Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Open Government Implementation Plan

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Canada has a longstanding commitment to openness and accountability as a cornerstone of a strong, modern democracy. From the passing of access to information legislation over 30 years ago to current open government and proactive disclosure activities, the Government of Canada (GC) has worked to ensure transparency on federal operations to enable Canadians to hold their government accountable. The commitments included in Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16 will further the progress on the delivery of transparent and accountable programs and services focused on the needs of Canadians.

The proactive release of data and information is the starting point for all other open government activity. Accordingly, the GC has firmly established an "open by default" position in its mandatory policy framework by issuing the Directive on Open Government.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has embarked on a commitment to recognize the value of information as a strategic asset and ensure it is utilized, safeguarded and managed in accordance with the expectations set out by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and RCMP policies and standards around information management (IM).

The Information Management Branch (IMB) under the oversight of the IM Senior Official (IMSO) is committed to sustaining and improving compliance with the GC information management strategic goals, policies and directives; increasing operational effectiveness and efficiency; and improving frontline operations through the proper guidance, governance and management of RCMP information.

This Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) outlines the current state of the environment affecting open and accessible information from the RCMP and its alignment to the Directive on Open Government and the GC Open Government Action Plan. It provides a description of the RCMP including a series of activities, assumptions, dependencies and anticipated outcomes that align with both the Directive on Open Government as well as strategic objectives of the IM program.

The RCMP is committed to making our policing and program related information more transparent to the public to support accountability and citizen engagement as well as improve the re-use of data to improve public safety at a federal, provincial and municipal level. The RCMP recognizes that open data / information is transformative and the public will find ways to use, analyze and remix various data sets in innovative and beneficial ways.

The overarching initiatives to reach compliance are: governance, alignment of recordkeeping activities to open government, awareness of open government standards and goals and a review and re-alignment of policies and standards around open data and information.

This will be accomplished through continued investment of resources, buy-in from senior management, and timely delivery of support from partners and stakeholders.

This is the first iteration of the RCMP’s OGIP. The publication schedule for the RCMP’s OGIP will be done annually, every October in accordance with the planning table listed within this implementation plan.

2. Approvals

Original signed by,

Assistant Commissioner, Pierre Perron
Chief Information Officer / Information Management Senior Official
IM/IT Program, Specialized Policing Services
Royal Canadian Mounted Police




Original signed by,

Deputy Commissioner, Peter Henschel
Specialized Policing Services
Royal Canadian Mounted Police




3. Purpose

This document describes the RCMP’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve full compliance by the implementation deadline.

The objective of the directive is to maximize the release of government information and data of business value to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits through reuse, subject to applicable restrictions associated with privacy, confidentiality, and security. (Directive on Open Government, Section 5.1)

The expected results of the Directive on Open Government (Section 5.2) are that Canadians are able to find and use Government of Canada information and data:

  • to support accountability;
  • to facilitate value-added analysis;
  • to drive socio-economic benefits through reuse; and,
  • to support meaningful engagement with their government.

4. Context

The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. The RCMP provides a comprehensive federal policing service to all Canadians and policing services under contract to the three territories, eight provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), over 150 municipalities, more than 600 Aboriginal communities and three international airports.


The RCMP is Canada’s national police service. We are committed to preserving the peace, upholding the law and providing quality service in partnership with our communities.

The RCMP’s mandate is multi-faceted. It includes preventing and investigating crime; maintaining peace and order; enforcing laws; contributing to national security; ensuring the safety of state officials, visiting dignitaries and foreign missions; and providing vital operational support services to other police and law enforcement agencies within Canada and abroad.

The RCMP recognizes that IM is fundamental in contributing to the provision of business solutions. With an increased focus in information sharing, collaboration and interoperability, the role of IM is changing and affecting the current RCMP IM program. The requirement to comply with the Directive on Open Government has highlighted opportunities for program improvements around Information Architecture and the improved release of information and data sets.

Business Lines (Program Activity Architecture Sub Programs):

Contract Policing Federal Policing Technical Services and Operational Support Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support
Capacity Building Mission Peace Keeping Mission Advance Police Training Canadian Firearms Program
Liaison Mission Musical Ride Partnership and Heritage Management & Oversight Services
Members Injured on Duty - Compensation, VAC Disability Pension Survivor Income Plan RCMP Pension Continuation Act Payments Communications Services
Legal Services Human Resource Management Services Financial Management Services Information Management services
Information Technology Services Real Property Services Material Services Acquisition Services

Population and Regional Distribution:

The RCMP enforces throughout Canada laws made by, or under the authority of the Canadian Parliament. Administration of justice within the provinces, including enforcement of the Criminal Code, is part of the power and duty delegated to the provincial governments. The RCMP provides police services under the terms of policing agreements to all provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, and under separate municipal policing agreements to over 180 municipalities.

Technological environment:

Departmental reviews have indicated that the RCMP has a vast array of systems capturing information, in part due to geographical distribution of the department, various interdepartmental / agency partnerships and large variety of information types being captured. The RCMP utilizes a variety of systems in order to capture, share, manage and protect both structured and unstructured information in various formats related to both operations and internal services alike.

In addition to our internal IT infrastructure, the RCMP is amongst the departments and agencies that are provided centralized IT services by Shared Services Canada (SSC). As per its mandate, SSC provides network, data center, email and hardware / software procurement services to the RCMP on a national level.

Current Open Data / Information Status:

The RCMP has an ongoing relationship with Statistics Canada regarding the release and sharing of RCMP related crime statistics (via the Canadian Center for Justice Statistics).

In addition, the RCMP is providing / releasing open information on the site in relation to various publications, crime prevention material, public safety awareness material, and annual reports. In addition, the access to information requests and subsequent information released are also published to

There are however significant improvements that can still be made with regards to opening more non-sensitive and non-personal data sets and information to the public to promote and support the goals of Canada’s Open Government Action Plan. A dedicated team of RCMP representatives will be established within the IM governance model to review and approve data and information types that can be released in compliance with the Directive on Open Government.

5. Outcomes

The development and implementation of the deliverables and activities listed in the Planning Table will result in outcomes and benefits that will better position the RCMP as a transparent and accountable department. Meeting these objectives will result in benefits for the GC, the RCMP and the Canadian public.

The RCMP’s expected outcomes include, but are not limited to:

  • Supporting RCMP accountability by increasing transparency of decisions, activities and processes;
  • Optimizing the value and reusability of the RCMP’s data and information both internally and externally;
  • Optimizing the protection of the RCMP’s data and information through increased awareness of ownership, privacy, confidentiality, and security considerations by engaging and forging relationships with data/information stewards and integrating IM into business lines within the organization;
  • Increasing public safety through sharing and releasing relevant data/information to the public, to safety portfolio agencies and private industry around policing activities and functions;
  • Improving research and studies (socio-economic, criminological, educational, etc.) through the disclosure and sharing of relevant and helpful data/information;
  • Increasing the innovative and beneficial re-use of data/information to improve public safety services and overall understanding and awareness of policing within the federal, provincial, municipal and territorial context; and,
  • Improve the architecture of the RCMP’s structured and unstructured information which will directly and indirectly improve the overall lifecycle management of information resources of business/enduring value.

6. Governance Structures and Decision Processes

The following sub-sections describe the governance structures and decision processes that support open government and how those responsibilities are delegated and fulfilled within the institution.

6.1 Roles and Responsibilities – Deputy Head and Information Management Senior Official

The governance of the RCMP’s OGIP is informed by the responsibilities identified for the Information Management Senior Official and Deputy Head in sections 6 (Requirements), 7 (Monitoring and Reporting Requirements), and 8 (Consequences) of the Directive on Open Government.

Roles and Responsibilities
Deputy Head (Deputy Commissioner Specialized Policing Services)
  • In instances of non-compliance, the deputy head will take corrective measures within the RCMP with those responsible for implementing the requirements of the Directive on Open Government.
  • The Deputy Head will support the RCMP’s OGIP by signing each annual update prior to its publication.
Information Management Senior Officer (Chief Information Officer)
  • Provide adequate support and guidance to the Information Management Branch in the development, publishing and maintenance of the RCMP’s OGIP.
  • Support and communicate the various deliverables identified in the OGIP to colleagues and senior management across the enterprise.
  • Integrate open government requirements in the procurement processes, development plans and maintenance schedules for all enterprise IT systems, applications and solutions.
  • Work with key stakeholders, through the IM Executive Committee to ensure the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are applied across the enterprise.
  • Ensure that corrective actions are enforced to address instances of non-compliance.
  • Support the RCMP’s OGIP by signing each annual update prior to its publication.
  • Lead open government discussions with senior management at the various senior management governance bodies and meetings.

Governance Structure for Open Data/Information:

IM Executive Committee:

The IM Executive Committee (IMEC), chaired by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) /IM Senior Official (IMSO), will ensure that all necessary RCMP IM related policy instruments, such as: policies, directives, standards, practices, guidelines, principles, procedures and processes are established, applied and maintained. The committee will also provide a forum for the resolution of any conflicts among the RCMP’s IM related initiatives that involve differing directorates if these conflicts have not been resolved through other means. The director of IM branch will represent the divisional IM offices and the IM policy center at IMEC meetings.

Information Management Branch:

The Information Management Branch (IMB) is the functional organization responsible for operating and delivering the RCMP’s IM program. Under the leadership of the Director of IMB, it will have authority to make decisions regarding matters that may arise within its normal scope of operation that do not require the involvement of the IMEC, the Information Management Forum (IMF), the business lines, or the divisions. IMB will perform all required performance and compliance monitoring that may be required and will lead the IM Program through the development of strategies, plans, priorities and objectives around efficient and effective management of information. IMB will be the lead to on ensure compliance with the Directive on Open Government.

Information Management Forum:

The Information Management Forum (IMF), chaired by the director of IIMB, is an existing body that has a mandate to direct and prioritize IM issues and decisions with a national impact. Its membership currently consists of representatives from all of the divisions and the director of IMB as the chair. The intention is to re-purpose this committee to provide a focal point for IM matters originating in the Divisions and provide the divisional perspective to IM governance, particularly with respect to IM matters directly affecting the divisions. The IMF provides direction on national IM matters. The IMF will provide leadership for the IM program nationally enabling the RCMP to meet its strategic objectives.

Open Government Working Group:

The Open Government Working Group (OGWG), chaired by the director of IMB, will define the processes and procedures to comply with the Directive on Open Government by 2020. The working group will be comprised of representatives from key business lines and policy centres including but not limited to: Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT), National Communications, Departmental Security Branch (DSB), and Access to Information and Privacy Branch (ATIPB). Additionally the OGWG will leverage data stewards and information generated out of the Data Stewardship Working Group identified below. Progress will be reported regularly to both the IMF and IMEC.

Data Stewardship Working Group:

The Data Stewardship Working Group (DSWG), led by the manager of the IM Policy and Compliance section, will be established to provide guidance and business engagement around the stewardship of RCMP data/information with representatives from business line and policy centers. The DSWG will establish functional authority over the RCMPs information assets and leverage those assets appropriately across multiple avenues including but not limited to: business intelligence (BI), open government, interoperability, access controls, dissemination, etc.

6.2 Roles and Responsibilities – Key Stakeholders

Departmental Managers
  • Analyse business processes and convey open data and open information opportunities to IM functional specialists (IMFS).
  • Ensure employees understand and apply open government and other IM principles in day to day operations.
  • Ensure participation in the OGWG and DSWG, as required, to provide advice and approvals over data usage (includes decisions related to open government, BI, interoperability, information sharing, etc.)
Departmental Employees
  • Apply open government policy instruments in the course of their duties/business.
  • Identify new data and information assets for eligibility under open government requirements.
  • Raise information requirements and issues around open government to their manager or IMFS.
  • Facilitate and encourage information access/openness – while respecting privacy / security.
IM Functional Specialist (IMFS)
  • Implement /support open data/information instruments and initiatives.
  • Develop and deliver open data/information advice, training and awareness.
  • Support integration of open data/information into business and IT strategies and plans.
  • Collaborate with managers to address open data/information requirements into their business operations.
  • Incorporate open data/information requirements into existing information architecture products/models.
  • Lead the development of internal protocols for access restrictions and integrate these processes into the disposition process.
  • Develop and maintain inventories of information and data of the organization and use these inventories to improve open data/information compliance across the enterprise.
Information Management Branch (IMB)
  • Develop and implement policy instruments, monitoring and reporting mechanisms and maintain the plans and strategies around open data/information in support of the requirements identified in the roles and responsibilities of the IMSO.
  • Escalate and discuss divisional and policy related IM matter around open data/information at the IMEC meetings.
  • Oversee the implementation and monitoring of the Directive on Open Government in the RCMP.
  • Coordinate with Library and Archives Canada (LAC) on the removal of access restrictions, where appropriate, prior to transfer of information resources of enduring value (IREV).
  • Monitor compliance to and effectiveness of the RCMP’s OGIP.
  • Responsible for the coordination for the release of open data and information to the Open Data Portal on behalf of the RCMP.
Information Technology: Solution Development and Project Portfolio Management (SDPPM) & IT Operations
  • Assist IMB with the development of conversion process(es) for data and information identified for release where the native format is not accessible and reusable.
  • Integrate requirements of the Directive on Open Government into the purchase, design/development and maintenance/modernization of IT solutions.
Corporate Management
  • Integrate requirements of the Directive on Open Government into the procurement of all new applications, systems and solutions.
Departmental Security Officer (DSO)
  • Provide leadership and guidance on security related matters in relation to open data/information.
  • Escalate and discuss DSB related matter around open data/information at the IMEC meetings.
  • Assist the Information Management Branch in the development of key processes and/or policies regarding the removal of access restriction, where appropriate, prior to transfer of IREV.
National Communications Services (NCS)
  • Provide leadership and guidance to IMFS regarding communications products in the context of open data/information.
  • Ensure that information pertaining to communications, publications, public relations, and media relations are evaluated against open information criteria and released via GC websites and services designated by TBS.
  • Escalate and discuss Communication Services related matter around open data/information at the IMEC meetings.
  • Responsible for the centralized intake of public inquiries related to open government and the RCMP. This includes receiving public inquiries, relaying them to appropriate business line and logging the receipt and response provided to the public.
Access to Information and Privacy Branch (ATIPB)
  • Provide leadership and guidance around the protection of personal information and the access to and proactive release of federal data and information in relation to open data/information for policies, standards, governance bodies, etc.
  • Escalate and discuss Access to Information and Privacy related matters around open data/information at the IMEC meetings.
  • Assist IMB in the development of key processes and/or policies regarding the removal of access restriction, where appropriate, prior to transfer of IREV.
Data Owners/Stewards
  • Participate in RCMP OGWG and DSWG, as required, to provide advice and approvals over data usage (includes decisions related to open government, BI, interoperability, information sharing, etc.)
Figure 1: IM Governance Structure
Figure 1: IM Governance Structure – Text version

Other Governance:

  • IM/IT Program Governance (CIO Intake Process)
  • Corporate Governance
    • IM Executive Committee (IMSO is Chair Incl executive-level members from Bus lines, IT, IMB)
    • IM/IT Strategi Investment and Priorities Council (SIPC) (IMSO is Chair)
    • Information Management Forum (IMF) (Divisional input)
      • Information Management Branch (IMB – Functional Organization)


  • Working Groups
    • Working Group 1
    • Working Group N
  • Info Mgt Functional Specialists (IMFS)

6.3 Communication, Awareness, and Engagement

The RCMP currently utilizes, and will continue to improve on, the following communication and awareness mechanisms for open data / information:

National Information Management Forum:

Monthly forum for IM managers across the organization where information regarding IM / recordkeeping is shared and discussed for national awareness and issue resolution.

Consultations with LAC:

Consultations on the removal of access restrictions from institutional data and information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to LAC.

Consultations with TBS:

Monthly consultations with TBS on matters related to recordkeeping and IM to ensure constant alignment and success with regards to the RCMP’s IM program.

IMSO Engagement / Consultations:

Weekly discussions with IMSO at the IM/IT Program core management team meeting. Topics discussed include recordkeeping roles and responsibilities, policy gaps, and business lines engagement on IM.

IM Executive Committee:

IMSO will be properly supported with the new IM governance model to further enhance IM within the organization.

Individualized Instructional Module (IM Best Practices):

Distribution and consultation with IMFS on RCMP IM best practices that cover the full lifecycle management of records (creation / capture, organization, use / dissemination, protection, disposition, etc.) of all three (3) categories of information: administrative, employee and operational.

Information Management Hub (Intranet):

Collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ), tips and general awareness for employees on IM / recordkeeping topics. Information is selected and advertised to the organization via rotational banners on the intranet. IM managers to use the intranet pages as awareness and communication material to suite their divisional IM pressures. Topics include; determining information resources of business value (IRBV), identifying information types, awareness of Record Services, naming conventions, protection of information, managing mobile device information, email management, etc.

Open Government Awareness Material:

IMB will develop and leverage a series of tools to facilitate open data/information requirements including but not limited to open government guidelines, presentations, checklists, etc.

