Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Year: 2022

Month: May

Request Number: AF-2021-00177

Request Summary: All documentation, included but not limited to correspondence, emails, recommendations, responses, conferences, symposia, memos, policy documents, action plans, briefing notes, images, plans, reports or studies related to and/or mentioning: Urban, regional and/or community planning and subdivision and design review activities of CMHC and its employees from 1946 to approximately 1970 both individually and/or jointly with Wartime Housing Limited and/or the Community Planning Association of Canada. This request is part of a SSHRC-funded academic research project from a Queen's University professor titled "How Canada Became a Suburban Nation: The Role of the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in Reviewing Canadian Community Planning" It is widely acknowledged that Canada is now a "suburban nation", but how did it make the transition from urban to suburban so quickly after World War II? The Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation was established as a federal Crown agency to implement national housing objectives in the post-war recovery period. However, CMHC was also tasked with implementing the federal government's national community planning objectives. The agency played a major role in transforming Canada into a suburban nation by 1980. CMHC reinforced the suburban trajectory by publishing planning handbooks, establishing national standards, seeding a national network of planning schools, importing planners and designing and developing federal lands.

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 1101

Date modified: