees the creation, approval, publication and maintenance of the EC OGIP;
  • As a member of the Executive Management Council (EMC), ensures that Open Government requirements are addressed during departmental strategic planning process;
  • Coordinates and guides Branch Heads in the implementation of effective and efficient data and information management practices, and that appropriate direction, tools, processes, and training are in place.

6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholders

Responsible Open Government Responsibilities
Branch Heads
  • Ensure Open Government requirements are addressed during branch strategic planning
  • Through their participation in the departmental management committee, work with the IMSO to make decisions on departmental Open Government and related Information Management activities.
Head of Communications
  • Coordinating Web activities in support of Open Government data and information releases
  • Communicating internally to all EC employees as well as externally to Canadians
Director General of Information Management
  • Responsible for overall coordination and management of the department's Open Government Implementation Plan projects.
Information Management Steering Committee
  • Provide advice, guidance and recommendations to the Information Management Senior Official through the Director-General of Information Management;
  • Lead the creation and maintenance of data and information inventories and the creation of program and service specific release plans.
Information Management Functional Specialists
  • Guide, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the Directive on Open Government and report progress to the Director General of Information Management, Information Management Steering Committee and Treasury Board Secretariat;
  • Provide tools and services for data and records management and work closely with program stewards to support them in data and information management and publication;
  • Coordinate, develop and disseminate communications, awareness and training material as well as other information and data management related activities required to support the implementation of Open Government;
  • Collaborate with other government departments and agencies to further Open Government within the department and across the Government of Canada.
All Branches
  • Identify IRBVs and populate the data inventory and the information inventory, maintaining and supporting them once published;
  • Provide funding necessary to make datasets and information available to the public and identifying if/when datasets and information fall under specific criteria for exception;
  • Use departmental tools and processes to publish open datasets and information through defined TBS and departmental channels;
  • Identify Information Management Stewards and/or Data Stewards to deliver on Open Information and Open Data.
Managers and Employees

6.3 Communication, Awareness, and Engagement

Awareness and Engagement

Environment Canada is engaged in a sustained approach to raise awareness and foster the cultural shift needed to deliver on the Directive on Open Government in the department. The department is leveraging the work done through Open Science and other opportunities (ex. Mailbox Cleanup Campaign for the Email Transformation Initiative (ETI)) to engrain a culture of "open by default" that will ultimately improve public access to scientific data and information produced within the department.


Environment Canada will support and participate in government-wide Communications activities to promote and inform on the Open Government initiative as organized by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the Privy Council Office, who are leaders in the Government's overarching Implementation of this initiative.

Internal Communications will work with the Information Management Directorate to develop communications products and awareness campaigns for information management initiatives. The planned internal engagement efforts are guided by the fact that EC is a science based department with a vested interest in strong collaboration. All levels of accountability in the department are being engaged through existing paths, including through a standing item on the Information Management Steering Committee and communications through Branch and Directorate Information Management Stewards.

7. Requirements and Planning

The Directive on Open Government identifies the following requirements:

  1. Maximizing the release of Government of Canada open data (structured data) and open information (unstructured documents and multi-media assets) under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
  2. Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
  3. Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release.
  4. Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP).
  5. Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada as part of planned disposition activities.
  6. Ensuring that open government requirements identified above are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services.
  7. Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department.

Detailed plans for addressing these requirements are included in the annexes.

7.1 Key Planning Assumptions

  • Resource planning for EC OGIP is based on identifying project-specific effort by departmental IM Functional Specialists to put in place the necessary tools, standards and practices for achieving DOG compliance.
  • The planning table years are as follows:
    •  Year 1 is from (the Directive's effective date) to
    •  Year 2 is from to
    •  Year 3 is from to
    •  Year 4 is from to
    •  Year 5 is from to

Annex 1 - Planning Table A: Directive on Open Government Requirements

Reference Compliance Requirement Deliverables / Milestones Lead Activities Start Date End Date Resources (Human and Financial) Status Organizational Change
DOG 6.1 Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Environment Canada's Data Release Plan Program Managers (coordinated by Information Management Steering Committee)
  • Develop and submits a Data Release Plan coordinated through the Information Management Steering Committee.
Fall 2015 Fall 2016 L1 Ongoing New
Environment Canada's Information Release Plan Program Managers (coordinated by Information Management Steering Committee)
  • Develop and submits an Information Release Plan coordinated through the Information Management Steering Committee.
Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Under assessment for commencement in Y2/3 Not started New
DOG 6.2 Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the TBS Listing of accessible and reusable formats to be used IM Functional Specialists In progress Ongoing L1 Ongoing Existing
Conversion protocol(s) for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable "Program Managers" (supported by Information Management Functional Specialists)
  • Developed by each Environment Canada program area, as required on a case-by-case basis with IM/IT Functional Specialist support in the conversion of large/complex datasets
  • Building functionality into Environment Canada's Data Catalogue/Data Mart 2.0 publishing system to convert into multiple formats.
Fall 2015 Spring 2020

2015-16: L2

2016-17: L2 FTE; L3 O&M (FME Server)

2017-18 onwards: L2

Ongoing Change
Conversion protocol(s) for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable (led by Treasury Board Secretariat) Information Management Functional Specialists (approved by Information Management Steering Committee) Spring 2016 Fall 2018 Under assessment for commencement in Y2 Not Started Change
Release process to support the publication of Environment Canada's data Information Management Functional Specialists (approved by Information Management Steering Committee)
  • The Release process to support the publication of Environment Canada's data is defined, operational and automated through the EC Data Catalogue.
  • IM Functional Specialists provide training and support to managers and employees in the publication of Environment Canada's data.
Ongoing Ongoing

2015-16: L2 FTE; L4 O&M

2016-17 onwards: L3 FTE; L4 O&M

Ongoing Existing
Release process to support the publication of Environment Canada's information Information Management Functional Specialists (approved by Information Management Steering Committee)
  • Analyze federal and departmental publishing policies and use data release process as an Open Government benchmark.
  • Harmonize publishing process for data with the process for information.
Spring/ Summer 2016 Fall 2018 Under assessment for commencement in Y2 Not Started Existing
DOG 6.3 Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3) Methodology for establishing a data inventory Information Management Functional Specialists (approved by Information Management Steering Committee)
  • EC Data Catalogue will be used to register datasets and manage our data inventory.
  • Programs in the process of gathering preliminary lists of datasets for inventory (including through Open Science).
Spring 2015 Fall 2015 L1 Complete Existing
Methodology for establishing an information inventory Corporate Services Branch
  • Create a single, central inventory for DOG and the Directive on Recordkeeping
Fall 2015 Fall 2016 L1 Not started Existing
Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by Environment Canada) "Program Managers" (supported by Information Management Functional Specialists)
  • Incorporate departmental scans into central inventory on the EC Data Catalogue.
Ongoing Fall 2016 delivery, ongoing support

EC Data Catalogue maintenance and increases in Data Mart storage capacity. TBD 2015-16: L2

2016-17 onwards: L1

Ongoing Change
Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by Environment Canada) TBD
  • Dependent on how methodology is defined.
Spring 2016 Fall 2018 To be assessed dependant on defined methodology Not started Change
Renewal protocol(s) to maintain the currency of Environment Canada's data inventory "Program Managers" (supported by Information Management Functional Specialists)
  • A departmental Data Catalogue is in place which establishes a mechanism for a 'sustained' inventory approach.
  • Focus will need to be on ensuring that information stewards in Environment Canada program areas maintain information about existing and new datasets.
Ongoing Spring 2020 Continuous maintenance of existing data management program. Added resource requirements specific to Open Government are being assessed. Ongoing Existing
Renewal protocol(s) to maintain the currency of Environment Canada's information inventory TBD
  • Dependent on inventory tool and processed determined in the "methodology" deliverable.
Fall 2018 Spring 2020 To be assessed dependant on defined methodology/inventory Not started Existing
Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release "Program Managers" (supported by Information Management Functional Specialists)
  • Assess inventory of data for eligibility and priority; as part of developing data release plans.
Ongoing Fall 2016 L1 Ongoing New
Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release "Program Managers" (supported by Information Management Functional Specialists)
  • Assess inventory of information for eligibility and priority, as part of the developing of information release plan
Fall/ Winter 2015 Fall 2018 Under assessment for commencement in Y2 Not started New
DOG 6.4 Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of activities within Environment Canada's OGIP IMSO
  • Leverage existing governance structures for Information Management and Open Data, as outlined in Governance Structures and Decision Processes section above.
Complete Complete L1 Complete Existing
EC's Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) Corporate Services Branch
  • Engage governance structures and create and resource project
  • Engage stakeholders and build plan
Spring 2015 Summer/Fall 2015 L1 Complete New
Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of Environment Canada's OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Information Management Senior Official
  • Executive Management Council/ Deputy Minister
Summer/ Fall 2015 Fall 2015 L1 Complete Existing
Environment Canada's OGIP is staffed and funded Information Management Senior Official
  • Action Plan 3 (Open Government Directive) Formalized as a project and resourced.
Complete Complete L1 Complete New
Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of the Environment Canada's OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Standard reporting item in bi-monthly Information Management Steering Committee meetings and standard work planning.
Spring 2015 Complete L1 Complete New
Environment Canada's first annual update to the OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Annual review of OGIP with a focus on unfinished deliverables.
Spring 2016 Fall 2016 L1 Not started New
Environment Canada's second annual update to the OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Annual review of OGIP with a focus on unfinished deliverables.
Spring 2017 Fall 2017 L1 Not started New
Environment Canada's third annual update to the OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Annual review of OGIP with a focus on unfinished deliverables.
Spring 2018 Fall 2018 L1 Not started New
Environment Canada's fourth annual update to the OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Annual review of OGIP with a focus on unfinished deliverables.
Spring 2019 Spring 2020 L1 Not started New
DOG 6.5 Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada. Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC Corporate Services Branch
  • To be determined based on direction from Library and Archives Canada
Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Will be assessed once LAC guidance is provided. Not started Change
Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into Environment Canada's disposition plans and procedures. Corporate Services Branch
  • To be determined based on direction from Library and Archives Canada
Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Will be assessed once LAC guidance is provided. Not started Change
DOG 6.6 Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of open government requirements in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions Corporate Services Branch, Finance Branch
  • Corporate Services Branch has established an Architecture Review Board (ARB), as part of the Information Management Steering Committee.
Spring 2015 Complete L1 Complete Existing
Open government requirements are integrated into Environment Canada's procurement process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Corporate Services Branch, Finance Branch
  • Continuing evolution of Architecture Review Board will encompass this area.
Ongoing Ongoing L1 Ongoing Existing
Open government requirements are integrated into Environment Canada's development process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Corporate Services Branch, Finance Branch
  • Continuing evolution of Architecture Review Board will encompass this area.
Ongoing Ongoing L1 Ongoing Existing
Open government requirements are integrated into Environment Canada's modernizing process(es) for applications, systems, and solutions Corporate Services Branch, Finance Branch
  • Continuing evolution of Architecture Review Board will encompass this area.
Ongoing Ongoing L1 Ongoing Existing
DOG 7.1 Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department. A performance framework is established to monitor Environment Canada's progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP Corporate Services Branch
  • Use TBS defined "Annex B" along with supporting materials used for tracking
Fall 2015 Spring 2016 L1 Ongoing New
Progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation Corporate Services Branch
  • Information Management Steering Committee, meets semi-monthly has a permanent Open Government item
Spring 2015 Ongoing L1 Ongoing New
A performance framework is established to monitor Environment Canada's ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive Corporate Services Branch
  • DOG requirements used as basis.
Spring 2016 Ongoing L1 Not started New
Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head (DH) Corporate Services Branch
  • Identified as most effective through standard reporting arrangements for information management items.
Summer 2015 Complete/ Ongoing L1 Complete/ Ongoing New
Level Full Time Equivalent Estimate Operating and Maintenance Estimate
L1 <0.5 FTE <$10K O&M
L2 0.5 – 2 FTE $10K-25K O&M
L3 2 – 4 FTE $25K-50K O&M
L4 >4 FTE >$50K O&M

Annex 2 - Planning Table B: Canada's Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 Commitments

Reference Compliance Requirement Deliverables / Milestones Lead Activities Start Date End Date Resources (Human and Financial) Status
APOG B4 Consolidate the management of federal geospatial data across the Government of Canada to make this information more accessible and reusable via federal open government websites.
  • Creation of the Federal Geospatial Platform (Natural Resources Canada lead)
Corporate Services Branch
  • Work closely with Natural Resources Canada (lead department) to develop Federal Geospatial Platform (FGP).
  • Environment Canadas Data Catalogue used as FGP catalogue
  • Environment Canada's Reusable Accessible Mapping Platform (RAMP) geospatial viewer used as FGP viewer
  • Maximizing the availability of Environment Canada's geospatial datasets on the FGP catalogue
$4.54M (includes in-kind Salary, O&M, and other internal costs; based on FGP TB Submission Ongoing
APOG C1 The Government of Canada will maximize access to federally funded scientific research to encourage greater collaboration and engagement with the scientific community, the private sector, and the public.
  • Environment Canada is co-leading the Action Plan on Open Government's work on Open Science at the whole of government level.
  • Environment Canada to implementing Open Science at a departmental level to meet requirements of APOG C1 and the Open Science Implementation Plan.
Science and Technology Branch
  • Public consultations on the implementation of open science;
  • Launch of open access to publications and data resulting from federally funded scientific activities;
  • Development and adoption of policies, guidelines and tools to support effective stewardship of scientific data; and
  • Promotion of the adoption of open science standards in Canada
  • Apply emerging Government of Canada approaches and standards to Environment Canada's design and production of scientific data including:
    •  work on a data inventory,
    •  publications inventory,
    •  enhanced data stewardship,
    •  and rigorous data attribution for scientists that publish quality data.
Fall 2014 Spring 2020

L2 FTE (Federal contribution)

L3 FTE (EC focused)

APOG C6 Develop and launch a virtual library on the new government-wide open government portal (open.canada.ca). This new service will provide access to federal publications through an online, searchable repository of published federal documents of all kinds.
  • Service implementation
  • Onboarding and migration of participating departments
  • Shared digital repository service available
  • Project leads: National Research Council Canada (NRC), and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Corporate Services Branch
  • Alignment of EC's library system to Federal Science Library architecture
  • Training and awareness to Library staff
  • Digitization of key paper resources
  • Project management support to Federal Science Library
In progress Spring 2016 TBD In progress and on schedule
APOG D EC supports Open Dialogue between itself and citizens through using web-based technologies to connect faster and more easily with citizens Wider rollout of on-line consultations within the department Strategic Policy Branch / Communications Branch Implement change management within the department to facilitate a shift towards on-line technologies that will support consultations on a wide range of policy, program, and regulatory issues Spring 2013 Ongoing TBD In progress and on schedule
EC supports Open Dialogue between itself and citizens through better identification and targeting of stakeholders with the view of promoting opportunities for public participation Departmental stakeholder registry Strategic Policy Branch / Communications Branch Design, build and launch a web-based open registry. The system will support program areas in identifying and involving general public, stakeholders and partner in consultation opportunities. Spring 2013 Spring 2016 TBD In progress and on schedule
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