Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Statistics Canada

Year: 2022

Month: July

Request Number: A-2022-00071

Request Summary: Gathering, transmission, and distribution pipeline lengths by province, from 2011 to 2021 Data source: According to ECCC's National Inventory Report (NIR), they receive this dataset from StatsCan. From ECCC's 2022 NIR (Part 2, pg. 64), "pipeline lengths were published annually by Statistics Canada in Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution. Statistics Canada has discontinued this publication but still collects the data and releases it to ECCC" ECCC then cites the data source as: Statistics Canada. 2020. Gas pipeline distance, by province. Unpublished database. Provided to Environment and Climate Change Canada . We would like a copy of these pipeline lengths by year and province for emissions modelling purposes. Attachments: 1. ECCC's National Inventory Report, 2022, Part 2 2. StatsCan's discontinued pipeline length data source, "Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution" (2001) (see Table 4)

Disposition: No records exist

Number of pages: 0

Date modified: