Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Year: 2020

Month: May

Request Number: AF-2019-00044

Request Summary: Provide all internal email communications, briefing notes, memos, meeting minutes and other relevant records relating to the directive in the Minister of Finance's 2019 mandate letter to consider revisions to the B20 guideline \ mortgage stress test. Include records sent to CMHC originating at Department of Finance (include Ministerial Office) or OSFI. The OPI should include, but not limit, in the request for records email sent\received by the President's office and his Chief of Staff, parliamentary affairs, briefings, as well as all CMHC Board members. All CMHC staff in policy\risk management staff should also be tasked to provide records.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 103

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