Library and Archives Canada: Open Government Implementation Plan


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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current Open Government (OG) and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada (GC) has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014–16 will further advance the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.

The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other OG activities. Accordingly, the GC has firmly established an “open by default” position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) serves as the continuing memory of the GC and its institutions. As such, LAC plays multiple roles:

  • As the national library and archives holding the documentary heritage of the GC;
  • As the institution responsible for setting criteria in accordance with section 9.3 of the Directive on Open Government, in support of GC-wide compliance with the requirement in section 6.5 of the Directive:
    • Section 6.5 requires all GC institutions to remove as many restrictions as possible from records prior to transfer to LAC;
    • Section 9.3 requires LAC to determine what GC institutions must do to remove the access restrictions prior to transfer to LAC; and,
  • As a GC institution in its own right.

Further, LAC has the additional responsibility to contribute historic government information resources to the open data and information movement. LAC’s triple role results in a complex and interrelated set of priorities and accountabilities for its OG planning. While departmental OG responsibility lies with the Information Management Senior Official (IMSO), this implementation plan is a holistic view of LAC’s various roles and responsibilities relating to this directive. Various LAC operational branches have unique roles and responsibilities supporting this directive and continue to work independently to satisfy those responsibilities.

LAC’s main OG priorities are to:

  • Establish criteria for maximizing the removal of restrictions on government information prior to its transfer to LAC;
  • Open access to GC documentary heritage as soon as possible and as much as possible; and,
  • Establish an OG approach for its corporate information.

The changes envisioned at LAC include:

  • Establishing clear governance of Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) commitments;
  • Establishing new workflows and processes for rapid review and opening of the GC content part of its holdings; and,
  • Ensuring a shift in organizational culture to allow for an “open by default” approach for corporate content.

LAC will publish an annual update of its OGIP each year in late autumn.

2. Approvals

Paul Wagner
Information Management Senior Official (IMSO)
Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch (ICIOB)
Library and Archives Canada



Guy Berthiaume
Librarian and Archivist of Canada
Library and Archives Canada



3. Purpose

This document describes LAC’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned with the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve full compliance by the implementation deadline.

The objective of the directive is to maximize the release of government data and information of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, while being subject to applicable policy requirements associated with privacy, confidentiality and security (section 5.1).

The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada (GC) information and data:

  • to support accountability;
  • to facilitate value-added analysis;
  • to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
  • to support meaningful engagement with their government.

This document may also describe, if applicable, the institution’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to one or more of the 12 commitments described in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16.

4. Context

LAC Mandate, Vision and Mission

Under the Library and Archives of Canada Act, the mandate of Library and Archives Canada is to:

  • to acquire and preserve the documentary heritage;
  • to make that heritage known to Canadians and to anyone with an interest in Canada and to facilitate access to it;
  • to be the permanent repository of publications of the Government of Canada and of government and ministerial records that are of historical or archival value;
  • to facilitate the management of information by government institutions;
  • to coordinate the library services of government institutions; and
  • to support the development of the library and archival communities.

Canada’s documentary heritage collection is a unique resource, helping us to understand Canada’s history and define who we are as Canadians.

Technological Environment

LAC preserves the Canadian documentary heritage accumulated over a period of 130 years for the benefit of Canadians. According to the LAC Business Plan 2013–2016, LAC holdings, both analogue and digital, consist of:

  • About 20 million books, periodicals, newspapers, microforms, literary texts and government publications;
  • A total of 241,418 linear metres of government and private textual documents, as well as three million plans, maps and architectural drawings; and,
  • Roughly 28 million photographs, 530,000 video and sound recordings, 80,000 films, 425,000 art objects and 547,000 articles of musical heritage.

Like any other federal government department, LAC must also ensure sound management of its corporate information resources documenting how it identifies, acquires, preserves and facilitates access to Canada’s documentary heritage both in the digital and analogue worlds. These two very distinct sets of records require clear segregation and are subject to somewhat different requirements.

LAC Open Government Responsibilities with a Whole-of-Government Impact

LAC has a specific role as outlined in the Directive on Open Government (section 9.3) which requires LAC to establish criteria to make available government information resources transferred to its care and control as soon as possible.

Along with its dual holdings as described in the previous section, LAC’s responsibilities for Open Government (OG) are threefold. Thus, LAC’s OG landscape is uniquely challenging and rewarding for the GC’s OG goals.

LAC’s Unique Function in the GC

LAC has stewardship of historical records that were not created by LAC. LAC therefore needs to interpret OG requirements and tools that were not designed with documentary heritage holdings in mind. For instance, LAC holds significant amounts of data in its holdings that pre-date any present-day standards for format or metadata. In some cases, data destined to be opened is stored in legacy systems. Because LAC’s legacy systems and databases were not engineered to meet open data needs, resources are needed to identify, maintain and publish datasets. To address this challenge, LAC has developed a set of procedures to ensure dataset quality before it is published, enabling LAC to regularly release high-quality datasets to the Open Government portal (OG portal).

LAC needs to develop and promote consistent practices to manage information efficiently and ensure that OG is considered in business processes and Information Technology (IT) systems. LAC must also develop risk-informed processes for quick IMSO approval of data and information.


LAC has been an early adopter of the OG vision, and will continue to work diligently to enable this major endeavour in time for 2020. Key success factors include:

  • Sustained LAC senior management providing direction and support for delivery of LAC’s OG obligations, including an enterprise-wide holistic approach for reporting on directive requirements;
  • Ongoing participation in and support for Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government;
  • Ongoing shift to a culture of “open by default” through training and awareness activities, so that OG requirements are seamlessly integrated as a natural part of how LAC delivers and supports its services to government departments and Canadians;
  • Allocation of forecasted financial and human resources to fund and support the work to be “open by default” and release data and information to the OG portal in a timely and ongoing fashion;
  • Enabling technology, procedures and guidance for information management (IM) so that the organization has the capacity needed to be “open by default”; and,
  • Developing policies, standards and guidelines to implement the “open by default” objective and streamline the collection and publication of data and information.

LAC is positioned to support the GC in the delivery of its OG obligations and achieve directive compliance by .

Open LAC

To assist with the required culture change, LAC’s Management Board has adopted Information Management (IM) Guiding Principles, including “Open LAC” (). “Open LAC” encourages staff to “open by default” information resources and restrict access only when and where required. With respect to its holdings, LAC has posted approximately 50 datasets on the government’s OG portal, and is positioned to continue this work.

5. Outcomes

LAC continually strives to be transparent and accountable in how it conducts its business. Its commitment to Open Government (OG) is part of the federal government’s efforts to foster greater access and accountability, providing Canadians with more opportunities to learn about and participate in government and drive innovation and economic opportunities for all Canadians.

LAC’s strategic outcomes, identified in our Report on Plans and Priorities, include the following outcomes that are supported by, or provide support to OG:

Strategic Outcome 1: Current government information is managed to support government accountability

  • LAC Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) outcome: GC compliance with sections 6.5 and 9.3 of the Directive on Open Government is supported.

Strategic Outcome 2: Canada’s continuing memory is documented and accessible to current and future generations

  • LAC OGIP outcome: LAC policies and approaches to documenting the Government of Canada (GC) are aligned with Directive on Open Government requirements.

LAC policies and approaches maximize access and support an internal and external shift to “open by default,” while ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. It is the combination of LAC’s diverse services and mandate that make implementing the Directive on Open Government so dynamic at LAC. Consequently, LAC has identified business areas that have a stakeholder commitment to either the Directive on Open Government or Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014–16. In order to manage this broad range of commitments, the plan elements identified in this document are attributed to specific branches.

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

To support the OG requirements and LAC’s Information management strategy, Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch (ICIOB) has identified the following outcomes:

  • Continued development and renewal of the OGIP;
  • Continued release of datasets and information to the OG portal;
  • Integrate OG-specific elements part of the existing IM awareness and training plan;
  • Begin automation of the information management lifecycle, including automatically flagging for release applicable unstructured information resources such as reports to Parliament, proactive disclosure reports, all documents posted online, and those planned for publication via departmental websites or print (e.g., statistical reports, educational videos, event photos, organizational charts);
  • Implement an IM guiding principle, “Open LAC,” to foster a culture of “open by default” for most information; and,
  • Leverage other LAC IM principles to keep born-digital information in an electronic format from creation to disposition.

Services Branch

  • Continue the digitization and description of government collections in high demand through partnerships;
  • Continue to proactively review currently restricted GC records (in conjunction with Evaluation and Acquisitions Branch and the Task Force on Government Records);
  • With Strategic Research and Policy Branch, review processes to ensure application of the OG license to as much GC content in the holdings as possible;
  • Continue to enable the identification, extraction and conversion of datasets deemed releasable to the OG portal;
  • Document the process of making datasets available and leverage as a model across LAC; and,
  • Continue to support development of the Open Information Portal (formerly Virtual Library) as required.

Evaluation and Acquisitions Branch

  • Continue to engage with Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) on Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014–16;
  • Support Strategic Research and Policy Branch in work related to the Policy on Making Holdings Available and directives related to an “open by default” environment; and,
  • Continue to archive the GC’s web presence and support the GC Web Renewal Initiative.