7. Planning Table


The RCMP will be making the following assumptions in regards to fulfilling the objectives, deliverables and milestones set out in the planning table below:

  • Organizationally, a culture shift from need to know to need to restrict, will take place.
  • The efforts towards reaching compliance with the Directive on Open Government are supported by the IMSO, business ines partners and deputy head.
  • Governance structure will include ongoing sustainability of open data / information requirements as appropriate.
  • Technological requirements will be delivered by the appropriate area of responsibility (ex: delivery of hardware / software supporting open data / information).
  • Departmental managers and employees will participate in relevant activities required for compliance.
  • All relevant projects will work towards achieving, directly or indirectly, one or more performance indicators associated with meeting compliance with the Directive on Open Government.
Planning Table: Directive on Open Government Requirements
Reference Compliance Requirement Deliverables / Milestones Lead Activities Start Date End Date Resources Status
DOG 6.1 Maximizing the release of GC data and information under an open and unrestrictive licence designated by TBS RCMP’s Data Release Plan IMB
  • Draft Data Release Plan
  • Validate release plan with IMF
  • Obtain approval from IMEC
  • Implement data release plan
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not Started
RCMP’s Information Release Plan IMB
  • Develop Information Release Plan
  • Validate release plan with IMF
  • Obtain approval from IMEC
  • Implement information release plan
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not Started
DOG 6.2 Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via GC websites and services designated by the TBS Listing of accessible and reusable formats (for data and information) to be used at RCMP IMB
  • Develop format list based on TBS acceptable formats
  • Communicate format list to stakeholders (includes publishing to intranet)
X1 IMB FTE Not started
Conversion process(es) for data identified for release where the native format is not accessible and reusable IMB, OGWG
  • Develop conversion process with OGWG
  • Integrate conversion process into applicable systems where possible
  • Communicate conversion process to appropriate stakeholders (includes publishing to intranet)
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
Conversion process(es) for information identified for release where the native format is not accessible and reusable IMB and SDPPM
  • Develop conversion process with OGWG
  • Integrate conversion process into applicable systems where possible
  • Communicate conversion process to appropriate stakeholders (includes publishing to intranet)
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
Release process to support the publication of RCMP’s data IMB and OGWG
  • Draft release process with OGWG in alignment with TBS Open Data Release Guide
  • Validate process with IMF
  • Obtain IMEC approval
  • Communicate release process (includes publishing to intranet)
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
Release process to support the publication of RCMP’s information IMB and OGWG
  • Draft release process with OGWG– utilizing Open Data release Guide as a template
  • Validate process with IMF
  • Obtain IMEC approval
  • Communicate release process to appropriate stakeholders (includes publishing to intranet)
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
DOG 6.3 Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and IRBV held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release (6.3) Methodology for establishing a data inventory IMB, IM Renewal, OGWG
  • Align to TBS inventory template
  • Draft a methodology with OGWG
  • Validate methodology with IMF
  • Obtain approval for the methodology from IMEC
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
Data inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the data held by RCMP) IMB
  • Complete initial inventory using the data inventory template based on known data
  • Validate the inventory contents with data owners
X86 Data owners/stewards and subject matter experts
Not started
Information inventory (detailed, itemized list(s) that describe the volume, scope and complexity of the information held by RCMP) IMB
  • Leverage the Repository Inventory and IRBV Inventory developed for the Directive on Recordkeeping
  • Validate the inventory through planned business engagement activities
X86 key business unit subject matter experts
Not started
Renewal process to maintain the currency of RCMP’s data inventory IMB
  • Develop renewal process in alignment with RCMP IM client engagement process and validation schedule.
  • Validate renewal process with IMF.
  • Assign maintenance role to IMB data inventory owner.
X 2 IMB FTE Not started
Renewal process to maintain the currency of RCMP’s information inventory IMB
  • Leverage the IM Renewal Directive on Recordkeeping IRBV Inventory maintenance plan
X1 IMB FTE Not started
Assets included in the data inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release IMB and Business Lines / Data Stewards
  • Analysis of data inventory entries against release checklist completed
  • OGWG approves/ finalizes analysis.
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
Assets included in the information inventory are evaluated to determine their eligibility and priority for release IMB and Business Lines
  • Analysis of information inventory entries against release checklist completed
  • OGWG approves / finalizes analysis.
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
DOG 6.4 Developing, posting to the designated website, implementing, and annually updating the departmental OGIP Governance structures are in place to oversee the implementation of RCMP ’s OGIP IMEC, IMF and OGWG
  • Establish IMEC
  • Establish IMF
  • Establish OGWG
X1 FTE IMB IMEC and IMF started
OGWG - Not started
  • Develop draft OGIP
  • Validate/consult with stakeholders
  • Finalize draft OGIP
X1 FTE IMB OGIP completed
Signatures in section 2 (Approvals) of RCMP’s OGIP IMSO
  • Submitted to CIO/IMSO
  • Submitted to Deputy Commissioner SPS
  • Signatures finalized
X1 FTE IMB Approvals obtained & completed
RCMP ’s OGIP is staffed and funded IMSO and IMB
  • Roles and responsibilities for OGIP have been identified and documented.
  • Obtain approval/commitment for the roles and responsibilities
  • Implement approved roles and responsibilities.
  • Monitor progress and available resources quarterly
Not started
Monitoring and reporting processes for assessing progress and maintaining the currency of the RCMP’s OGIP OGWG
  • Develop monitoring and reporting process with OGWG
  • Implement monitoring and reporting schedule
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
RCMP ’s first annual update to the OGIP OGWG
  • Revise/Update OGIP with OGWG
  • Submit OGIP for approval
  • Submit approved OGIP for translation
  • Publish OGIP to TBS
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
RCMP ’s second annual update to the OGIP OGWG
  • Revise/Update OGIP with OGWG
  • Submit OGIP for approval
  • Submit approved OGIP for translation
  • Publish OGIP to TBS
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
RCMP’s third annual update to the OGIP OGWG
  • Revise/Update OGIP with OGWG
  • Submit OGIP for approval
  • Submit approved OGIP for translation
  • Publish OGIP to TBS
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
RCMP ’s fourth annual update to the OGIP OGWG
  • Revise/Update OGIP with OGWG
  • Submit OGIP for approval
  • Submit approved OGIP for translation
  • Publish OGIP to TBS
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
DOG 6.5 Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental IREV prior to transfer to LAC. Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from data and information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC OGWG and LAC
  • Draft methodology in consultation with LAC
  • Validate methodology with IMF
  • Implement methodology across all RCMP divisions
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
Methodology for the removal of access restrictions from data and information resources of enduring value prior to their transfer to the LAC is integrated into RCMP’s disposition plans and procedures. OGWG and LAC
  • Draft methodology in consultation with LAC
  • Validate methodology with IMF
  • Implement methodology across all RCMP divisions
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
DOG 6.6 Ensuring that open government requirements in sections 6.1 to 6.5 are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services Governance structures are in place to ensure that the requirements of the Directive on Open Government are integrated into any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions IMB and IMSO

Incorporate requirements into following governance bodies:

  • Architecture and Initiative Review Board
  • Project Review Board
  • Maintenance and Planning Board
  • Client Portfolio Management Processes and
  • Solution Development and Project Portfolio Management processes.
X1 IMB FTE Not started
Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into RCMP’s procurement process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions OGWG and Corporate Management
  • Align existing policies to include integration of requirements
  • Incorporate the requirements into the IM/IT intake process as well as the client needs analysis documentation.
  • Socialize requirements to SDPPM Team
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
X2 Corporate Management FTE
Not started
Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into RCMP’s development process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions OGWG and SDPPM
  • Align existing policies to include requirements for integration
  • Incorporate the requirements into the IM/IT intake process as well as the client needs analysis documentation.
  • Socialize requirements to SDPPM Team
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
Directive on Open Government requirements are integrated into RCMP’s modernizing process(es) for information applications, systems, and solutions OGWG and SDPPM
  • Align existing policies to include requirements for integration
  • Incorporate the requirements into the IM/IT intake process as well as the client needs analysis documentation.
  • Socialize requirements to SDPPM, IT Operations and Maintenance Board for maintenance and modernization activities.
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
DOG 7.1 IMSO is responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this directive in their department. Performance framework for the monitoring of RCMP’s progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP OGWG
  • Draft framework by utilizing the performance measures identified in Performance Measures Tables of OGIP.
  • Integrate OGIP performance requirements and monitoring into the enterprise IM plans and performance framework.
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group Not started
Progress against the activities and deliverables / milestones in the OGIP is regularly reported to the governance structures in place to oversee the implementation IMB and OGWG
  • Draft reporting template/dashboard for IMEC and IMF updates with OGWG
  • Circulate reports/dashboards to IMEC and IMF quarterly.
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
Performance framework for the monitoring of RCMP’s ongoing compliance to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government IMB and OGWG
  • Draft performance metrics for compliance monitoring
  • Validate performance metrics with IMF
  • Implement performance measurement approach.
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
Process to ensure significant difficulties, gaps in performance, or compliance issues are reported to the deputy head IMB and OGWG
  • Draft process with OGWG
  • Validate with IMF and IMSO
  • Communicate compliance consequences to stakeholders
X6 RCMP FTE – Open Data Working Group
Not started
Date modified: