Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released

Organization: VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Year: 2021

Month: April

Request Number: 20-2045

Request Summary: 1. As of January 2020, how many persons occupy a management position at the Halifax station who are part of the four following categories: (i) women, (ii) visible minorities, (iii) person with a disability or (iv) identify as aboriginal. Please provide their position and title; 2. As of January 2020, how many persons occupy a management position at the Halifax station who are not part of the four categories mentioned in question 1; 3. Please indicate how long each employee occupying a management position at the Halifax station has been in their role; 4. In the event that an employee in a managerial role was required to conduct an investigation at the Halifax station, was such role ever occupied by a visible minority and in the event that an employee in a managerial role was required to conduct an investigation at the Halifax station, have they received a training related to visible minorities/sensitivity training; 5. For employees employed at the Halifax station subject to Unifor Collective Agreement #1, please provide the number (in total) of demerit points that have been deducted as of January 2008. If possible, please differentiate between the following categories: (i) women, (ii) visible minorities, (iii) person with a disability, (iv) identify as aboriginal and (v) Caucasian; 6. Please provide documentation regarding action VIA Rail has taken to cultivate diversity, equity and inclusion training in the workplace at the Halifax station; 7. Please provide documentation regarding the opportunities given to women, visible minorities, those with a disability and those who identify as aboriginal to achieve management position roles at VIA Rail and more specifically the Halifax station (regards to implementing, reviewing, monitoring and revising and employment equity plan that includes short term and long term goals to close gaps in representation); 8. For each employee currently occupying a management role at the Halifax station, please provide copy of their respective job posting; 9. In the event of any external contractor hired by VIA Rail in 2019 to conduct investigations with employees in Agreement #1, what was the cost for each contractor; 10. Please provide the calendar date(s) for each of the 11 witnesses interviewed for the report prepared for VIA Rail on September 27, 2019.

Disposition: Disclosed in part

Number of pages: 21

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