Strengthen performance reporting


Strengthen performance reporting on the federal access to information program.


The Government of Canada is committed to rigorous public reporting on the performance of key government services, including the access to information program.

Since 1983, the President of the Treasury Board has collected data from government institutions annually and reported on key performance metrics in an annual bulletin on statistics on the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act. The requirement for the President to report is set out in section 70(1)(c.1) of the Access to Information Act.

The annual bulletin presents metrics such as:

  • Number of requests received and responded to
  • Time required to respond
  • Pages processed and disclosed
  • Reasons for time extensions
  • Fees collected and costs of operations

This data is also available on

The Government could focus on key statistics in measuring the performance of the program. These could be presented in a "dashboard" format that would allow Canadians to track how well the program is meeting its objective of providing timely access to government information.

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