Task Force on Government Records

  • Ensure that disposition authorizations and related tools are aligned with Directive on Open Government requirements; and,
  • Work with GC institutions to enable compliance with section 6.5 of the Directive on Open Government.

Strategic Research and Policy Branch

  • Lead all policy-related work with TBS, including the establishment of a Directive on Making Government of Canada Documentary Heritage Available and criteria for GC institutions to follow in support of sections 6.5 and 9.3;
  • Develop associated instruments and tools in support of GC compliance with sections 6.5 and 9.3 of the Directive on Open Government; and,
  • Review and align LAC strategic policy instruments with the Directive on Open Government and other GC statutes (e.g. Access to Information Act, Privacy Act) and policies.

6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes

The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government (OG) and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the institution.

Roles and Responsibilities—Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official

The governance of LAC’s Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official (IMSO) and Deputy Head (DH) in section 6 (Requirements), section 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and section 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government.

The LAC IMSO, the Senior Director General of Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch (ICIOB), is responsible for:

  • Providing final approval for the release of datasets and information to the OG portal;
  • Enabling OG internally at LAC via the Information management strategy, the IM awareness and training plan and the use of technology;
  • Enabling business process improvements allowing for data and information to flow naturally from their approved information repositories to the OG portal;
  • Leading, coordinating, and publishing the OGIP; and,
  • Monitoring the OGIP to ensure that gaps in performance and compliance issues are corrected and reporting significant performance and compliance issues to the Chief Information Officer Branch of TBS.

Roles and Responsibilities—Key Stakeholders

LAC has identified business areas that have a lead stakeholder commitment to either the Directive on Open Government or Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014–16. LAC’s Corporate Services Sector and Communications Branch support LAC’s OG commitments horizontally. In order to manage its broad range of commitments, the plan elements identified in this document are attributed to the following four branches:

Services Branch

  • Supporting LAC’s OG commitments under the Directive on Open Government and the Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government;
  • Ensuring branch inputs are reflected in LAC OG activities and reporting;
  • Identifying priority datasets for uploading to the OG portal; and,
  • Enabling the removal of access restrictions from current LAC holdings through proactive review procedures aligned with the Directive on Open Government.

Evaluation and Acquisitions Branch

  • Supporting LAC’s OG commitments under the Directive on Open Government and Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government;
  • Reporting to TBS on LAC’s commitments to Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government;
  • Ensuring collaboration with TBS on development of new OG action plans; and,
  • Supporting the Chief Operating Officer’s (COO) role on the GC Open Government Steering Committee.

Task Force on Government Records

  • Facilitating the removal of access restrictions from future LAC holdings by aligning the LAC disposition program with the Directive on Open Government; and,
  • Supporting LAC’s OG commitments under the Directive on Open Government and Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government.

Strategic Research and Policy Branch

  • Collaborating with TBS on all policy-related matters, including the Directive on Open Government implementation planning;
  • Reviewing and/or developing LAC policies in support of OG, including LAC’s Directive on Making Government of Canada Documentary Heritage Available and associated criteria; and,
  • Supporting COO sector to enable the removal of access restrictions from current and future LAC holdings.

Communications Branch

  • The Director General of Communications Branch is responsible for the release of public information under the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada;
  • As LAC’s Senior Departmental Official (SDO), the Director General of Communications Branch, is also responsible for ensuring LAC’s OG commitments are fulfilled in line with the GC Web Renewal Initiative; and,
  • Ensuring the communication and promotion of available open datasets.

Decision Processes

Because overall responsibility for the OGIP lies with the IMSO, responsibility for the ongoing revisions to this document is assumed by Information Management and Corporate Systems division of ICIOB. However, due to the multiple requirements of the Directive on Open Government and Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014–16, there is an obligation for a distributed approach. Refer to the diagram below for an overview of LAC’s OG Governance.

  • Formal overall accountability for the Directive on Open Government requirements, and approving the release of LAC corporate information and datasets, rests with ICIOB and will be reported via ICIOB.
  • Other ongoing reporting and collaboration by LAC operational branches will continue to be assumed directly by each operational branch, with horizontal communication across LAC as needed.
  • Director-General-level coordination and discussions take place through the LAC Operations Committee.
  • Working-level coordination takes place through the LAC Open Government Working Group, coordinated by ICIOB and including representatives from each operational branch.
Figure 1 – Gouvernance de BAC en mati�re de GO
Figure 1 - Text version
  • LAC Operational/Stakeholder OG Responsabilities: Services Branch, Evaluation and Acquisitions Branch, Task Force on Government  Records and Strategic Research and Policy Branch
    • Collaboration with TBS
    • Open Government Working Group: Operational Branches, Communications Branch and Corporate Services Sector
    • Operations Committee (Directors General)
    • Reporting to TBS
  • LAC Corporate OG Responsibilities
    • Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch (Information Management Senior Official)
      • Reporting to TBS

Communication, Awareness, and Engagement

Communications Branch has a key role to play:

  • Promoting LAC’s participation in OG;
  • Promoting LAC datasets uploaded to the OG portal; and,
  • Promoting an “open by default” culture within LAC.

LAC’s Information management strategy and IM Awareness Training Plan include:

  • Mandatory IM awareness to all new employees;
  • Annual IM awareness blitzes communicated by the IMSO; and,
  • Mandatory training on IM to all LAC employees.

The IM awareness and training plan will be amended as required to include OGIP objectives and highlight the responsibilities identified in the OGIP.

LAC will also continue to engage with TBS in OG working groups for both Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government and on implementation of the Directive on Open Government.

7. Planning Table

Planning Table A: Directive on Open Government (DOG) Requirements


Compliance Requirement

Deliverables / Milestones



Start Date

End Date

Resources (Human and Financial)


DOG 6.1

Maximizing the release of Government of Canada data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

LAC's Data Release Plan

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Consult with functional OPIs (Office of Primary Interest) (information owners) for LAC Data Release Plan for corporate datasets (pre-requisite: LAC data inventory in the form of a file classification plan)

Draft release plan

Secure approval of release plan

Implement and maintain release plan

1.5 analysts

In progress

LAC's Information Release Plan

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Prepare and publish LAC Information Release Plan for corporate information (pre-requisite: LAC information inventory in the form of a file classification plan)

Draft release plan

Secure approval of release plan

Implement and maintain release plan

1.5 analysts

In progress

DOG 6.2

Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by TBS

Listing of accessible and reusable formats (for data and information) to be used at LAC

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Identify formats for corporate information and data in use at LAC

2 IT analysts

Not started

Identify formats for corporate information and data in use at LAC that will require conversion before release

Not started

Conversion process for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Establish and approve conversion process for the data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

Not started

Develop and implement conversion process for data identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

Not started

Run and monitor conversion process

Not started

Conversion process for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Establish and approve conversion process for the information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

Not started

Develop and implement conversion process for information identified for release whose native format is not accessible and reusable

2 analysts

Not started

Run and monitor conversion process

Not started

Release process to support the publication of LAC's data

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Establish and approve an updated existing release process

In progress

Implement updated release process

In progress

Release process to support the publication of LAC's information

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Establish and approve an updated existing release process

Not started

Implement updated release process

Not started

DOG 6.3

Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value (IRBV) held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3)

Methodology for establishing a data inventory

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Secure approval for LAC file classification plan and IRBV listing

2 analysts

In progress

Identify and list data repositories

In progress

Methodology for establishing an information inventory

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Secure approval for LAC file classification plan and IRBV listing

In progress

Identify and list information repositories

In progress

Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describes the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by LAC)

All branches

Complete LAC data inventory and populate data inventory templates from file classification plan and repository listing

2 analysts

In progress

Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by LAC)

All branches

Complete LAC information inventory based on LAC file classification plan and IRBV listing

2 analysts

Not started

Renewal process to maintain the currency of LAC's data inventory

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Renewal as part of yearly planning cycle with functional OPIs (information owners)

September of each fiscal year

March of each fiscal year

2 analysts

In progress

Renewal process to maintain the currency of LAC's information inventory

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Renewal as part of yearly planning cycle with functional OPIs (information owners)

September of each fiscal year

March of each fiscal year

Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch in consultation with functional OPIs

Addition of a column for "open government" to file classification plan

1 analyst

Not started

Population of the open government column

2 analysts

Not started

Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch in consultation with functional OPIs

Addition of a column for "open government" to file classification plan

1 analyst

Not started

Population of the open government column

2 analysts

Not started

DOG 6.4

Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP)

Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of LAC 's OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Plan OG governance

1 analyst

In progress

Implement  OG governance

1 analyst

In progress


Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Deliver OGIP

1.5 analysts


Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of LAC's OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Obtain approval of LAC OGIP 2015

1.5 analysts


LAC's OGIP is staffed and funded

All branches

Staff and fund LAC OGIP 2015 activities

5 analysts

In progress


Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of LAC's OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Monitor and report progress on LAC OGIP 2015


1.5 analysts

Not started


LAC's first annual update to the OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Update OGIP annually

1.5 analysts

Not started

LAC's second annual update to the OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Update OGIP annually

1.5 analysts

Not started

LAC's third annual update to the OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Update OGIP annually

1.5 analysts

Not started

LAC's fourth annual update to the OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Update OGIP annually

1.5 analysts

Not started

DOG 6.5

Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada.

Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value (IREV) prior to their transfer to the LAC

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Develop methodology to remove access restrictions from IREVs prior to transfer to LAC

1.5 analysts

Not started

Develop process to secure any required third-party permission for release of IREVs prior to transfer to LAC

Develop process to request waiver of solicitor-client privilege prior to transfer to LAC

Develop process to apply metadata to IREV in accordance with LAC criteria

Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value (IREV) prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into LAC's disposition plans and procedures.

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Integrate into disposition planning the methodology for the removal of access restrictions on IREVs prior to transfer to LAC

1.5 analysts

Not started

Integrate into disposition planning the process to secure any required third-party permission for release of IREVs prior to transfer to LAC

Integrate into disposition planning the process to request waiver of solicitor-client privilege prior to transfer to LAC

Integrate into disposition planning process to apply metadata to IREV in accordance with LAC criteria

Removal of access restrictions from information resources of enduring value (IREV) prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into LAC's disposition plans and procedures.

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Execute the removal of access restrictions on IREVs prior to transfer to LAC

1.5 analysts

Not started

Execute the process to secure any required third-party permission for release of IREVs prior to transfer to LAC

Execute the process to request waiver of solicitor-client privilege prior to transfer to LAC

Execute the process to apply metadata to IREV in accordance with LAC criteria

DOG 6.6

Ensuring that Open Government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 of this directive are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services

Governance structures are in place to ensure that the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are integrated into any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Plan governance for integration of OG into plans

1 analyst

Not started

Implement governance for integration of OG into plans

1 analyst

Not started

Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into LAC's procurement process for information applications, systems, and solutions

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Integrate OG into LAC procurement processes for application, systems and solutions


1.5 analysts

Not started

Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into LAC's development process for information applications, systems, and solutions

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Integrate OG into LAC development process for application, systems and solutions


1.5 analysts

Not started

Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into LAC's modernizing process for information applications, systems, and solutions

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Integrate OG into LAC modernization process for application, systems and solutions


1.5 analysts 

Not started

DOG 7.1

Departmental information management senior officials, as designated by the deputy heads, are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department.

Performance framework for the monitoring of LAC's progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Establish performance framework to monitor LAC's progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP

1.5 analysts

Not started

Progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Implement OGIP performance reporting mechanisms

1.5 analysts

Not started

Performance framework for the monitoring of LAC's ongoing compliance to the requirements of the directive

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Plan and implement compliance management

1.5 analysts

Not started

Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the Deputy Head (DH)

Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch

Implement OGIP performance reporting to DH via Management Board

1.5 analysts

Not started

Planning Table B: Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16Commitments and Directive on Open Government Roles and Responsibilities


Compliance Requirement

Deliverables / Milestones



Start Date

End Date


(Human and Financial)



Support implementation of the Open Information Portal (formerly Virtual Library)

Support TBS as requested

Services Branch

Activities as requested.

1 analyst

In progress

Increase Canadians' access to federal records by removing access restrictions on archived federal documents held by Library and Archives Canada

Review for release at least 2.4 million pages per year of currently restricted GC records in LAC holdings

Evaluation and Acquisitions Branch / Services Branch

Proactive review of blocks or series of government records currently held in LAC's permanent holdings to open more federal government records.

2 Access to Information and Privacy analysts and 1 archivist

In progress

Release datasets in LAC holdings

Services Branch

Prepare and approve annual LAC Data Release Plan for archival holdings of datasets.

1 analyst

In progress

Release archival datasets to Open Data Portal.

1 analyst

In progress

DOG 9.3

Library and Archives Canada is responsible for establishing criteria in order to make information resources transferred to its care and control available as soon as possible

LAC Directive on Making Government of Canada Documentary Heritage Available and associated instruments and tools, including criteria and checklists

Strategic Research and Policy Branch

Secure approval of draft Directive on Making Government of Canada Documentary Heritage Available and associated criteria to support GC in applying DOG 6.5.

1 analyst

In progress

Strategic Research and Policy Branch / Task Force on Government Records

Publish criteria to support GC in applying DOG 6.5.

1 archivist, 1 analyst

Not started

Task Force on Government Records

Integrate DOG 6.5 into tools supporting the application of new disposition authorizations issued to GC institutions.

1 archivist, 1 analyst

Not started

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