Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Year: 2024

Month: April

Request Number: AF-2023-00119

Request Summary: In November 2023, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville applied to the federal Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). Applications to the fund were processed by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The Town was ultimately denied funding. No reason was given for the denial. I am requesting: - A list of all municipalities in Ontario who applied for funding from the HAF. - A list of all municipalities who were granted funding and the amount they received as well as the number of housing units to be accelerated. - A list of all municipalities who were refused funding. - The results of the scoring grid for all applications, approved or denied. - A list of all CMHC recommended approvals that were subsequently not approved by the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, or his designate(s)

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 3

Date modified: