Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada

Year: 2024

Month: June

Request Number: A-2024-00009

Request Summary: To obtain details about the participation of two Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) employees in a meeting organized by FINTRAC, secretariat of the Group of small department and agency deputy heads, at which Mr. Janak Alford presented his Mpersona software, developed by his private company Symaiotic, in December 2023. I request access to the following information, covering the period from October 1, 2023, to December 7, 2023: 1. All emails, notes, memos or other written documents exchanged confirming or discussing the invitation for the two OIC employees to the meeting. 2. All internal communications, including emails, memoranda or other written documents, discussing the participation of the two employees at the meeting, the reasons of their participation, the objectives of the meeting, and any minutes or evaluation of that meeting. 3. Any written authorization or formal directive signed or approved by Carolyne [sic] Maynard or any other authorized person, authorizing the two employees to attend Mr. Janak Alford’s presentation, taking potential conflicts of interest into account. 4. All communication exchanged, including emails and any other correspondence, between the OIC and FINTRAC or PSPC about this presentation, which was held between December 1, 2023, and December 7, 2023.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 112

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